Panther Commando

Chapter 2549: vicious dark weapon

When Wan Lin heard Xiaoya's words, he turned to look at Director Xiao and asked, "I heard that an investigator was injured, how is it now?" Director Xiao replied immediately, "When he found out that the enemy was chasing him, he was attacked by his opponent. The hidden weapon wounded the abdomen, and the injury itself was not serious, but the hidden weapon seemed to be poisonous, and he fainted shortly after being attacked, and was sent to the Armed Police Hospital for treatment at that time."

Wan Lin was shocked when he heard the hidden weapon poisoning, and asked anxiously: "Where is the hidden weapon? Let me see!" Director Xiao quickly said to a technician who was surveying the room, "Xiao Sun, is the hidden weapon with you?"

Xiao Sun immediately took out an evidence bag and walked over. Wan Lin glanced at the probe, a hidden cross-shaped weapon inside was flashing a blue light, he immediately looked at Director Xiao and said, "This is a poison-feeding shuriken used by ninjas in R country, it is very vicious, and the poison soaked on it is quite powerful. !" After speaking, he turned to look at Xiaoya and said, "Hurry up and take two detoxification pills."

Just now, Xiaoya heard Director Xiao say that the other party used a poisonous hidden weapon, and took out a small bamboo tube from the bag she was carrying at any time and held it in her hand. At this time, she heard Wan Lin's order and hurriedly poured out two dark brown grains The pill was handed to Director Xiao and said, "Immediately send someone to the hospital for the wounded to take! The hospital does not know the toxic ingredients, and it will take a long time to detoxify the symptoms, and the wounded will be dead by then."

When Director Xiao was shocked, he raised his hand and handed the pill to Xiao Sun in front of him: "Quick, take it to the hospital immediately!" Xiao Sun picked up the pill and ran outside the house, shouting to the guards in the corridor as he ran. : "Get out of the way!" Then he rushed down the stairs with a bang.

Director Xiao watched Xiao Sun run down the stairs quickly, and looked at Wan Lin worriedly and asked, "Is this pill symptomatic?" Wan Lin nodded and answered affirmatively, "This is our Wan family's unique antidote, right? All kinds of natural poisons have miraculous effects, and as long as the injured are still breathing, they can be rescued."

He looked up and looked around, and asked in a low voice, "Has the investigator been injured for a long time?" Director Xiao immediately raised his wrist and glanced at the time and replied, "It has only been half an hour since he was injured. The other team members drove him to the hospital at the time."

Wan Lin breathed a sigh of relief and said: "That's not a big problem. This is a hidden weapon often used by the mercenaries of the Yamaguchi security guards. The poison on it is prepared according to the ancient formula handed down in the past. , in fact, not so fast, as long as the medicine is taken in time, it can be cured. This antidote of our Wanjia is made of extremely rare snake gallbladder, which has a miraculous effect on this poison, and it will be fine after eating it. condition?"

When Director Xiao heard Wan Lin's explanation, his face relaxed a little, and he whispered about the situation at that time.

A dozen meters behind the residential building where Qu Xinhua is located is a courtyard wall more than two meters high, and outside the courtyard wall is a narrow alley.

At that time, the car of the three investigators of the surveillance team was parked in the parking lot in front of Qu Xinhua Building. When it was close to twelve o'clock, the lights from the windows of the residential building were basically extinguished, and only a few windows were still open. With the lights on, most people have fallen asleep, and the surroundings are very quiet in the shroud of night.

At this moment, the team leader He Chongran suddenly heard a faint sound of a car in the distance, and then the sound became smaller and smaller, and it was obvious that he had already driven far away. Judging from the sound, the car passed on the street not far away, not directly in the alley behind the building.

He Chong listened attentively to the sound of the car driving away, then took a closer look at the dark and empty courtyard, then lowered his head to check the surveillance screen installed in the car, and carefully observed the surroundings through several miniature cameras that were hidden around. The screen is silent, and everything appears to be normal.

But at this time, He Chong suddenly felt an uneasy feeling in his heart. He turned his head and said to the two people in the car: "Xiao Wang, Xiao Zheng, I will monitor the front. You two have a look at the back of the building and pay attention to safety."

Xiao Wang and the two pushed open the car door and walked out. In the thick night, only a few dim street lamps were lit around the residential building, and this community with seven or eight residential buildings looked very dim.

After Xiao Wang got out of the car, he pointed to the side of Xiao Zheng, turned around and walked to the building on the right, while Xiao Zheng raised his feet and strode towards the building on the other side. At this time, the walking posture of the two of them was very natural, and their bodies swayed slightly, as if they had just come back after drinking too much wine. Outsiders would definitely think that they were people who had just attended the party and returned late.

The two walked staggeringly to both sides of the residential building. Just as Xiao Wang went around to the back of the building from the other side, he looked up and saw a black shadow sliding down from the outer wall at the back of the building, in a curved position. Under the window on the fourth floor where Xinhua was located, the action was very fast, and when he landed, he ran towards the back wall more than ten meters away.

Xiao Wang was shocked, and while sounding the alarm, he took out a gun and chased after him. But at this moment, a figure suddenly flashed from the top of the dim wall, followed by a cold light that flew in front of him, he groaned, grabbed his stomach, and fell on his back to the ground.

At this moment, Xiao Zheng, who was just approaching the other corner of the building, heard the alarm sound in his earphones, drew his gun and rushed to the back of the building, just in time to see Xiao Wang falling in the distance, and squatting on the edge of the wall behind the building. A dark figure was leaning over and pulling a person who was flying over to climb over the wall.

Xiao Zheng raised his hand and fired two shots at the far and the two shadows disappeared outside the courtyard the moment he shot, followed by the roar of a car from outside the wall.

At this time, the team leader He Chong, who was monitoring in front, heard the alarm sound, and while alerting Director Xiao, rushed over with a gun. He quickly ran to Xiao Wang, raised his head and shouted at Xiao Zhang who was holding his gun and climbed up the wall: "Stop chasing, immediately report to Director Xiao and ask the support team to pursue it!" At this time, he had heard rumors from outside. The sound of the car coming, knowing that the opponent is being picked up, it is too dangerous for Xiao Zheng to chase out alone.

After He Chong finished speaking, he hugged Xiao Wang and ran to his car in front of the building, followed by starting the car and drove towards the hospital...

Director Xiao finished talking about what happened at that time, looked at the three of Wan Lin and said, "I received the report and immediately reacted that the other party had attacked Qu Xinhua, so while ordering the support team to pursue the other party's escape route provided by Xiao Wang, he led people come over."

He pointed to the broken door, and then said: "After I arrived with someone, I immediately forcibly opened the door of Qu Xinhua's house and rushed in, but when I came in, I found that the two of them were dead. It didn't take long, After He Chong took Xiao Wang to the hospital, he ran back with the hidden weapon and reported to me in detail what happened at that time. Captain Wan, thank you very much this time, otherwise Xiao Wang would be in real danger. I will call the hospital first. , may I ask how Xiao Wang is now?"

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