Panther Commando

Chapter 2602: deep love

"No wonder, no wonder your small army is so powerful. It turned out to be formed on the basis of the children of the Wan family. It's amazing!" He Shan exclaimed with a sudden realization.

Li Dongsheng immediately looked at Xiaoya and asked, "What is the next step for the professor's treatment?" Xiaoya immediately replied, "There are still some test data that have not yet come out, and we have to wait for all the data to come out to comprehensively evaluate the professor's physical condition. He was tired and needed a rest. We just used a sedative to let his brain rest and rest. After a while, we will send him to the ward and give him some nutrient solution to replenish his physical strength. He should recover soon. "

Li Dongsheng nodded, then looked at Director He and said, "Professor is fine. Let's go to the security office of the military region first. We must take measures as soon as possible after the interrogation. By the way, tell Wan Lin the flight that the elderly Wanjia took. , let them pick it up, so that the old man will be more at ease."

He Shan nodded immediately, turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "Alright, the old man came all the way here, it's better for your grandson to pick it up." After speaking, he raised his wrist and glanced at it and said, "The plane It'll be there in an hour and a half, and it's good for you to go now. I'll have the flight number sent to your mobile phone later."

Wan Lin nodded quickly, turned his head to look at Li Dongsheng and said, "Deputy Minister, shall I take Xiaoya to pick up grandpa first? Lingling is familiar with the military hospital, so the professor should be arranged by Lingling first." Li Dongsheng immediately replied: "Hurry up, you can rest assured on the professor's side."

Wan Lin and Xiaoya hurriedly greeted Director He, Xiaoya took Yu Jing's car keys from Lingling, turned around and walked out of the emergency building with Wan Lin.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya walked to Yu Jing's grass-green off-road vehicle, Wan Lin turned around and wanted to take the car keys in Xiaoya's hand. Xiaoya immediately said, "I'll drive, hurry up and rest for a while, your internal strength was too much loss just now." With that, she opened the car door and got into the driving position.

Wan Lin turned around and walked to the co-pilot's seat, pulled the car door and got in. Xiaoya immediately started the car and drove out of the military hospital.

Xiaoya drove straight to the airport, Wan Lin sat next to her with his eyes slightly closed, his hands folded in the dantian position on his lower abdomen, and quietly adjusted his inner breath. But gradually, a low snoring sound suddenly sounded from Xiaoya's side.

While driving, Xiaoya turned her head and glanced at Wan Lin who was beside her, and found that Wan Lin, who had just exercised and adjusted his breath, had fallen asleep with his head lowered.

Xiaoya looked at Wan Lin's sound asleep, a distressed look suddenly appeared in her eyes, her capable lover is too tired! In the recent period, they have had a fierce confrontation with the spy organization. This is completely different from the battles they have participated in in the past. It is a contest that cannot be seen or touched by each other. Ya herself often feels exhausted, not to mention Wan Lin, the leader of the leopard.

Now, Professor Chang, an old spy in his late sixties, had problems in the tense confrontation, and even Wan Lin, his lover with a strong body of steel, felt tired.

Xiaoya looked at the road ahead, slowed down the speed of the car slowly, then turned her head to look at Wan Lin, who was hanging his head beside him, suddenly filled with a feeling of pity.

She turned her head to look in front of the car, held the steering wheel with her left hand, and slowly stretched out her right hand and grabbed Wan Lin's left hand. At this moment, Wan Lin's big hand, which was usually very powerful, was soft, and there was an icy aura in the shadow.

Xiaoya secretly raised her inner strength, and slowly forced a burst of infuriating energy towards her right hand, and then slowly sent the infuriating energy to the meridians in Wan Lin's hand. She knew in her heart that Wan Lin had tried his best to save the professor just now, and he was already very tired physically and mentally. Now he suddenly heard that his grandfather, a close relative, was coming, which made him suddenly feel a kind of peace in his nervous heart, so In the meeting fell into a deep sleep.

An hour later, Xiaoya slowly drove the car into the parking lot of the airport and stopped. At this time, her right hand was still tightly gripping Wan Lin's left hand, and waves of infuriating energy were being sent to Wan Lin's body. At this moment, the infuriating qi she entered into Wan Lin's body was like a stream of nectar, slowly flowing into Wan Lin's meridians with a fragrance and deep love unique to a virgin.

However, Wan Lin, who was sleeping soundly, was greedily sucking in the infuriating qi that was slowly flowing into his body without knowing it. The meridians in his body became somewhat empty due to excessive wear and tear, like a thirsty thirst. The ditch is being nourished silently by the nectar.

Xiaoya parked the car in the parking space, looked up at the clock in the car, and saw that it was half an hour before grandpa's plane landed. She raised her left hand and placed it on her dantian, closed her eyes slightly and tried her best to run the internal force in her body, allowing a steady stream of true energy to flow into Wan Lin's body.

Gradually, Xiaoya's face turned pale, while Wan Lin, who was still asleep, lowered his head peacefully, unknowingly absorbing the precious infuriating energy that his lover silently passed over.

Time passed by, and the green off-road vehicle was silent. Half an hour later, Wan Lin, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Xiaoya, has Grandpa's plane arrived?" With the words, Wan Lin's lowered head suddenly lifted, and his tightly closed eyes also opened.

At a glance, he saw that his left hand was tightly clasped by Xiaoya's tender little A warm breath was coming from that little hand.

"Oops!" Wan Lin exclaimed, and quickly forced out a burst of true qi into Xiaoya's hand, cutting off the infuriating qi that was continuously pumping into his body, and at the same time increasing his internal force to send it into the other's body. Into a strong infuriating.

At this time, he already understood that it was Xiaoya who used her true qi to supplement her internal strength in her sleep, but Xiaoya's skill was far inferior to his own. At this time, it was tantamount to wasting herself and finally accumulated it. really angry.

Wan Lin turned his face and looked sideways with concern as he conveyed the power to Xiaoya's hands. Xiaoya's face had already turned pale. At this moment, she was looking at Wan Lin with concern, and she asked softly, "Are you feeling better?" After saying that, she suddenly pulled her right hand out of Wan Lin's hand. came back. (The companion book "Leopard Attack" has been published at the same time as Kou Kou reading, different stories, the same wonderful, please support your friends!)

Wan Lin was moved and grabbed Xiaoya's arm, and replied in a low voice, "I'm fine, I was just a little tired. How could you teach me the practice? It's too dangerous!" Xiaoya's eyes turned around and went to get the first aid kit that Xiaoya had placed on the back seat, trying to take out the pills that Grandpa had concocted.

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