Panther Commando

Chapter 2498: Additional conditions

Takahashi Yumi did not expect that this famous mercenary head would admit that he failed in the hijacking operation, not only did not shirk responsibility, but also took the initiative to apologize to himself, and asked for advice in person, which was indeed beyond Takahashi Yumi's expectations.

When she received a call from the patriarch of the Takahashi family, old Takahashi once told her that this Kuroda was very conceited and not easy to deal with. Be careful. But I didn't expect that he seems to be different now, and he actually asks himself for advice.

Takahashi Yumi pondered for a moment, and quickly analyzed the characteristics of Kuroda in her mind. There was no expression on her fair face, but she secretly praised in her heart: This person is indeed a hero who can accomplish great things! Being able to bend straight and bend is a necessary quality for a successful person. He must be very tough when discussing cooperation with the old patriarch, because it involves the interests of their mercenary group.

Now that the two sides have cooperated, intelligence work is indeed not the line of these mercenaries for the mercenary group. Although they also have personnel who specialize in collecting information, they are not as experienced as their specially trained spy personnel, and they lack espionage. system training. It seems that Kuroda bent over to ask for advice at this time, and it really came from the sincerity.

Takahashi Yumi wanted to understand the reason, and immediately looked at Kuroda and said seriously: "There is no need to apologize, no one can guarantee that every mission will achieve its purpose, as long as our intelligence network is not damaged, we will still have it. opportunity."

Yumi Takahashi paused for a while, looked up at Kuroda and said, "I have heard the origin of this mission from our old patriarch. Although we are in a cooperative relationship, the patriarch has ordered me to do my best to provide you with relevant information. Intelligence, saying that only in this way can we get the cold stone that both sides want. Our advantage lies in intelligence gathering, and you are good at action, so we both complement each other's strengths. Therefore, you were too polite just now, we can only get what we want by working together sincerely. things you want."

Seeing that the young woman on the opposite side reacted very quickly, Kuroda knew that she had understood the meaning of his question. He nodded in appreciation and said, "Yes, this is the basis of our cooperation. In the city, we mercenaries really do not They are good at intelligence collection. Most of our people came down from the special operations unit, and they all have the atmosphere of soldiers. As long as the other party's personnel pay attention, they can quickly identify the identities of these mercenaries. And this aspect is precisely yours. strengths, so we have to work together in this operation.”

Kuroda's attitude was very sincere, and he really wanted to listen to the advice of Yumi Takahashi in front of him. The beauty in front of her looks only in her twenties or thirties, but she can actually lead an intelligence network in a city, which shows that this person must have extraordinary skills, otherwise she would never have been commissioned by intelligence agencies at such a young age. important task.

At this time, he had already seen from the other party's neither humble nor arrogant attitude that the psychological quality of the woman in front of him was very good. As long as ordinary people knew his identity as the head of the hired team who killed people without blinking an eye, they would be surprised when they met for the first time. look.

But this woman still maintained a relaxed attitude when they met just now, and there was no change in her attitude. This shows that this person has indeed undergone very strict special agent training, and has a very flexible mind and stable psychological quality.

Takahashi Yumi listened to Kuroda's statement quietly, she nodded and lifted the coffee cup on the coffee table, calmly looked at the steam rising from the mouth of the cup, and thought for a while before she raised her face to look at Kuroda He said softly: "You are right, this is the basis of our cooperation."

After finishing speaking, she gently put down the coffee cup in her hand, blinked her long eyelashes and looked at Kuroda and continued: "You should know that I am a child of the Takahashi family, but the institution I work for is not from the Takahashi family. Intelligence agencies. Therefore, I am cooperating with you Yamaguchi security guards in a dual capacity." She suddenly stopped speaking at this point, looked at Kuroda without blinking and closed her mouth.

Kuroda was stunned for a moment, and seemed to understand the meaning of the woman's words, he suddenly raised his head and asked word by word: "What do you mean, do you want to add new characters in addition to the goal of Han Shi? Conditions?" He said here, a burst of fire suddenly appeared in his small eyes.

He did not expect that the members of the Takahashi family would suddenly propose new cooperation conditions in the middle of cooperation. He immediately felt a sense of humiliation, a burst of anger spurted out of his eyes, and his two powerful hands were clasped together unconsciously.

Takahashi Yumi stared at the cold light in Kuroda's eyes, and she couldn't see any fluctuations on her face wearing glasses, she said quietly: "Yes, the cold stone found in Lingxiu Mountain is yours and our Takahashi family. The goal of cooperation, but I am the head of the intelligence agency in this city, without the approval of the intelligence agency, I have no right to mobilize the manpower and material resources under my hands, you should know this.”

Hearing Yumi's calm voice, Kuroda understood the true meaning of her words. Takahashi Yumi is indeed a member of the Takahashi family, but the spy network she leads is not a resource of the Takahashi family.

If she wants to direct her subordinates to carry out operations on the, she must obtain the approval of the upper level, otherwise she does not have the right to use the intelligence resources of her subordinates, and to obtain the approval of their intelligence agencies, she must show tempting action target.

The fire in Kuroda's eyes went out immediately, and the tightly clenched hands slowly loosened. He suddenly heard Yumi's words just now, thinking that the Takahashi family would use information to blackmail him, breaking the contract and setting up new additional conditions. Only now did he realize that this was just what Yumi Takahashi meant, not that the Takahashi family was threatening him, and the question raised by the woman in front of him was indeed reasonable.

His eyes quickly rolled a few times, and he looked up at Yumi Takahashi and asked, "What goals are you going to use to get your organization's approval? What do you need us to do?"

At this time, Yumi Takahashi finally let go of her heart. Although her face didn't change color just now, the murderous aura emitted by this evil star in front of her had already made her clearly feel an aura of death.

Seeing that Kuroda finally understood what she meant, she immediately said: "Dr. Yu Jing, this special weapons research institute, is where high-end military equipment is studied, and this Yu Jing is a world-renowned physicist, especially in laser research. Therefore, every research carried out by this institute should be the focus of our intelligence agencies.”

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