Panther Commando

Chapter 2607: green and yellow

After listening to Wang Molin's words, the old Wanjia looked at Professor Chang with some puzzlement and asked, "Old Chang, you have always been in good health. You have contacted me with Wanjia Qigong recently, why did something suddenly go wrong? Shouldn't it be? Ah."

Wan Lin, who was standing on the side, hurriedly explained the professor's interrogation briefly. After listening to the old man, he said thoughtfully, "No wonder, it's so hard to work, even a young guy will find it difficult. No wonder there are always problems."

As he spoke, he pulled the professor's wrist again to check the pulse, then turned his head to look at Wang Molin and said, "Now there is no big problem with Chang Chang, just try not to let him do this kind of intense work. Age is not forgiving, old man. Chang is an old man in his sixties."

Wang Molin quickly replied: "Oh, this is my negligence. I originally wanted to ask Lao Chang to come over and ask about the detection of this case, but I didn't expect this case to be so complicated that Lao Chang personally went into battle, this is indeed my lack of thought. ." Saying that, he glanced sternly at He Shan next to him.

He Shan blushed and said quickly, "This is my dereliction of duty. There is indeed a lack of experienced people on my side. At that time, the professor became anxious after seeing the sacrifice of a team member, and immediately took over the detection of this case in an all-round way. At that time, I neglected the physical condition of the old man, which directly caused the professor to be in danger."

Seeing that Wang Molin was blaming He Shan, Professor Chang quickly waved his hand and said, "This matter has nothing to do with Director He. I took the initiative to take over the leadership of the case."

He then looked at Wang Molin and continued: "The lack of experienced case investigators is indeed a problem faced by our system. Today's young people pay too much attention to those modern detection methods, and ignore the most important aspects of being a special agent and an excellent investigator. It's the most basic things, so that there is a lack of talent in terms of talents. Alas, this is a common phenomenon, and Director He cannot be blamed."

When Wang Molin heard Professor Chang's words, he nodded solemnly, turned his head to look at his secretary and said, "Xiao Wang, record the original words of the professor just now for me. After we go back, we need to convene the relevant departments to study it carefully. This is a relationship. We must not be taken lightly on the important matter of China's safety!"

"Yes!" Xiao Wang Lizheng replied, then took out a small notebook from his body, and quickly recorded what the professor said just now.

Professor Chang immediately looked at everyone, lifted the blanket over his body and said, "Don't stay here, I'm fine. Let's go back and discuss this case." He turned around and was about to get out of bed.

Wang Molin quickly stood up to support Professor Chang and said, "You can't move. Since you have arrived at the hospital, you should take care of yourself in the hospital for a few days. We are outside." As he spoke, he looked at He Shan and Li Dongsheng and said : "Go, let's go back and analyze the case first."

Professor Chang said anxiously: "I'm fine now, what are you doing in the hospital? Let's go back together." Wang Molin turned around and looked at him seriously and said, "Obey the order, you rest here for two days, let Wan Lao Brother, let's have a good chat with you."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Dongsheng and said, "You give Wan Lin and Xiaoya two days off, and let them accompany grandpa here." Li Dongsheng quickly replied: "Yes." He smiled and looked at grandpa and said : "Then let Wan Lin and Xiaoya be here first, and I will come to see you when I have time."

After Li Dongsheng finished speaking, he turned to look at Lingling and said with a smile, "Go find your father and find a larger double ward for Professor Chang, and let Grandpa and Professor Chang live together." Lingling agreed with a smile. , turned around and ran out.

Li Dongsheng, Wang Molin and He Shan then bid farewell to the old man and Professor Chang, and hurried out of the ward.

As soon as Wang Molin and the others left the ward, Lingling walked in with Director Xu who was in the ward. Director Xu greeted the elderly Wan family warmly, and then said to Wan Lin and Xiaoya who were standing by the side, "We will give Professor Chang. Changed to a double ward, and you can pack the two old people's things."

Wan Lin hurriedly thanked him, and then went with Xiaoya and Lingling to the innermost ward with Director Xu, holding the things of the grandfather and the professor.

The new ward is an inner and outer room, with two beds in the inner room, and a reception room in the outer room. When Wan Lin walked into the ward, he quickly glanced at the room, and quickly turned around to thank Director Xu.

Director Xu waved his hand with a smile, turned his head to look at the elderly Wanjia who was holding Professor Chang's hand and said, "Elder Wan, you can help us this time when you come here. I have a patient with a very good medical record. It's complicated, I'm a little helpless as a Western doctor, do you, a Chinese medicine doctor, take the time to take a look at it for me?"

At this time, Lingling was pouring water for her grandfather and Professor Chang with a thermos. She heard Director Xu's words and said with a smile: "Director Xu, are you too realistic? I just asked you to change a room, and you went to my grandpa. Help, you are looking for a fix too quickly."

"Hahahaha..." Several people laughed, and Professor Xu said with a red face: "I asked the old man for help, but it has nothing to do with changing rooms. The old man finally came to me, I have to catch this It’s a good time to ask for advice, it’s a rare opportunity, a rare opportunity.”

Grandpa Wan Lin waved his hand with a smile, and said cheerfully: "No problem, as long as I can help, I will do my best. Director Xu, take me to see this patient I will not It will look at your inspection indicators, and you must see the patient before diagnosis and treatment."

Director Xu was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Okay, everything is according to your arrangement. I will now let the patient's attending doctor sort out the patient's medical records. In addition, Director Wang of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine heard that you are old and wanted to come over and follow up. You always learn two tricks. I stopped driving at that time, saying that you always need rest and can't disturb you, hehe. You are my VIP, and you must ensure that you rest well."

Director Xu said excitedly, with a proud look on his face, he already regarded the old man as his exclusive guest. At this time, Dean Yang's laughter suddenly came from outside the door: "Hehehe, Director Xu, you are too selfish, you were put under house arrest by Wan Lao, and you won't let other departments approach."

Everyone quickly stood up when they heard the voice, and Director Yang of the Military Region Hospital walked in with a smile. The old man of the Wan family quickly stood up and greeted Dean Yang, then turned his head and introduced to Professor Chang: "Old Chang, this is Dean Yang of the General Hospital of the Military Region, and Lingling's father."

Professor Chang quickly stood up from the bedside to say hello. Dean Yang came over to look at the professor and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I just came back from a meeting outside. I've heard about your condition, but I didn't expect to recover so quickly. Now that Mr. Wan is here in person, you can rest assured. Well, definitely let you go out healthy."

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