Panther Commando

Chapter 2622: Paralyze the opponent

Wan Lin took Yu Jing into the office, Wan Lin glanced into the corridor with a probe, then turned around and closed the door and said to Yu Jing in a low voice, "I saw a flash of light at the entrance of the corridor just now, indicating that someone is on the stairs. , I don't know if this person passed by accidentally or intentionally eavesdropped?"

Yu Jing nodded and smiled, walked directly to her desk, and said as she walked, "Let me see who it is? If it's really Li Xiaofeng, I'm just worried that he doesn't move. Our original laser was hijacked, If the man was him just now, he would just let him know that we have re-processed another one and are preparing to experiment with a new laser. I want to see what he wants to do?"

Wan Lin and the others were stunned when they heard Yu Jing's words. At this time, they saw her walking directly to the computer on her desk. They suddenly understood that she must have monitoring devices for monitoring the corridors and the corridors upstairs. Wan Lin, Xiaoya, and Lingling quickly walked to Yu Jing's desk.

Sure enough, Yu Jing walked to her computer and tapped the keyboard a few times, then turned the laptop around and said to Wan Lin and the others, "Look, it really is Li Xiaofeng." Wan Lin and the others looked at the screen. Li Xiaofeng was walking upstairs unhurriedly, but suddenly stopped after hearing the voices in the corridor. He stood on the stairs and listened for a while, then turned around and walked downstairs.

Wan Lin stared at the computer screen, seeing the surveillance camera of the entire corridor on it, he nodded and said, "Do you still have the surveillance camera of the entire corridor here?" Yu Jing smiled and said, "Of course there is, this floor has all the surveillance cameras. It belongs to my office area, of course I have to set up monitoring facilities to prevent someone from sneaking into my restricted area."

She looked up at Wan Lin and said, "However, I installed these surveillance cameras secretly, and outsiders don't know about it. When the floor was renovated, the security department said they would install surveillance cameras to connect with the guards. I refused at the time, saying that my every move was seen by others, which I was not used to. But after the renovation was completed, I secretly installed a few miniature cameras, which could monitor the entire third-floor corridor and stairs.”

Wan Lin nodded and stared at Li Xiaofeng's disappearing back on the screen, and they all sighed in their hearts: "Mr. Yu not only tried his best in research, but also paid great attention to protect his scientific research results, this is a job. A serious scientist."

Wan Lin raised his head and said, "Li Xiaofeng now knows that we have re-made the laser generator, and will definitely continue to pay attention to the situation of our experiment. We just took this opportunity to do something about it."

Yu Jing thought for a while and said, "Yes, after the generator comes, I will first test the effect of the mutated crystal stones, and then think about how to use the fragments of these crystal stones to attract Li Xiaofeng's attention."

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at Xiaoya and Lingling beside him, and the three nodded at the same time. Wan Lin followed and asked, "Where are Wen Meng and Wu Xueying?" Yu Jing replied with a smile, "The two of them have really become my assistants now. They are now taking Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai to operate the instruments in the laboratory. Verify several experimental data I got earlier."

At this moment, Lingling pointed at the computer screen and said, "Xiao Wang is back." As soon as she finished speaking, there was a knock on the door, and Xiao Wang immediately pushed the door and walked in.

Xiao Wang greeted Wan Lin and the others, walked up to Yu Jing with a slip and said, "This is the payment slip for the arsenal. After you sign it, the finance can make the payment." Yu Jing took it. After taking a closer look at the receipt, she picked up a signature pen on the table and signed her name. She handed the receipt to Xiao Wang and asked, "When will the new laser generator arrive?"

Xiao Wang took the document and replied, "After you agreed to pay the arsenal just now, I immediately notified Deputy Director Liu. He was very happy and said that the guard battalion had sent someone to **** the laser out early in the morning, and it should be coming soon. Since the last incident with the laser, they were very careful this time and sent a squad of soldiers to **** it."

Yu Jing nodded and said to Xiao Wang: "Deputy Director Liu and their arsenal have always been our partners and have provided great support to our research institute. Now that they have encountered difficulties in their operations, we should support them. Hurry up and notify the finance department to send the money."

At this time, Wan Lin, who was standing by the side, suddenly said: "Xiao Wang, when you go down, please inform the office by the way. After the laser arrives, let them **** the soldiers from the guard battalion directly to Mr. Yu's laboratory." "Okay. Yes." Xiao Wang agreed and walked out quickly with the receipt.

Yu Jing watched Xiao Wang walk out, turned her head and said to Wan Lin, "Do you want Li Xiaofeng to see this laser that we customized again?"

Wan Lin nodded solemnly and replied: "Yes, he has heard us talking about this just now, and now he just notified the office that someone will deliver things in a while. I think Li Xiaofeng saw the soldiers of the guard battalion escorting the laser. Come over, I will definitely rush to bring them up."

With that said, he raised his eyes and looked out the window and said, "Li Xiaofeng will definitely not miss the opportunity to see this laser with his own eyes, so that the new laser he sees will be verified with the one stolen by his companions. I do this. I also wanted to make him feel more at ease, thinking that we have completely fixed our eyes on Hu Xiaohong, and we have completely cancelled our doubts about Yu Jing, Xiaoya, and Lingling all clicked when they heard his analysis. Nodding. Several people understood in their hearts that according to the psychology of normal people, although Li Xiaofeng, the hidden spy, was released, he was not completely sure that his opponent had lifted his suspicions, so he would definitely use every opportunity to verify whether he was a spy. Safety?

Now, if he is allowed to bring the soldiers who escorted the laser generator to the laboratory in person, it means that the institute has lifted its suspicion of him, and the attitude of Yu Jing of the institute also indirectly reflects The attitude of the national security department, Wan Lin's move can really make this Li Xiaofeng feel at ease and play a role in numbing him.

Yu Jing pondered for a while, then raised her head and said to Wan Lin and the others: "After the new laser generator arrives, no matter what Li Xiaofeng does, we will first test the effect of mutated crystal as a laser medium in the laboratory. I'm eager to process the purpose of this laser generator. You guys will accompany me to participate in the experiment in a while." ("The Leopard Attack" has been read and uploaded in Koukou, the companion piece of "The Leopard", please continue to support the friends who love the Leopard)

"Okay!" Wan Lin and the others replied immediately. In fact, since the few people saw that the broken crystals were changed by the cold stone, everyone has also developed a strong interest in those broken crystals, and they all want to know whether these broken crystals can generate high-energy laser beams.

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