Panther Commando

Chapter 2504: cool him down

The professor saw the protruding changes on the prisoner in front of him, his icy eyes still looked directly at the other person's eyes, but his mouth was tightly closed, and he still stared at the other side without saying a word.

The surrounding Xu Liang, Yan Ying, and Xie Chao saw the interrogation scene in front of them, and a cold air came out of their backs. The cold look in Professor Chang's eyes, let alone the prisoner sitting opposite him, even the three of them who were standing beside them felt extremely nervous, and their heartbeat and breathing had involuntarily quickened.

At this moment, the captive's eyes turned blood red. Just now, he inadvertently announced his name, using R language and Chinese language, knowing that the other party had used a powerful psychological offensive to defeat his own psychological defense. Immediately, a strong sense of humiliation arose in his heart, and he stared at the inconspicuous old man in front of him, followed by a string of R words.

Hearing his series of voices, the old professor suddenly frowned and said coldly, "Little devil, have you learned to scold people? You lack education!" Before he finished speaking, the old man's body suddenly swayed, and his body was already standing on the opponent's side in an instant. In front of him, his left hand was raised like lightning, and two "slaps" were slapped on the boy's face. His right hand pushed and pulled the opponent's jawbone, and the opponent's chin was immediately pulled with a "click". Down, a stream of blood immediately ran down his drooping lower lip.

The old man swayed, and in an instant he was standing at the table again, as if he hadn't left at all, staring at Xintian's eyes with a cold expression.

At this time, the surrounding Director Xiao and Xu Liang glanced at the old man in astonishment. They did not expect the old man to be so agile and quick. Not only did they quickly teach the scum in front of him, but also a Pulling the opponent's jaw joint down, it is obvious that this professor's close combat ability is extremely strong.

The two interrogators sitting behind the interrogation table had already stood up. At this time, the two of them looked at the old man in front of them admiringly, and then carried two chairs to the side of the professor and Director Xiao, and put them down gently. Walk aside and stand quietly. The interrogation of the professor in front of them really opened their eyes to the two interrogation eyes, and they admired the old man with all their bodies.

At this moment, Xintian's face had turned the color of pig's liver, his bloodshot eyes blazed with anger, grinning and screaming, and the body that was fixed on the chair also struggled hard, as if he was about to stand. Get up and pounce on the old man.

Standing behind the captives, Xu Liang and the three saw their opponent's frantic appearance, and raised their hands to hold their opponent's shoulders. Professor Chang immediately waved his hands at the three of them, his eyes still staring at the furious expression of his opponent, and his face followed. A mocking smile appeared, and he said in a cold tone: "Remember, this is our Chinese territory, and it's not your turn to be wild!"

After the old man finished speaking, he suddenly looked up at Xie Chao who was standing behind the captive and shouted loudly: "Xie Chao!" Xie Chao was stunned, took a step forward and answered loudly, "Here!" The old man looked at Xie Chao and said: "This kid is too hot, you cool him down!"

"Yes!" Xie Chao answered loudly, turned around and stepped in front of Xintian, looked at Xintian's red and furious face coldly, and said in a low voice, "Our chief said that you are too hot, I will help you. Lower the temperature!" As he said that, a cold air suddenly emerged from his body, and his right hand raised lightly and patted Xintian's shoulder.

At this moment, Xintian, who was twisting his body with excitement, suddenly shuddered, followed by his red face turning bloodless, turning as pale as white paper, and his drooping jaw also shaking. At this moment, a chill suddenly dissipated from the center of the interrogation room to the surroundings.

Director Xiao and the two interrogators suddenly saw the change on Xintian's face, and looked at the soldier standing in front of the opponent in surprise, but a chill was already coming towards them, and several of them shivered unconsciously. , the foot quickly took a step back.

Only then did they understand that it was no wonder that Xintian, who had just been excited, suddenly became quiet. The sudden coldness must have made this boy fall into an ice cellar.

At this time, Xie Chao's slightly black face gradually turned white, and a cold breath was forced out from the right hand that was pressed on the opponent's shoulder. A layer of white water vapor, the temperature in the room had dropped several degrees at this moment, and a chilly atmosphere enveloped the Xintian.

The professor stared coldly at Xintian's eyes. At this time, he saw that the red blood in his eyes had disappeared. At this time, it gradually turned gray, and his eyes suddenly filled with a look of prayer, and his whole body was full of sighs. The cold air that poured into the body shook violently, and it seemed that the gloomy and cold aura made this kid suddenly feel that life was worse than death.

The professor turned his head to look at Director Xiao and ordered, "Close his jawbone!" "Yes!" Director Xiao answered with a loud voice, then took a step forward, holding Xintian's head with his left hand, and supporting his opponent's chin with his right hand. Pushing it up sharply, with a crisp "click", the opponent's mouth suddenly closed.

Professor Chang stared coldly at the pleading look in Xintian's eyes, and then looked at Xie Chao and waved his hand: "Let him go." Xie Chao then gently raised the right hand that was on the opponent's shoulder. He took a half-step back with his feet to the side, and looked coldly at the opponent who was still shaking his body in the cold air in his body.

Professor Chang looked coldly at his opponent's dark eyes, and whispered to the interrogators standing on both sides: "Record!" Then he looked directly into Xintian's eyes and asked in a Chinese language: "Name? This time What is the purpose of you sneaking into Huaxia?"

Xintian turned his head in fear and glanced at Xie Chao, who was standing beside him, and suddenly glanced at his neckline, but the poisonous pill that was once fixed on the neckline had already been captured by the mountainside. The national security officer dragged him away, and his eyes showed a look of despair, knowing that he had lost any freedom, even the opportunity to commit suicide, and in front of such a powerful opponent, he had no room for resistance at all. .

He looked at the old man opposite him with dark eyes, grinned and moved his jaw a few times, and then replied in a low voice in Chinese: "My name is Xintian, I don't know the specific task, I only participated in an operation to kidnap a female scientist once. , that operation failed. I have been monitoring the house of a female scientist for the past two days."

Before he could finish his sentence, Professor Chang's voice followed: "Who is leading this operation? How many of you are here?" .

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