Panther Commando

Chapter 2496: Go to China in person

Kuroda carefully analyzed the whereabouts of the cold stone. The icy aura contained in the cold stone was able to cover a mountain as big as Lingxiu Mountain in a gloomy cold all the year round. Such a strange phenomenon, only It can be shown that there must be some unknown energy in it, and this is the topic that relevant scientific research institutions are working hard to study.

Therefore, once the relevant research institutions learn about this strange cold stone, they will definitely have a great interest in it. Once these research institutions solve the mystery contained in this material, it will have inestimable use in both military and civilian applications. value.

At the same time that Kuroda sent people to Lingxiu Mountain, the members of the Takahashi family had also used the resources of the intelligence agencies to conduct reconnaissance on the major physics institutes in China, and gradually aimed at the special weapons belonging to the A military region. graduate School.

After Kuroda received the information from the Takahashi family, he suddenly understood that the cold stone had already attracted the attention of the Huaxia military. No wonder the two elite mercenary teams he sent were wiped out in Lingxiu Mountain. They must have It is the most powerful special forces unit in the military. Otherwise, his mercenaries with rich field experience would never have escaped in the mountain battles they were best at. The trouble these two teams met in Lingxiu Mountain was the fierce old rival who had always been against his Yamaguchi security guard.

At this time, Kuroda's heart was already vigilant. He ordered several mercenary groups around Lingxiu Mountain to secretly infiltrate the city where the Special Weapons Research Institute was located. Stay in touch and wait for the moment to act.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Kuroda to receive information from Takahashi. The information showed that some of the cutting-edge weapons currently equipped in the Huaxia Army were developed by this Special Weapons Research Institute. A top institute for weapons research.

Moreover, the research projects in the institute are very strange. There have been several mysterious phenomena in the laboratory. It is unclear what high-tech weapons are being researched inside? The research leader of this institute is a well-known doctor of physics in the international physics community, named Yu Jing.

Hearing this, Kuroda was overjoyed, and immediately thought that in the hijacking of Huaxia anti-terrorism experts, his subordinates seemed to have obtained a mysterious thing, but later he was chased across the border by that powerful opponent, taking great risks and taking that mysterious thing again. something taken back.

From this point of view, the mysterious thing that his subordinates obtained at that time must be a new type of equipment developed by this special weapons research institute. Otherwise, the opponent will not be willing to take such a big risk and cross the border to retake this thing.

At this time, Kuroda was very excited, and he suddenly thought that the military scientific research results were a huge wealth, probably no less than the mysterious cold stone found on Lingxiu Mountain. Once the most cutting-edge military scientific research results in China are obtained, it will definitely be an invaluable asset on the market. If the action goes smoothly, I am afraid that it will kill two birds with one stone. Not only will you get the magical cold stone, but also the most cutting-edge military research results in China.

After Kuroda obtained this information, he immediately ordered his subordinates to set up several bases in the city to stand by, and asked the members of the Takahashi family in the intelligence agency to secretly investigate Yu Jing and her research institute.

Kuroda quickly got the information from Takahashi. Dr. Yu Jing was personally responsible for the research of cutting-edge equipment in this institute and was the chief designer of the institute. Moreover, the chief designer will return to the institute with the field experimental data from the Special Operations Brigade of the A Military Region in the mountains the next morning.

He was overjoyed to get the information. If he got the chief designer of this institute, he would not only know the whereabouts of Han Shi immediately, but also get the cutting-edge military scientific research results that the institute is studying from the other party's mouth. This is indeed his goal. a shortcut.

Kuroda quickly ordered two mercenary groups to launch a hijacking operation and set up an ambush in the mountains around the Special Operations Brigade of the A Military Region to hijack Yu Jing. But he did not expect that his carefully planned hijacking operation suddenly failed, and he also lost three men.

The failure of the hijacking operation made him realize that he really underestimated the security strength of the other party. From the reports he obtained afterward, he had already judged that the guards Yu Jing at that time must be special operators with actual combat experience. Not your average security guard. At that time, when the opponent was suddenly attacked, he reacted extremely quickly and launched a counterattack, which was quite strong in the battle.

After realizing that he underestimated the enemy, Kuroda immediately selected a few more experienced mercenaries from the mercenary group and entered Huaxia in batches to supplement the strength here. And he himself then took two of his subordinates and entered Huaxia as a tourist, preparing to personally direct the subsequent actions.

Among the people who were selected by him to enter Huaxia in batches this time, there was Qiushan, a long-range sniper that he carefully selected. This Qiushan has been secretly performing assassination missions in the security of Yamaguchi. Not only is his marksmanship extremely accurate, but he is also a weapons expert with rich experience. practical experience.

This Akiyama is Kuroda's right-hand man. This person used to be a mercenary in other mercenary groups. He is a Southeast Asian and he met Kuroda during a hiring operation. This person is not only proficient in the use of various weapons, but also in the use of various So Kuroda dug him over to Akiyama Xu and heavy gold at that time, and has been in his Yamaguchi security guards perform long-range assassination missions and are elite personnel that Kuroda values ​​very much.

Kuroda then used a special channel to secretly send the long-range sniper rifles and a batch of weapons and equipment used by Akiyama into Huaxia, and sent them to the hands of each mercenary, in case they could launch operations at any time.

After Kuroda personally brought two of his subordinates into Huaxia in the name of tourism, in order not to attract the attention of others, he took two bodyguards to wander around a famous tourist spot in Huaxia for two days before sneaking in secretly.

On the afternoon of his arrival, through the old patriarch of the Takahashi family, he got in touch with the intelligence chief of the Takahashi family here, and decided to meet at the hotel where Kuroda stayed to discuss the next action plan.

At 8 p.m. that night, a woman in her twenties with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses suddenly walked into the corridor of the hotel room where Kuro Tian was staying. She looked at the room numbers on both sides of the corridor as she walked, and then walked to The door of the room where Kuroda lived stopped.

At this time, a short guy suddenly walked out of the room opposite Kuroda. He glanced at the woman standing in the corridor in astonishment, then turned around and walked towards the side corridor.

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