Panther Commando

Chapter 2562: gloomy face

Yu Jing nodded with satisfaction, then picked up a few white lab coats and handed them to Wen Meng and the others and said, "Put them all on." Wan Lin also took one and quickly put it on, and then took out a black pair from his pocket. Side eyes are worn on the eyes.

"Hey, look, our Wantou looks like a scientist in this outfit!" Lingling looked at Wan Lin and cried out as if she didn't know each other, and several people around looked up at Wan Lin. Come on, all of them smiled and nodded their heads vigorously. Wan Lin put on a lab coat and black-rimmed glasses, and he really looked so polite.

At this moment, Li Xiaofeng's voice suddenly came from the intercom in the laboratory: "Mr. Yu, I'm Li Xiaofeng, I bought the cat food, where is it for you?"

Yu Jing pouted at Wu Xueying, followed by pulling Wan Lin to the crystal stone, bent down and pointed at the crystal stone as an introduction, Wan Lin also quickly bent down and stared at the crystal stone that was flickering with blue light.

Wu Xueying walked quickly to the door, and pressed the switch to open the door by a half-person-wide crack. She said crisply to the door, "Give it to me."

Before she finished speaking, Li Xiaofeng's figure had already appeared outside the door. He raised his eyes and quickly glanced at the blue crystal stone on the experimental bench, followed by his eyes and quickly turned away from Yu who was standing beside the experimental bench and pointed to the crystal stone for discussion. Jing and Wan Lin, he immediately handed in a bag of cat food and exclaimed, "Oh, why is it so cold!"

Wu Xueying smiled and didn't speak. After taking the cat food, she turned around and pressed the button to close the door. The heavy door of the laboratory closed slowly again. Seeing that the door was safely closed, Wu Xueying turned around and made an "OK" gesture to everyone.

Yu Jing nodded, glanced at the tightly closed laboratory door, and then smiled at Wan Lin and said, "Now in Li Xiaofeng's eyes, you have become a senior researcher who is really involved in my research."

Wan Lin nodded with a smile. He looked at Yu Jing just as he was about to speak, when a black shadow flashed beside him, Xiao Hua jumped past with a "whoosh" sound, and his right paw picked up the cold beads on the table and stuffed them into his mouth. Jumped over the test bench and got under the test bench.

It turns out that this little thing has been drilled out from under the experimental table at some point? He has been staring at his cold pearl. Now it sees Wan Lin's relaxed look and knows that the task has been completed, so it immediately jumps out and grabs its own cold beads, lest Yu Jing use its treasure to do another experiment, and then get under the table to enjoy the delicious food .

The little flower flashed across the test bench like a meteor, which startled Yu Jing and several others. Now that it was clear that this little baby snatched Hanzhu away, they all covered their mouths and laughed.

Wan Lin also smiled and turned to Bao Ya and Zisheng and said, "Okay, you two, go down. I, the researcher, have to carry out research work." After speaking, he turned to look at Yu Jing and said, "I Where is your office location?"

Yu Jing immediately said: "It was arranged yesterday. My office is very big. You can stay in my office. I usually work in the laboratory." Wan Lin nodded and said, "Alright, then I will go to the office. Not being here affects your normal work."

Yu Jing immediately turned off the blue light bead on the experimental bench, and then reached out to pick up the crystal on the experimental bench, but as soon as her hand touched the crystal, she quickly moved away, and said in astonishment, "It's so cold! Hanzhu has not directly touched the crystal stone yet, but this crystal stone still absorbs so much cold air, no wonder Xiao Li's hand got frostbite last time."

Wan Lin quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed Yu Jing's hand, urging a burst of infuriating energy to investigate, and then let go and said, "Fortunately, no cold poison has invaded." After speaking, he reached out and took a look at the crystal stone and said: " It's very cold. Wen Meng, put your skills up and put this crystal stone away."

Wen Meng agreed and came over, but just as she raised her hand to take the crystal from Wan Lin, Yu Jing suddenly said, "No, you can put it here first. I'll check this crystal later to see the organization inside. Has the structure changed? By the way, Lingling, ask Li Xiaofeng how much he bought in a while, and take the money from my bag and send it to him."

Wan Lin nodded, hurriedly put the crystal stone on the stage again, and then followed Xiaoya and the others out of the laboratory. He walked out of the laboratory with a few others, turned around and pointed to Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng downstairs to let them go downstairs on their own. He, Xiaoya and Lingling pushed open the door of Yu Jing's office and walked in.

The three of Wan Lin walked into Yu Jing's office and saw that a large desk had been placed in front of a window on the side of Yu Jing's desk, with a desktop computer on it, and a comfortable chair behind the desk. Comfortable large swivel chair.

Xiaoya pointed at the desk with a smile and said, "This is the office position of your senior researcher. Come and enjoy yourself." Wan Lin smiled and walked to the desk. Xiaoya and Lingling walked from the reception area to the reception area. Next to the coffee machine, he bent down to pick up a few cups of coffee and walked to Wan Lin's side.

Xiaoya handed the coffee cup in her hand to Wan Lin, who was looking out the window, and then took the other coffee cup to her mouth and took a sip. Lingling looked at Wan Lin with a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose and smiled: "Wantou's dress really looks like a great scientist."

Wan Lin turned around and took a sip of said with a frown, "What's the use of looking like, I'm really afraid to see Li Xiaofeng alone, in case this kid asks me for some professional advice. What's going on?"

Xiaoya and Lingling were stunned for a moment, Xiaoya said thoughtfully: "This is really a problem, you are the focus of Li Xiaofeng, unlike us interns. If Li Xiaofeng has the opportunity, he will definitely test your professional level, he It turned out to be engaged in research, but the professional level is not low, if you can't answer, then you will be exposed."

Lingling also frowned and said, "Yes, I really forgot about this before. We are not familiar with the profound knowledge researched by President Yu. We are better, but Wantou is now a senior researcher. If you ask If you can't answer it, you can wear it."

Several people stood by their desks and looked out the window, their faces covered in gloom, and they really couldn't think of a good way to deal with this situation. At this time, Yu Jing walked in from the door with Wen Meng and Wu Xueying. When a few people saw the faces of Wan Lin and the others, Wu Xueying asked with a smile, "Hey, what are you worried about?" concerns were expressed.

Yu Jing was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Hehehe, it's okay. If Li Xiaofeng encounters you alone and asks about professional matters, just smile and don't answer. Those of us who are engaged in confidential research work are more reserved. Don't discuss professional matters with outsiders."

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