Panther Commando

Chapter 2604: Ecstasy

When Wan Lin heard his grandfather's words, he quickly made a face at Xiaoya and replied, "Professor Chang was really too dangerous just now, and the function of his whole body was rapidly declining, so I quickly gave Professor Chang three incense magic pills and two Grain She Bao Pill, which has increased the power to dredge the professor's meridians and promote the exertion of medicinal power, has now turned the corner and is now undergoing a comprehensive examination at the military hospital."

When the old man heard that Professor Chang was safe, his frowning brows relaxed a little. He took Xiaoya's hand and sent her infuriating qi while striding out of the airport. He said anxiously, "Go, let's go. Go to the hospital immediately."

After he finished speaking, he muttered to himself in a low voice, "How is that possible? He has always practiced the health qigong I gave him, and his health has always been very good. Why did he suddenly experience functional failure?"

On the way to the General Hospital of the Military Region, Wan Lin recounted how Professor Chang worked day and night while driving. Only then did the old man understand the reason for Professor Chang's sudden collapse. He shook his head silently, then looked at Wan Lin and Xiaoya and said, "Professor Chang can't compare to you. He is an old man in his sixties. How could you make him work so hard?"

Wan Lin glanced at Xiaoya, but neither of them made a sound. This case faced a group of cunning and murderous spies, and now that the case has entered a critical moment of detection, no one can really replace Professor Chang, an old agent with rich experience in fighting the enemy. During the recent period, Professor Chang has gone all out to direct the detection of the case, which is indeed helpless.

Wan Lin and the others are all military special operators, they are not familiar with the spy cases in the city, and they lack experience in fighting these cunning spies, so they really can't share the professor's work.

Wan Lin drove the car directly into the General Hospital of the Military Region, and then parked the car in the parking lot. Xiaoya jumped out of the car, took out her mobile phone and called Lingling, asking where is the professor now? She put down the phone and dragged her grandfather and Wan Lin to the inpatient building in a hurry.

The three walked into the inpatient building and went directly to the door of the ward where the professor was. Xie Chao, who was standing guard at the door, saw the old man Wanjia at a glance. He ran over in surprise, grabbed the old man and shouted, "Grandpa! Why are you here?"

The old man looked at Xie Chao kindly, then patted him on the shoulder vigorously and said, "Good boy, he's grown and strong again! We'll talk later, I'll go see your Uncle Chang first." Saying that, the old man followed Wan Lin and Xiaoya walked into the ward together.

Xu Liang and Yan Ying on the side watched in amazement as the chief instructor accompanied the spirited old man into the ward. They quickly grabbed Xie Chao and asked in a low voice, "Who is the old man who just entered? How come you are so familiar with the old man."

Xie Chao replied in a low voice excitedly: "This is the grandfather of the chief instructor, and he is a good friend with my grandfather. I am the grandfather and the chief instructor who brought them out of the mountain. My sister Shanhua is still with Grandpa Wan. The old man's The kung fu is very high!"

At this time, Xie Chao was already flushed with excitement, looking at the old man inside through the window on the door of the ward. Since entering the barracks, apart from Wan Lin and a few others, he has not seen anyone he knows. Now that he sees the elderly of Wan's family, he feels very kind, and a strong sense of homesickness immediately rises in his heart.

At this moment, Professor Chang was lying quietly on the bed with his eyes closed. Lingling and a middle-aged doctor with a medical record were standing beside the bed and whispered what?

When Lingling saw her grandfather, Wan Lin and Xiaoya walking in, she quickly walked over and held her grandfather's hand in a low voice, "Grandpa." She turned her head and introduced to the middle-aged doctor next to her, "Director Xu, this is the The miraculous old Chinese doctor I told you just now."

Director Xu turned around and looked at the old man carefully, then stretched out his hand to hold the old man's hand and said, "It's amazing, the traditional Chinese medicine you concocted is amazing. I have never seen such a critically ill patient. recovered in time.”

The old man graciously shook Director Xu's hand, then walked over to the bed and bent over to look at Professor Chang's face, then sat on a chair that Lingling had brought, and pulled the professor's left hand to signal his pulse.

At this time, Xiaoya had already pulled Director Xu to the side and asked in a low voice, "Director Xu, have the results of the professor's follow-up examination come out?"

Director Xu immediately handed her the medical record book in his hand and replied: "It's amazing, the indicators of the old man are simply unexpected, the indicators of various inspections are better than ordinary people, if you just look at the indicators, you can't see it at all. This is an old man in his late sixties."

As he said that, he turned his head to look at the old man who was checking his pulse and asked in a low voice, "What kind of elixir did the old man concoct? Why is it so effective, can you give me a pill for research?"

Xiaoya looked at the medical record with a smile, and then answered proudly: "My grandfather's medicines are precious treasures that cannot be exchanged for a thousand dollars, and they are very rare, but there is no extra for you."

As she said that, she handed the medical record book in her hand to Director Xu, and said with a smile: "My grandfather, you should have seen it. Last time one of our team members had a serious rejection when he had a liver transplant, and it was my grandfather who helped him at that time. After the difficulties, you should know about that case, I remember that you also participated in the consultation at that time."

Director Xu was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand and patted his head, and said suddenly: "Look at my memory, it turned out to be the master of traditional Chinese medicine. I said how can the traditional Chinese medicine be so effective! No wonder, no wonder!"

At this time the old man let go of the professor's wrist, turned around and looked at Director Xu and asked, "Now the qi and blood in Lao Chang's body is very smooth, and there is no danger. Even if his body is still very weak, I will give He will be fine after a few days of conditioning. By the way, his blood flow is a little slow, have you given him ecstasy?"

Director Xu was stunned for a moment, then grinned. Xiaoya and Lingling on the side ran to Grandpa's side, grabbed the old man's arm and laughed softly. Wan Lin walked up to his grandfather with a smile and said, "Grandpa, what kind of ecstasy? It's called a sedative now."

The old man laughed too, looked up at the two lovely granddaughters beside him and said, "Hehehe, yes, yes, it's called a sedative. I know the name, but I call it Ecstasy when I'm in a hurry."

Director Xu replied with a smile: "We saw that the professor was too tired, so we gave him a little sedative and wanted him to rest for a while. However, the dose was very small, and he should wake up now."

As soon as he finished speaking, the professor's hand moved, and then he opened his eyes and saw the old man of Wanjia. The professor hurriedly supported the hospital bed with both hands and was about to get up and sit up. Xiaoya and Lingling hurriedly bent over and helped him up against the head of the bed. Professor Chang looked at the elderly Wanjia and said in astonishment, "Brother, why are you here?"

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