Panther Commando

Chapter 2610: familiar little handkerchief

When Wang Molin heard Professor Chang's question, he shook his head and replied, "When I arrived at the military area security office, He Shan had already organized manpower to track down the whereabouts of the electric mouse online, and found that the other party had cut off all communication channels with the electric mouse. , and still nothing.”

He turned his head to look at Wanlin and the others and said, "All indications show that when you were looking for the electric mouse, someone at this intelligence station must have been observing nearby, so they notified everyone who had been in contact with the electric mouse as soon as possible. and cut off all contact with the electric mouse. In addition, the electric mouse later explained the approximate location of an action team of their intelligence station. After our people rushed over, the building was empty, and the other party has been transferred. The chief is organizing manpower to track it down."

After Wang Molin finished speaking, he looked at Professor Chang and said, "Judging from the reaction speed of the other party, this espionage organization is indeed extraordinary. Its organizational structure is very strict. Contact, the action is very fast, the leader of the other party does have a wealth of intelligence experience, no wonder you are working so hard."

Professor Chang nodded and said: "Yes, this spy intelligence station is indeed different from ordinary spy agencies. Their organizational structure is far more rigorous than that of ordinary espionage organizations, and the division of labor is very clear. There is little overlap between their work. It’s just that one point was cracked, but it didn’t have a big impact on their overall organizational structure.”

After listening to the professor's words, Wang Molin pondered for a while and said: "It seems that we are really cautious in dealing with such a spy organization. Now, they have colluded with the mercenary group, and the measures they will take will be even more extreme. We must strengthen our vigilance. However, , Electric Mouse, the spy responsible for cyber intelligence collection, was arrested, which should be a major blow to the spy organization."

"According to the explanation of the electric mouse, this Huaxia intelligence station communicates with each other according to the network contact method he designed. Now that the electric mouse has been captured, they must redesign a set of network contact methods. It is an important channel for them to obtain intelligence, and they will certainly not give up this position. I guess they will also send a spy from abroad who is familiar with cyber activities.”

Wan Lin and several others nodded thoughtfully when they heard Wang Molin's analysis. Professor Chang pondered for a while and said, "This time we captured the electric mouse in time, which is indeed a major blow to the spy intelligence station lurking here."

He raised his head looking at Wang Molin and continued: "Some time ago, we also smashed several of their actions against Yu Jing, but judging from the enemies who were killed, these people are basically their operatives, and they are very large. Some of them are the mercenaries of the mercenary group, and the defeat of these people will not hurt the intelligence station."

"And this electric mouse is really an important espionage officer who collects intelligence. His capture has indeed caused great losses to this intelligence station. I think the same as you, they will definitely send someone to add it in the near future. The power here."

Wang Molin nodded and said with concentration: "Yes, the Internet is an important source of intelligence for them, and their intelligence station will definitely replenish their strength. The Yamaguchi mercenary group has lost more troops in the recent operation, and their losses are more than the loss of the intelligence station. Bigger. So both of them will increase their strength here."

He said, looked up at the leopard team members who were staring at him, and said solemnly: "The situation is very serious now, these spies and mercenaries are staring at our research results. Our intelligence will be unscrupulous, and the battle in the future will be more intense. Therefore, you must be vigilant, keep your eyes open, ensure the safety of Yu Jing and the Weapons Research Institute, and protect our scientific research achievements in Huaxia!"

"Yes!" Upon hearing Wang Molin's order, all the Hua Leopard team members stood up abruptly and answered loudly, each with a very serious expression.

Wang Molin looked up at each team member carefully, nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Professor Chang and Li Dongsheng, "Come on, let's go to the room to discuss the next action plan, and let Grandpa and Wan Lin have a good chat."

Li Dongsheng and Professor Chang quickly stood up, and Professor Chang turned his face to the elderly Wan family and said, "Brother, then you should talk to the children first, and you will stay in my room at night, and our brothers will talk at night. "Speaking, pulling Wang Molin and Li Dongsheng to the small conference room on the side.

Grandpa saw Wang Molin and the three leaving, he turned his head with a smile and shouted, "Where's Xiaochao?" Xie Chao, Xu Liang, and Yan Ying have been sitting at the door of his room and staring at the courtyard, when Xie Chao heard grandpa's call He quickly stood up and dragged Xu Liang and Yan Ying to his grandfather's side.

The old man smiled and looked at Xie Chao, then looked at Xu Liang and Yan Ying again, turned his head to look at Wan Lin and asked, "Are these two Xiao Chao's comrades in arms?" Wan Lin quickly replied: "Yes, Xiao Chao The special reconnaissance team that has joined the special operations brigade of the military region is now a real reconnaissance soldier. These are Xu Liang and Yan Ying, both Xiaochao's comrades in arms, and they have been temporarily transferred to protect Professor Chang. "

Xu Liang and Yan Ying immediately raised their chests and saluted the old man when they heard Wan Lin's introduction The old man hurriedly raised his hand and clasped his fist to return the salute, and then greeted the three of them to sit down. He looked at Xie Chao kindly and said, "Your sister Shanhua misses you so much that I specially asked me to bring you something." He took out a small bag from his pocket and handed it to Xie Chao.

The packet was wrapped in a small handkerchief made of a piece of earthcloth, and a blooming camellia was embroidered on it with red thread. Xie Chao looked at this familiar little handkerchief, and his eyes turned red. He could see at a glance that this was a small handkerchief that his sister had always carried with him, and that the bright camellia was embroidered stitch by stitch by himself.

He carefully opened the small handkerchief, and a small pile of fragrant dried animal meat appeared in front of his eyes. Xie Chao stared at the familiar jerky, his hands holding the small bag trembling slightly, this is the jerky of their Lingxiu Mountain!

He didn't expect that he and his sister had been away from Lingxiu Mountain for so long, and that his sister still kept a little bit of animal jerky unique to his hometown; he didn't expect that he could see this familiar hometown delicacy so far away from his hometown. , smell this familiar local atmosphere!

Grandpa looked at Xie Chao's excited look, and continued with some emotion: "This is what Shanhua specially told me to bring to you. Shanhua has always been reluctant to eat these jerky brought from home. When I miss you and your grandfather, little The girl will take it out and smell it."

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