Panther Commando

Chapter 2553: killer's whereabouts

Professor Chang turned his head to look at Director Xiao, and continued thoughtfully: "I guess the spy network hidden in this city may not know Li Xiaofeng's situation at all. From the current situation analysis, he may still accept the name of Jiang Teng. The remote commander, this is a surprise army they ambushed at the Special Weapons Research Institute! Do you continue to talk about the situation of Jiangto and Li Xiaofeng?"

Director Xiao immediately said: "After the Director Hou of the Intelligence Department found out the origin of Jiang Teng, he has secretly conducted a secret investigation on Li Xiaofeng's communication records, e-mail and income, and found that he has irregular e-mails with a foreign mailbox. And he also has a secret account, which he opened with the ID card of a distant relative. At the end of each year, a sum of more than 100,000 yuan is deposited into the account, and occasionally tens of thousands of dollars are deposited into the account. ."

When Professor Chang heard this, he immediately asked, "Can you find the source of the remittance account?" Director Xiao shook his head and replied, "The Intelligence Department has already checked, and each remittance is a new account that was temporarily opened, and it only uses At one time, the account was registered all over our country, and the registrant used false identification."

Professor Chang nodded and said: "The opponent's actions are very secretive, but these unidentified funds have proven Li Xiaofeng's major suspicion. The fixed remittance at the end of the year may be the fixed salary that Jiang Teng sent to Li Xiaofeng, and the usual irregular payments The money must be the proceeds of Li Xiaofeng's selling of intelligence."

Wan Lin's face became solemn when he heard this, and he said thoughtfully: "From the trajectory of Li Xiaofeng's life, he rarely contacts the outside world. If he sells information, it can only be secrets stolen from the Weapons Research Institute. information."

Professor Chang also pondered and said: "I need to tell Yu Jing about this matter. It stands to reason that his administrative office should not have access to high-level research results. Wan Lin, you will go to the research institute in a while to discuss this matter. Report it to President Yu and let her secretly check the scope of Li Xiaofeng's access to classified documents."

Wan Lin replied immediately: "Okay, I'll be there in a while." He said, looked at Director Xiao and asked, "Have you found the whereabouts of those opponents who acted in the hospital and assassinated Qu Xinhua?"

Director Xiao immediately replied: "I found some. On the night of Mr. Yu's meeting, some people entered the mountain by car along the route between the resort and the hospital. There were about seven or eight people. Since there were few residents in the mountain, it was another time. It was late at night, and there were not many surveillance cameras on the road, so the traces of these people were lost in the mountains. The video on the night of Qu Xinhua's assassination is relatively clear, you can take a look."

He turned on the computer and called up a video, then pointed the screen at Professor Chang and Wan Lin and said, "This is some of the footage that was monitored the night Qu Xinhua was assassinated. Look, this black car was taken from Qu Xinhua before the incident. He passed by slowly behind the residential building, then stopped at this shadowy place and drove away. After a short time, a shadowy figure appeared on the street. The person's whereabouts were mysterious, and he stopped and walked to the back of Qu Xinhua Building. The backyard disappears in this surveillance blind spot."

He said, pointing to the car that appeared on the image and continued: "After the killer's assassination, the car suddenly appeared outside the backyard wall of Qu Xinhua's residential area, and then a figure quickly got out of the car. He also disappeared from this surveillance blind spot, then appeared on the courtyard wall, and fled the scene with the killer."

Director Xiao introduced here, raised his head and looked at Wan Lin and said, "According to the surveillance in the urban area, we found that the car drove directly to the old town, where alleys are crisscrossed, there are no monitoring equipment in many places, and the other side's vehicle It just disappeared in this area."

He said and retrieved a few photos from the computer, and then said: "Two days later, we found the car. The car was parked in a bungalow area that was being demolished, and the construction unit found that the car was obstructing They called the police because of their work. We rushed over to take a look immediately after receiving the notification from the traffic police department. This car was indeed the car that picked up the killer. It seems that the other party abandoned the vehicle here and fled on foot. It was later determined that the vehicle had a fake number plate and was a vehicle reported as lost two years ago."

After listening to this, Professor Chang nodded thoughtfully and said: "From this point of view, these people are very familiar with the terrain of the urban area. The assassination plan should be formulated by the personnel of the spy network. Only they can monitor our monitoring system in the urban area and the urban area. The distribution is well known. If it is an action plan made by the mercenaries, the direction of their escape should be to go straight to the mountains."

Wan Lin stared at the photos on the computer for a while, then raised his head and said, "Yes, the mercenaries have only been here for a short time, so they probably won't know much about the urban conditions. These are only those who have been hidden here for a long time. Only spies choose this way of getting rid of tracking in the residential area. Judging from the way Qu Xinhua was assassinated and the way the killer escaped, the assassins were mercenaries, and the people in the car should be those spies."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and said to Professor Chang, "Then I'll go to Mr. Yu's place to have a look first, and let's chat first." After speaking, he strode out of the room, raised his hand to lie on the roof of the room and basked in the sun. The little flower of the sun beckoned, and then greeted Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng in the courtyard to walk out of the courtyard and then got into the car and drove to the Special Weapons Research Institute.

Bao Ya drove an off-road vehicle to the front of the Weapons Research Institute. Bao Ya opened the car window and handed the pass to the guard. The guard looked inside the car carefully, and then signaled the guard behind him to open the heavy door.

Bao Ya drove to the parking lot next to Yu Jing's experimental building, Wan Lin picked up a baseball cap and put it on his head, took out a pair of large sunglasses and put it on his face, and then said to Bao Ya and Zisheng, "You guys Wait here, I'll be out in a while."

After speaking, he hesitated for a moment, turned around and asked Lin Zisheng in the back seat to hand him a backpack, smiled and put Xiaohua in the bag, and then jumped out of the car and strode towards the laboratory building, leaning slightly as he walked. He glanced upstairs.

Suddenly, Wan Lin saw a figure standing behind the window of the administrative office on the second floor, and was looking down attentively. Wan Lin's sharp eyes swept across and saw that it was Li Xiaofeng who was standing behind the glass window.

Wan Lin walked into the door of the laboratory building and walked up the stairs directly. Just as he reached the entrance of the stairs on the second floor, a figure suddenly came over from the second floor corridor with a thermos in his hand. Someone came to see Wan Lin, who was about to walk down the corridor to the third floor, and suddenly asked, "Who are you looking for?"

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