Panther Commando

Chapter 2518: pervasive

Professor Chang said with a long sigh: "Alas, the methods used by this espionage organization are very covert. They did not directly attack the researchers, but gradually infiltrated from the surrounding area, very covertly approaching the core secrets of the research. In one of the research institutes When the important scientific research project reached a critical moment, the spies moved their hands and feet on some scientific research consumables supplied to the research institute, so that a large amount of experimental data was recorded on the consumables that were replaced during use, and then they received them again. These consumables are taken away in the form of waste products, and the confidential experimental data is continuously falling into the hands of these spies.”

"Later, they installed a special device on the keyboard provided to the deputy chief designer, and limited the period of use for about two months. From then on, every word that the designer typed using this keyboard is complete It was recorded flawlessly. Two months later, there was indeed a problem with the keyboard, the vice president replaced it with a new keyboard, and the spy immediately took away the manipulated keyboard, and obtained a lot of core experimental data from it.”

Speaking of which, the professor lowered his gray head and said regretfully, "Oh, that's all about our cutting-edge research results. When I was working abroad, a foreign colleague brought me these cutting-edge core data records. I was absolutely stunned!"

The expressions of Wan Lin and the others changed after hearing this. They really didn't expect that those spies were so pervasive that they would use these inconspicuous things to steal cutting-edge information one by one silently.

Yu Jing's face also turned pale. She raised her eyes and stared at Professor Chang for a long time before she said softly: "It's terrible, these spies are all pervasive! It seems that I will go back and seriously check our The Institute's confidential work is over."

Professor Chang nodded, looked up at the people around him, and said earnestly: "I didn't say these things to scare you. On the battlefield of espionage, it is so cruel and secretive. In the case I just mentioned, two of my subordinates A powerful investigator disappeared while tracking the cleaner, and we haven't found the whereabouts of these two investigators. In the later stage of the investigation, those murderous spies also realized that we were secretly investigating the institute , and immediately sent someone to secretly assassinate both the warehouse supervisor and the warehouse manager of the institute."

When the old man said this, his tone suddenly became low: "After the case was solved, we caught some spies, but the head of their spy station suddenly disappeared. And those spies who were caught, no one knew that my subordinates suddenly disappeared. The whereabouts of the two investigators. Later we speculated that the two investigators must have been found in the process of tracking the station master."

"But what happened at that time? We haven't figured it out until now. What is certain is that the two investigators have already died on the spot, but they are still dead! A few years later, we awarded them the Republic The title of martyr, and an unmanned martyr tombstone was built for each of them at the tomb of the martyr."

He looked up at Wan Lin and said, "I told you yesterday about the tombstone of the unnamed martyrs. Under those smooth tombstones, many of them have no remains of martyrs. There are only the immortal souls of these martyrs buried there, and the rest of us. The memory of the old Guoan soldiers! The nameless tombstones silently narrate the thrilling battles and record the heroic and fearless deeds of our Guoan heroes!"

The old man's voice seemed a little excited. Yu Jing watched the old man silently for a while, then picked up the tea cup in front of the old man and stood up, and went to the side to refill some hot water in the old man's tea cup.

The old man took the teacup that Yu Jing handed over and took a slow sip, then put down the teacup and waved his hand and said, "Oh, I'm sorry to not mention this. I just said this to get your attention, especially to remind Yu Jing. : Your research institute is a place to study cutting-edge national defense equipment. Under the seemingly calm appearance, undercurrents have long been surging. Numerous spy agencies have long since pricked up their ears and stared at your research institute. Every research result and every individual of yours, you must not be careless."

He turned his head to look at Wan Lin and continued: "Wan Lin, the many battles you have experienced in the past are basically fighting against some arrogant mercenaries and hostile forces, but now you are facing a group of invisible enemies. , and these enemies need us to be discovered with careful thinking, and we must have enough patience to observe. Hu Xiaohong in the research institute office was targeted by Yang Bin, this is an example. Think about it, a person who does not control the core of research Confidential office workers will be targeted by those spies, and the rest of the staff must also be the target of the adversary's attention."

Wan Lin nodded solemnly. The battle in front of him did make him feel unfamiliar. There was absolutely no feeling of fighting happily on the field. Although he has thwarted the opponent's actions several times, he has always followed the opponent's footwork. There is a group of veteran elites on my, but there is nowhere to use it, and there seems to be a sense of uselessness in my heart.

Hearing this, Li Dongsheng nodded and said: "Professor Chang is right! Our personnel are really not familiar with this kind of espionage warfare, which requires the strong cooperation of Director Xiao. We still follow the previous arrangement, and the national security department focuses on To detect the opponent's espionage network, we are mainly responsible for the internal security of the institute, and Wan Lin and the others will deal with the mercenaries."

He turned his head to look at Yu Jing and said: "In addition, you must thoroughly investigate the security and confidentiality work of the institute, and even remind the researchers around you to pay attention to the confidentiality system, pay attention to the abnormal phenomena around you, and never let The enemy found a gap. I will also talk to Director Tian of the Military Region Security Office and ask him to order the security company to strengthen the protection of all researchers. "

Director Xiao and Professor Chang nodded, and Professor Chang followed up: "From the analysis of the current events, our actions are indeed somewhat passive, and we are all led by our opponents by the nose, so we have to change our current action strategy."

As he said, he looked at Wan Lin and said, "Last night, Wan Lin and I analyzed the recent enemy situation, and we think that after several setbacks in the opponent's actions, they will definitely stay calm and wait for the change. And they certainly don't know why we How could they grasp their eavesdropping plan so quickly? They also quickly monitored the hotel, which eventually led to the death of six of their operatives."

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