Panther Commando

Chapter 2620: A new target for spies

Wan Lin called Yu Jing to the office through the walkie-talkie, then turned to Xiaoya and Lingling who were sitting on the sofa and said, "Director Zhou and Li Xiaofeng have already been released. You should be vigilant and strictly prohibit Li Xiaofeng from approaching President Yu."

Xiaoya and Lingling nodded solemnly, raised their hands and hugged Xiaohua and Xiaobai who were lying beside them. At this time, Yu Jing walked out of the laboratory. She pushed open the door and walked into the office. She looked at Wan Lin and asked, "Researcher Wan, is there something wrong?"

Wan Lin smiled and stood up from behind the desk and walked to the sofa, Yu Jing turned around and closed the door and walked over, Wan Lin saw Yu Jing sitting down and said, "I just received a notification from the professor that Director Zhou and Li Xiaofeng After the review has ended, Hu Xiaohong is still under investigation."

He turned his head and glanced out the window, then said: "I have told Xiaoya and the others to be more vigilant. Li Xiaofeng is very dangerous. You should also pay attention to yourself, try not to get close to Li Xiaofeng, and beware of him hurting people with secret arrows."

Yu Jing raised her hand and took off the big black-framed glasses on her face, and after thinking for a while, said: "Li Xiaofeng must be very proud, thinking that he has successfully directed the spearhead of the leak to Hu Xiaohong. I guess he will relax his vigilance and speed up from us. The pace of operations to steal intelligence.”

Wan Lin sat next to Xiaoya, raised his hand to pick up Xiaohua in her arms and said, "I think so too. However, the other party just stole the laser generator from us, so it will definitely take some time to study."

He pondered for a moment and continued: "According to your original statement, the most important thing in the laser generator is the fixed device of the opposite **** that fixes the laser medium, and they will definitely discover this. Therefore, I estimate that Li Xiaofeng's action target is still the cold stone. This laser medium."

Yu Jing blinked his big eyes and said, "Yes, there is no other abnormality in the laser generator, only that it is a device that emits high-energy lasers, and that the fixed medium is a device of the opposite sex. Therefore, , the focus of the opponent's actions is still on this special-shaped laser medium."

Xiaoya on the side said thoughtfully: "But the laser medium is the top priority of our experiment. They will definitely realize that it is not easy to obtain such an important substance. So what measures will they take?"

Several people fell silent when they heard Xiaoya's analysis. Indeed, now the focus of the opponent's next move can be determined, but what actions will the opponent take to obtain this coveted laser medium?

Lingling pondered for a while and suddenly said: "They must realize that the medium is under our key protection, and the security protection of Mr. Yu's laboratory and office is extremely strict. Li Xiaofeng must be very clear about this, he will not come here stupidly to steal the medium. Bar?"

Wan Lin turned his head to look at the office, followed by staring at the large safe in the corner and replied, "He shouldn't take such a risk. The security alarm device here is first-class, as long as there is a slight change in the office and the laboratory, it will be immediately Sound the alarm. Moreover, there is also a guard force in the research institute. Even if they opened the safe and took out the medium, they could not safely take the medium away."

Yu Jing followed up: "Yes, this office and laboratory are specially designed by me. Even if the power is cut off, the backup power supply I designed separately will also be activated immediately. It is impossible for them to do so without alerting the police. Break in here. In addition, the safes here and in the laboratory are safes with the highest level of security protection, and it is difficult for professionals to open them.”

As she said, a cold light suddenly appeared in her eyes. After she raised her eyes and glanced out the window, she continued in a low voice: "Even if the opponent uses a special method to enter here and open the safe, they will not be able to take the contents inside. Once someone is without me If I move the contents without authorization, a set of protection measures designed by myself will be activated immediately, and the other party will definitely be burned into a coke by the high-intensity current I installed inside!"

Xiaoya and Lingling glanced at the large safe standing quietly in the corner in astonishment, Lingling exclaimed: "My mother, you have designed such a powerful mechanism in it? No wonder it is you every time you experiment. Take out the medium yourself, and don't let others handle it at all."

Yu Jing heard Lingling's astonished voice, turned her head to look at her and said with a smile: "Yes, all my latest research results and those precious experimental materials are placed in the safe. Naturally, I have to be more careful. In addition, no Letting you intervene is to avoid the danger of your operation mistakes. Once someone is negligent when taking them, they may lose their lives."

She turned her head to look at Wan Lin and explained, "I'm engaged in scientific research. I've been trained to think and act like a machine, and every step is very rigorous. But outsiders can't do it, just tell them how to use it. There may be negligence in execution. Any negligence in my case is the price of life! So, I operate these two most important safes by myself, so as to be foolproof.”

Wan Lin and the others nodded in admiration, knowing that Yu Jing did not trust them, but for their safety.

Lingling immediately smiled and said, "Then I'd better stay away from these two safes, or if I burn to coke, our seniors won't have to cry for me!"

Wan Lin and the others all Yu Jing said, "Yes, so you can't touch my safe." After speaking, she looked at Wan Lin and said, "I can't think of it. As a last resort, the other party will not attack my office and laboratory, which is too dangerous for them. So, I guess the other party's focus is still on people, and now you and I are their most important targets."

When Xiaoya heard Yu Jing's words, she glanced at Wan Lin with a worried look in her eyes, and then said: "Yes, I think the same. The other party has already understood the safety protection of President Yu, and they know that their chances of success are very small. And you, the fake researcher Wan, is very likely to become the target of their next move." ("The Leopard" companion piece "Leopard Attack" has been read and uploaded in Koukou, please continue to support the friends who love the leopard)

Yu Jing nodded, looked at Wan Lin with a serious expression, and said, "The other party has not succeeded in attacking me in a row. They must understand that you have strengthened my protection, so you should be their next target. The identity of entering the institute is to cooperate with my laser research, so they will definitely think that you have all the information about my research, and you should be the next target of the spy."

When Lingling heard this, she said with a smile: "Okay, then let them know how powerful we are!"

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