Panther Commando

Chapter 2618: clever mistake

When Yumi Takahashi heard Takata's words, she raised her head suddenly, stared at Takada with a light in her eyes, and said, "Yes, it is most likely one of these two people. These two people were famous in the world twenty or thirty years ago. Two well-known secret agents in the intelligence community, the spies of many intelligence agencies were planted under these two men in China."

Takahashi Yumi suddenly stopped when she said this, turned her face to look at the window, got up and walked to the window, stretched out her hand to close the gap between the two curtains, and then slowly turned around and walked to the sofa Sitting down next to him, he said thoughtfully, "I haven't heard the names 'Lone Eagle' and 'Professor' for a long time. Could it be that they have come out again? You said just now that the old man who appeared at the scene where the electric mouse was arrested. , with a very refined demeanor, is this person the famous 'professor'?"

Seeing the nervous look of the stationmaster, Takada also raised his eyes to look at the closed door, then turned his face away and replied in confusion: "It should not be, in our line, there are very few people over forty years old. The two of them were famous twenty or thirty years ago, and they should have been thirty or forty years old when they became famous. Now that such a long time has passed, they are at least To be fifty or sixty years old, I am afraid that I have already retired, and it stands to reason that I should not appear on the front line of the espionage battlefield."

Takahashi Yumi heard Takata's questioning, lowered her head and thought for a moment, and suddenly said to herself: "Common sense should not appear here, seniors like them who have experience in espionage warfare should enter their decision-making bodies when they are old. , shouldn't be on the front line."

As she spoke, she raised her head suddenly, looked at Takata and said, "It's common sense, but we made too much noise this time. The Special Weapons Research Institute is an important department of the other side's military research. We and Yamaguchi security guard jointly confront Yu Jing. The actions of this world-renowned physicist must have alerted their senior management. The actions taken by those mercenaries are very violent, which must attract their great attention, so they must increase the detection of this espionage case. !"

When she said this, she suddenly shook her head, raised her hand and took off the black-rimmed eyes on her face, a look of remorse suddenly appeared in her eyes: "Alas, cleverness was mistaken by cleverness! At that time, we valued the strength of the hired team. They want to use the operational capabilities of these mercenaries to obtain information as soon as possible, but they forget that their intervention will attract the attention of the other party, which will backfire and lead to stronger counterattacks.”

As she said, she reached out and took out a scented tissue from the tissue box of the coffee table, wiped the glasses lightly, and then said, "Kuroda's men failed to hijack Yu Jing, and then exposed their identity in the hotel and caused people to die. This has caused It is a matter of course that their counterintelligence agency sent strong people over to direct the detection because of the high attention of the other party."

Takada said angrily when he heard his stationmaster's analysis: "The pigs of Yamaguchi security are more than successful! Judging from the actions of the people who captured the electric mouse, these people must be people from the military special forces. This is obviously aimed at those mercenaries in Kuroda, otherwise they would not have sent special forces to participate in the detection of espionage cases."

As he spoke, he scolded in a low voice: "These bastards, our cooperation with them is like bringing wolves into the house! Are we cutting off the connection with Kuroda?" He did not know the background of the cooperation between the Takahashi family and the Yamaguchi security guard. Hashi Yumi just wanted to use the powerful combat power of these mercenaries to obtain information.

When Yumi Takahashi heard Takata's complaint, she shook her head helplessly, then stared at Takada and scolded: "Cut off? Now that the wolf has been brought into the room, if we cut off our cooperation with them at this time, should we deal with them by ourselves? A pack of wolves? Do you have a problem with your brain?"

Takada was stunned for a moment, then shook his head suddenly. If you cancel the cooperation with Yamaguchi Security at this time, your own espionage station will face the two powerful opponents of China's Guoan and the military alone. Wouldn't that be killing yourself? Now they and the mercenary group are two grasshoppers tied together, and they can't get rid of the relationship at all. And at a critical moment, you can also push the Yamaguchi security guards to the front to resist the opponent's edge.

Takahashi Yumi then stared at Takata coldly, raised her hand to put her glasses on her face, and asked in a low voice, "Have our people reunited with the mercenaries who hijacked the laser generator?"

Takada immediately replied: "According to the plan, the people I sent have already met Momonga of the hired group at a predetermined location in the mountains. According to your arrangement, my people immediately asked Momonga for the laser generator. At that time, Momonga was unwilling to hand it over, saying: To **** this laser generator out of the country with our people."

Yumi Takahashi was stunned for a moment, followed by a cold light in her eyes: "Bastard, how could he change his mind temporarily with the action plan I discussed with their head Kuroda? Did our people get the laser generator?"

Seeing Yumi Takahashi's furious look, Takada quickly said: "I got it! The other party said at the time that he had a brother killed in action, and the road would be very dangerous, so they had to **** the generator abroad in person. My people immediately Knowing that the other party wanted to take this as a threat, he gave the other party 20,000 US dollars, and the other party gave us the laser generator."

"Bastard!" Takahashi Yumi also understood at this Kuroda really ordered Momonga to intercept things and hand them over to his intelligence station according to the plan agreed with him, but Momonga saw that someone was killed in battle , want to use this to coerce.

She immediately shook her head and said, "I said this kid doesn't have the guts to hold on to the generator. Forget it, just get this laser generator for some money, there's no need to be serious with these mercenary villains, your people. Did you send anything out?"

Takada immediately replied: "I sent a three-person team to get the things and immediately moved towards the border as planned. It should not have left the country yet." , they are now close to the border, and the people sent by the headquarters are already waiting outside the border. If it goes well, the handover should be completed in two days."

Takahashi Yumi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then told Takada: "Very well, pay close attention to their whereabouts and order them to send things out at any cost! Damn, we have been operating against this weapons research institute for so long. , finally got something of value."

After speaking, she suddenly leaned on the back of the sofa with a lazy expression, and then raised her hand to lift the skirt on her legs, revealing two white and tender thighs, the cold eyes suddenly disappeared from her eyes, and an ambiguous look was Suddenly it came out of his eyes.

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