Panther Commando

Chapter 2502: sad mercenary

Before Kuroda could speak, Yumi Takahashi's icy voice came out on the phone: "The other party escorting Shinda's car has just entered the compound of the National Security Bureau, and it will definitely be interrogated overnight in the temporary detention center behind the office building of the National Security Bureau. You immediately send someone over to prepare for the assassination mission. I will send you the exact location of the National Security Bureau, the security around the temporary detention center, and the surrounding terrain."

Hearing this, Kuroda was overjoyed. He didn't expect that Yumi Takahashi would find the place where Xintian was being held so quickly. He immediately replied: "Okay, you can send it to me immediately. In addition, the assassination operation will be carried out by my people, and this person is me. I know more about the situation, so I must ensure his safety. I hope you can provide me with as much detailed location coordinates and surrounding alert status as possible. Once the assassination fails, both of us will face greater danger.”

Yumi Takahashi pondered for a moment, and suddenly said in a firm tone: "Yes, we have already made an action plan for this detention center, which is to prevent someone from being detained there if there is a problem. Now that there is an emergency that threatens both of us, then I will immediately activate this backup action plan. You have your people carry out the assassination operation strictly according to this plan. Once the assassination operation is completed, immediately evacuate according to the route I designated. I will order people to respond along the way. Please turn on the computer immediately and receive My entire plan of action."

Hearing this, Kuroda was overjoyed, turned around and asked his subordinates to immediately turn on the computer to receive the information. He really did not expect that this Gaoqiao family's intelligence personnel would have such great energy. Not only did he know the geographical distribution of the National Security Bureau and the location of temporary detention clearly, but he also had an action plan. It seems that she also Afraid that an accident on his subordinates would affect the security of the entire intelligence network, he had made a response plan long ago.

It was pitch black inside the tent, except for a laptop screen flickering. Kuroda received the action plan sent by Yumi Takahashi, and immediately sent it to Okazaki who was on the way to perform the mission and the third group of action teams who were preparing to support, ordering them to strictly implement the action plan.

When he's done, he shuts down the computer, then silently opens the tent curtain and looks out. The mountains shrouded in darkness were silent, and Kuroda suddenly felt an uncontrollable anger in the darkness, and a burst of anger shot out from his small eyes.

He got up and got out of the low tent, pulled out the pistol from his waist and pulled the bolt with a "clatter", and was about to pull the trigger when facing the dark mountains outside.

But then he lowered the muzzle gently again, took a few deep breaths, and then closed the safety of the pistol and lowered his head in thought. The hijacking of Yu Jing failed and lost three mercenaries, and now many people have been killed and injured one after another. Even Qiushan, the most famous sniper in his mercenary group, was killed by bullets, and one person was captured by the opponent. This really made Kuroda this mercenary group. The head of the group had an uncontrollable anger.

Kuroda stared at the dimly lit mountains for a long time and pondered for a long time, then slowly inserted the pistol into his waist again, and turned to look at the side of the mountain through the woods beside him. At this time, his bodyguard was stooping and running into the forest from near the foot of the mountain. He came to Heotian out of breath and said in a low voice, "I went to the top of the mountain to observe it, and the other party did not organize people to search the mountain. The group of armed police at the battle scene at the foot of the mountain has also been evacuated, and the body and the two vehicles that Qiushan and the others drove have also been transported away by tow trucks."

Kuroda nodded and said in a low voice, "As I expected, they won't conduct a large-scale mountain search now. Since they have withdrawn, let's go too! Return to the city immediately."

After speaking, Kuroda turned around and punched a thick tree trunk beside him. In the dark and silent woods, there was a sound of "whoosh" from the shaking of branches and leaves, and the bodyguard on the side replied in a low voice, while glancing at the furious head of the regiment.

The bodyguard then bent down and quickly put away the single tent, already understanding the reason for the head's rage. At this time, a kind of sadness suddenly appeared in his heart. Xintian was injured in the action for the mercenary group, but now after being captured by the opponent, he will soon die at the hands of his own people. This really made him, who was also a mercenary, feel an unspeakable pain in his heart.

These mercenaries are fighting for money, but if something goes wrong, not only will the other party try their best to hunt down and kill them, but they will also be hunted by them, which makes him, an old mercenary, suddenly feel a sense of Icy feeling.

He silently packed up the tent, took out his phone and sent a message to the three groups still lurking in the city, then put on his backpack and looked at Kuroda. Kuroda looked up at the dimly lit mountains outside the forest, turned around and strode towards the outside of the forest...

Early the next morning, Wan Lin got up and just finished taking a shower. Xu Liang and the three of them walked in from the gate of the small courtyard, guarding the tired-looking Professor Chang.

Wan Lin quickly went up to grab the old man's arm, and asked in a low voice, "Have you been busy all night?" He said, holding the old man and hurriedly walked into the room.

Walking into the house, Wan Lin hurried to the water dispenser to make a cup of tea for the old man. He walked to the sofa with the tea cup in his hand and said with concern, "You have to rest for a while."

Professor Chang took the teacup and sat on the looked at Wan Lin and said, "It was a busy night. The scene of the fierce battle on the mountainside has been cleaned up, and Director Xiao and I hired the captured man. The soldiers started an overnight interrogation."

Wan Lin sat on the sofa opposite Professor Chang, stared at him and asked, "Did you get any useful information from that kid?" Professor Chang shook his head, took a sip from his teacup, turned his head to meet him Xu Liang, who came in, said, "You give Captain Wan a detailed report on the interrogation." Then he leaned tiredly against the back of the sofa and slowly drank the tea in his hand.

After the fierce battle last night, Professor Chang immediately took Xu Liang and the three to the National Security Bureau. The four of them came directly to the National Security Bureau, and one of Director Xiao's subordinates immediately led them to the back of the office building, then pointed to a two-story building in front and whispered, "This is the temporary detention center where we detain suspects. Director Xiao is interrogating the prisoner he just brought back."

Professor Chang raised his eyes and glanced at the small building in front of the building, and found that armed police soldiers with automatic rifles were standing in front of the building and on the roof. Every window on the floor was also installed with steel bars the thickness of fingers. He walked past the building with a gun, and the surrounding area was heavily guarded.

Professor Chang immediately took Xu Liang and the three into the small building. As soon as the few people took out their documents and registered, they saw Director Xiao hurriedly descending the stairs. What did he say anxiously while holding the phone?

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