Panther Commando

Chapter 2484: emergency collection

Wan Lin said, raised his hand to take the tablet showing the map of the target location from Wen Meng's hand, stared at the distribution of buildings around the residential building for a while, frowned and said, "This place is a residential area, the population density is high. It's too big. Once there is fighting here, we can't guarantee the safety of the surrounding civilians at all. But in this situation, once we evacuate the crowd, we will definitely arouse the vigilance of our opponents."

He said and glanced at Chengru and Fengdao. At this time, Feng Dao and the two also lowered their heads and stared at the tablet computer in his hand, and the two of them also frowned.

At this time, Fengdao raised his head and said: "In this kind of place, we must avoid conflicts with opponents. From the battle in the hotel in the morning, it can be seen that these people have strong individual combat capabilities and are extremely sensitive. Therefore, I suggest Director Xiao's people try not to get close to this area. Avoid stimulating this group of gangsters."

Cheng Ru also raised his head and said, "Yes! For us special operations personnel, as long as the other personnel are approaching, there will definitely be an instinctive sense of self-protection in our hearts. I also recommend that Director Xiao's people try not to stimulate them. to these people."

He said and looked at the map for a while, then stretched out his hand and gestured on the map and said, "Look, although this is a densely populated old city, there is a big road that leads directly to the mountainous area in the northeast outside the city. If it were me , I must choose such a location to hide myself. It is hidden in the city, and it is indeed suitable to hide in the old city, but this place also has fatal drawbacks. Once the whereabouts are exposed, the biggest obstacle is the inability to retreat quickly. "

He looked up at Professor Chang and continued: "Therefore, when choosing to hide in such a densely populated place, the other party will definitely consider the route of retreat, and there must be the fastest retreat road around. This residential area is just In line with such characteristics, less than a kilometer from the side of this residential building is a road that can escape from the city as soon as possible and lead directly to the northeast mountain. I guess there should be a foothold for them in the mountains in the northeast. "

When Wan Lin and the others heard Cheng Ru's analysis, their eyes lit up, and they looked carefully at the road that Cheng Ru pointed out to the mountainside in the suburbs.

After listening to the suggestions of these special forces, Professor Chang also looked at the map attentively. He then pondered for a while, picked up the phone, dialed out, and said, "Director Xiao, I am Chang Hao. Electronic monitoring is used for the monitoring of residential buildings. , Arrange surveillance personnel around all roads entering and exiting residential buildings. Remember, all personnel are not allowed to appear in each other's field of vision, and it is strictly forbidden to approach for investigation."

After speaking, he put down the phone and pondered for a while, what was he going to say to Wan Lin? At this moment, Wan Lin's cell phone suddenly rang. Wan Lin, who was staring at the map, raised his hand to pick up the phone and held it to his ear. Zhang Wa's hurried voice immediately came from the phone: "Report, the residents are upstairs. Suddenly six people came down, one of them was carried by the other, and a few of them were walking quickly to the two cars downstairs with their packages, depending on the situation, they were ready to leave, please instruct?"

Wan Lin stood up abruptly after hearing this, turned his head to face Professor Chang and said hurriedly, "Zhang Wa reports that the six enemies in the residential building are going to run away!"

A few people around stood up suddenly, Cheng Ru and Feng Dao did not wait for Wan Lin's order, they turned around and ran out of the room, shouting to the courtyard: "Emergency assembly!" The equipment ran out, and Cheng Ru followed into the room and put Wan Lin's equipment on the sofa, and quickly put on his own equipment.

At this time, Professor Chang's face became extremely serious. He frowned for a moment and pondered for a moment, quickly analyzing the reasons for the sudden withdrawal of these opponents. From the current situation analysis, the opponent suddenly evacuated after the operation on the injured, and obviously realized that their hiding place was not safe.

They must have realized that in such a densely populated city, there are all kinds of surveillance cameras, and the public security system will definitely follow the map based on the surveillance on the road, and they will soon be able to find their current location, so they suddenly decided to drive away quickly.

Professor Chang's eyes were fixed on the window, and suddenly he said loudly to Wan Lin, who was wearing weapons and equipment on his body: "The other party must have escaped from the city!"

As he spoke, he raised his arm decisively and waved it down, loudly ordering to Wan Lin: "Order Zhang Wa and the two to follow covertly, and you immediately insert into each other's escape route, and take these few pieces away from the residential area. You bastard, you mustn't let these **** enemies escape!"

Once exposed in action, you must retreat immediately, which itself is the law of action of the agent. The leader of the other party must understand that his subordinates have been exposed, and no matter how concealed they are, they cannot escape the opponent's tracking, so retreating immediately is their current strategy for safety.

When Wan Lin heard the professor's order, he immediately replied: "Yes!" and then ordered to the phone: "Zhang Wa, Zisheng, covertly follow, prepare for battle, we will be there soon!" After speaking, he turned to face There was a loud order outside the door: "All the team members stand by in the car and prepare for battle!" He quickly put away the phone and picked up his sniper rifle.

At this time Professor Chang's phone also rang rapidly. He pressed the answer button, and Director Xiao's voice followed: "Professor, we just arrived near the residential building and found that the opponent was evacuating. Would you like to intercept it immediately?"

Professor Chang replied immediately: "Let them go, immediately use the cameras along the way to monitor the direction of their escape, and report at any time! Captain Wan is in charge of the pursuit, and you are responsible for providing the opponent's escape route along the way. Never let the enemy escape from the city! Don't hang up. Cut off the phone."

With that said, he grabbed the tablet in Wen Meng's hand, looked at the map quickly and said to Wan Lin, "The other party is currently fleeing in the direction of the suburbs. Where do you think it is appropriate to intercept it?"

Wan Lin's eyes swept across the map quickly, raised his finger to the area at the urban-rural junction and said, "If the other party does not change the escape route, the area near the mountain is relatively open, which is convenient for us to intercept. From the traffic road near the residential building. Looking at the distribution of the network, it is very likely that the opponent is fleeing in the direction of entering the mountain, which is nothing more than these two directions." As he spoke, his hand quickly drew two lines on the map.

Professor Chang immediately ordered to the mobile phone: "Xiao, immediately the armed police special police force quickly rushed to the foot of the mountain in the southeast, and set up cards to intercept all the roads entering the mountain. Never let the opponent escape into the mountain! Report the situation at any time." , he hung up the phone, quickly took out a radio headset from the bag next to him and put it in his ear.

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