Panther Commando

Chapter 2578: outside the office

Li Dongsheng's voice followed: "Wan Lin, immediately lead your people to cooperate with the professor's teaching action, immediately arrest Yang Bin, and never let this kid escape!" "Yes!" Wan Lin suddenly stood up and replied.

Following Wan Lin's voice, Cheng Ru, Feng Dao, and Zhang Wa stood up and ran out of the conference room. Cheng Ru ran out of the conference room and shouted to the courtyard, "Emergency assembly!" and ran to him. dormitory to take weapons.

With an expression of admiration on Professor Chang's face, cooperating with the group of special soldiers in front of him made him feel very happy. He stood up and said loudly to Wan Lin, "Take action on Yang Bin immediately and go!" He took out the phone and asked where Yang Bin was now, and hurriedly walked out of the conference room door.

Wan Lin stood up and immediately said to Xiaoya and the others, "You should immediately protect President Yu from returning to the research institute, take up the work of the office, and don't let the work of the research institute be affected." After speaking, he followed Professor Chang out of the meeting with great strides. room.

At this time, all the Leopard team members were standing in a neat line in the courtyard, each with their weapons in their hands, and looked at Professor Chang and Wan Lin who walked out of the conference room, each with excited expressions on their faces. .

The three of them, Xu Liang, were also standing outside the conference room door, fully armed, excitedly looking at Wan Lin and Professor Chang who strode out.

Just now, everyone has heard Xiao Wang tell about what happened in the mountains, and everyone's heart is full of fire. Now that they suddenly heard the emergency call, they immediately understood that action was to be taken against those opponents! One by one, they quickly picked up their weapons and ran out. The small courtyard was full of tension and excitement.

Wan Lin hurriedly walked out of the conference room, watching a group of team members and ordered in a deep voice: "The second and fourth groups follow me. Zhang Wa, you lead the third group to **** Mr. Yu and the others back to the institute." "Yes!" Cheng Ru, Fengdao and Zhang Wa immediately answered loudly, and turned around with their team members and ran to their car outside the door.

At this time, Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng, who were carrying automatic rifles and two sniper rifles, hurried into the courtyard gate. The two looked at the teammates who were fully armed and ran out in astonishment, wondering what they were rushing to do?

Wan Lin raised his hand and took a sniper rifle that Lin Zisheng handed to him. While checking the gun quickly, he said to the two of them, "Give President Yu's car to Xiaoya. The two of you follow me and do it well. Get ready for battle!"

At this time, Professor Chang took Xu Liang and three people out of the back, and Professor Chang hurriedly said to Wan Lin: "Yang Bin is currently working in the office building, and a two-person monitoring team from Director Xiao has entered the office building to monitor the nearest office. I have sent the location coordinates. It's on the phones of you, Chengru and Fengdao."

Wan Lin immediately took out his mobile phone, called up the map, and glanced at it. He raised his head and waved at Feng Dao and Cheng Ru who were standing beside their cars. Cheng Ru and the two immediately ran over.

Wan Lin then pointed to the map on his phone and ordered: "Chengru, you take the second group to approach this office building from the north road, and block Yang Bin's retreat from the back. Feng Dao, the four groups of you control the gate of the office building, and our group enters the building. Take people inside. The professor is outside to take command! Be careful, monitor the surroundings to prevent Yang Bin from having accomplices."

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he ordered Zhang Wa, who had a frustrated look on his face, "Zhang Wa, immediately lead the three groups to **** President Yu back to the research institute!" Zhang Wa quickly stood at attention and replied, "Yes."

At this time, Cheng Ru and Feng Dao also agreed, "Understood!" They made a face at Zhang Wa, who was full of frustration, turned around and ran back to their respective sides, opened the car door and got in, followed by two The car sped away.

Wan Lin immediately said to Professor Chang, "Let's go too?" "Let's go!" The professor answered simply, Wan Lin turned around and ran towards his car.

Zhang Wa took her teammates to Yu Jing and Xiaoya, and they all watched the teammates who hurried to their vehicles with guns, with envious expressions on their faces.

After Professor Cheng answered Wan Lin, he turned his head to look at the energetic Xu Liang and said, "Let's go!" Then he strode towards his car.

At this time, Wan Lin stretched out his head from the car window and urged the three behind Xu Liang: "Xu Liang, you must protect the safety of the professor!" "Yes!" The gun turned and ran to his car.

As Wan Lin and Professor Chang's car started, Yu Jing also walked out of the courtyard surrounded by Xiaoya and a few others. Zhang Wa hurried to her car with her team, preparing to **** Yu Jing back to the institute.

Yu Jing and the others stopped when they walked to the car and turned their heads to look out. Wan Lin and his four cars roared towards the outside of the Guoan base, until the cars disappeared outside the courtyard gate, and Yu Jing made a low voice. Said to several people around: "Let's go back too."

Saying that, she hugged Xiaobai and got into the back seat of her off-road vehicle. Xiaoya and Lingling opened the front door and sat in, while Wen Meng sat beside Yu Jing. Wu Xueying, on the other hand, ran to the official car of the research institute that they had driven from, and got in, and several cars then slowly drove out of the Guoan base.

It wasn't long before Wan Lin's group of leopards approached the office building where Yang Bin was located. Wan Lin sat in the co-pilot seat and carefully observed the outside of the car Just after noon, people driving on the street There are not many cars, and there are only a few pedestrians passing by in a hurry on the streets on both sides. Yang Bin's office building is on the outskirts of the city center, and it is lunch break time, so there are not many pedestrians and vehicles on the road.

At this time, Cheng Ru's voice suddenly came from Wan Lin's earphone: "Report, the second group is in place." Immediately after, the voice of the wind knife came: "The fourth group is in position in front of the office building!" Got it!" Wan Lin replied in a low voice, he turned his head and glanced at Professor Chang's car following his car, and asked in a low voice, "Professor, can you be sure that Yang Bin is in the office on the fourth floor now? ?"

Professor Chang's voice followed: "Yes, Yang Bin and his colleagues just finished lunch outside and returned to the office together. Our surveillance personnel watched Yang Bin enter the office and haven't come out yet."

Wan Lin followed up and said, "You notify the supervisors. If Yang Bin has any changes, notify me immediately. I will bring people in now and order the supervisors to only monitor and not interfere with our actions."

After Wan Lin finished talking with Professor Chang, he immediately turned to look at Bao Ya who was driving and ordered, "Enter the office building parking lot and prepare for action!" Yes! " Bao Ya replied in a low voice, stepping on the accelerator and driving forward.

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