Panther Commando

Chapter 2516: research strategy

Kuroda looked at the coffee cup dull for a while, then put down the coffee cup and said to his opponent: "Kitai, immediately book the latest flight to Africa, we can't stay here any longer, if Takahashi Yumi's side is infiltrated by the opponent, we will There is danger at any time. Let's go around Africa and see what's going on there." With that, he got up and walked to the bathroom.

His bodyguard Bei Jing didn't say a word, and immediately went to the table and picked up the phone to book a flight. He knew that Kuroda was really busy. Yamaguchi security guards had business all over the world. The mission here was just one of them. He really didn't have time to personally supervise the progress of the mission here for a long time. Besides, it had become very dangerous here. There is really no need for the head of the regiment to take risks here.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Professor Chang, who had been sleeping on the sofa for several hours, opened his eyes. He raised his hand to look at his watch, got up and went to the bathroom to wash up, and then called Wan Lin to the military area to fight. Department's meeting room.

The two men strode into the conference room of the war department of the military region. Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing were sitting at one side of the conference table. The red-eyed director of the National Security Bureau Xiao was sitting at the opposite table. The three were already sitting at the conference table and waiting for them. .

Wan Lin walked into the house and immediately raised his hand to salute Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing, then strode to Li Dongsheng's side, looking up at Director Xiao, who was a little tired as he walked. From the look on Director Xiao's face, it can be said that he must have been busy all night, and he has not closed his eyes until now.

Wan Lin reported the night battle to Li Dongsheng after returning to the dormitory after the night operation. According to Professor Chang's suggestion, he proposed to hold a small meeting at 10:30 in the morning to analyze the opponent's actions in the past few days. in order to formulate the next detection direction. Li Dongsheng agreed immediately and said that he came to inform Yu Jing.

At this time, Li Dongsheng and the three saw that Professor Chang and Wan Lin walked in with red eyes. They quickly stood up and greeted them to come over and sit down. Professor Chang sat next to Director Xiao, turned his head and glanced at his red eyes, and said in a low voice, "It's hard work, haven't you slept all night?"

Director Xiao nodded with a wry smile, then looked at the old professor's eyes with concern and said, "You don't say to rest for a while, you can't compare with us, we are still young." Professor Chang smiled and said: "Haha Hehe, what is this? I'm fine without sleep for three or four days. It turns out that it's a common thing when I'm on a mission, so I've trained it a long time ago."

He looked at Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing and said, "Captain Wan has already reported to you what happened at night?" Li Dongsheng and the two nodded solemnly.

Li Dongsheng followed up: "I didn't expect this group of mercenaries to be so daring and dare to approach the National Security Bureau compound to assassinate. It seems that the other party's intelligence network has indeed penetrated our surroundings. Have you taken any measures?"

Director Xiao, who was sitting next to Professor Chang, immediately replied: "Last night, our director held an emergency meeting overnight, and called all the main persons in charge of various offices in the bureau. We analyzed that our opponents can do so in such a short time. They knew where the prisoners were being held, and at the same time, they carried out a mouth-stopping operation, which shows that their intelligence personnel have already conducted careful reconnaissance on our National Security Bureau, and they must have set up surveillance points around them."

He glanced at Professor Chang and explained, "Last night, you were busy all night. The director was afraid that you would be overwhelmed, so he didn't let you know during the meeting. Let me inform you about the meeting today."

Professor Chang nodded, knowing that their director must be worried that he was getting old and that he would be overwhelmed by working all night, so he did not invite him to participate in the meeting.

Director Xiao immediately looked at Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing and said, "We have arranged for secret inspections of the residential areas around the National Security Bureau, there must be secret surveillance points they set up, otherwise they wouldn't find the prisoners so quickly. It was brought into the National Security Bureau. In addition, for the sake of security, we also conducted a secret inspection of the internal personnel of the National Security Bureau to prevent relevant secrets from being leaked from the inside.”

Li Dongsheng nodded solemnly when he heard this, and said thoughtfully: "Yes, to carry out such an assassination operation in the highly guarded State Security Bureau's internal detention center, it takes at least a few days of reconnaissance as a rule to determine the specifics of the prisoners. The location, security situation and the retreat route after the operation, such an assassination operation requires a complete set of operational plans, and it is simply impossible to complete such a complex task in a short period of time.”

He looked up at Director Xiao and continued, "But I listened to Wan Lin's report that the opponent killed the prisoner in just three hours. This only shows that the opponent's intelligence personnel have already taken action against this detention center. Plan, otherwise it would be impossible to complete the assassination mission in such a short period of time.”

Director Xiao nodded gloomily and said, "Deputy Minister Li is consistent with our analysis. Our Director has strengthened the security force within the National Security Bureau, and has also escorted all the prisoners in the temporary detention center to the regular detention center. , the director has also drawn some capable forces from our subordinate regional bureaus to temporarily strengthen our strength."

Li Dongsheng turned his head to look at Professor Chang and said, "It seems that the opponent's espionage agency has established a complete espionage network in our city, and it has been for some time."

Professor Chang frowned, he nodded and said: "Yes, as our country grows stronger, various countries and spy agencies with malicious intentions will keep an eye on every progress and development of ours, so they will definitely take advantage of it. Intelligence personnel are dispatched under various pretexts to secretly approach our sensitive departments and troops. Now, we have detected the distribution of some espionage groups that are frantically collecting our economic and military intelligence.”

He raised his head and looked at Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing and said, "The area where your troops are located is the key area for these espionage activities. The weapons and equipment of your various arms, the distribution of troops, and some military-industrial units are even more important. The focus of these espionage organizations. Judging from our situation here, the spy network we are facing should have existed for a long time, otherwise they would not have such an accurate source of intelligence." Recommend the new book "Leopard Attack", very exciting s story

Professor Chang said, turned his head to look at Director Xiao who was sitting next to him and said, "Our national security system's responsibility is to crack down on these spy organizations, and it is naturally the focus of these espionage organizations. Therefore, they are concerned about your bureau and the temporary detention center. It's not unusual to know the situation well. The focus is on how we can raise awareness and effectively crack down on these spy organizations that are lurking underground."

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