Panther Commando

Chapter 2629: dilapidated hotel

With the sudden sound of gunshots, the dim lights that were still flashing in some low buildings in the town went out immediately, and only a dim yellow light flashed in front of the door of a two-story building at the end of the street, reflecting There is a plaque at the entrance with the words "Hotel".

It didn't take long, the gunshots in the distance suddenly stopped, and the flashing firelight suddenly disappeared from the night sky, and the town fell into darkness again. From the sudden sound of the gunshots to the sudden disappearance, there was not a single figure in the silent and dilapidated street. It seems that the people here have long been accustomed to this turbulent life.

At this time, a low sound of a car engine suddenly came from a distance, followed by a dilapidated jeep with black lights suddenly rushed out of the darkness, and then turned into the dilapidated hotel with dim lights at the door. The gate quietly stopped in an open space on the side of the hotel gate.

With the sound of the car door being pushed open, Kuroda, the head of Yamaguchi Security, and Kitai, his personal bodyguard, jumped out of the car. Both of them wore baseball caps with large brim on their heads, which were exposed on the skin outside. They were all smeared with black oil paint, their bodies were covered with dust, and their whole body was dripping with sweat, just like a black dress.

The two jumped out of the car and put their right hands on their bulging waists, their vigilant eyes quickly swept across the dim hotel compound, and then they raised their feet and walked quickly towards the hotel door.

There was only a dim light on the dilapidated ceiling of the hotel lobby, a few shabby sofas were placed alone on the side of the hall, and a dark-skinned waitress was lying on the reception desk in a corner.

As the two of Kuroda walked in, the waitress raised her eyes sleepily and glanced at the two who entered the door, and then lay lazily on the service desk.

Kuroda frowned and headed straight for the stairs. Bei Jing followed behind him, his eyes swept across the hall quickly, and then followed Kuroda up the stairs.

The two walked into the room on the second floor. Kuroda raised his hand and turned on the light switch. The dark room immediately lit up with a dim light, and a sultry and humid smell immediately penetrated into the nostrils of the two of them.

"Damn, this is really not a place for people! Not only is it hot to death, but there is no hot water." Kuroda frowned and scolded in a low voice, walking up to the bed and taking off the dirty black upper body. The short-sleeved top and trousers revealed the bumpy muscles on his body.

He immediately threw the sweat-soaked shirt onto a chair on the side, turned around and walked into the bathroom on the side, and there was a rush of water inside.

Bei Jing smiled wryly and looked around, then walked to the window and glanced out, followed by pulling the shabby curtains, then walked to another single window and sat down, quickly took out a laptop from his backpack Look carefully.

Not long after, Kuroda walked out of the bathroom with a towel to wipe the water droplets on his body. At this time, the black oil paint he took out had been washed off, revealing his original face.

He walked over to his bed with a relaxed expression, raised his hand and threw the towel in his hand and sat on the head of the bed, then took out a thick cigar from the bag on the side, lit it and took a few puffs, then turned his head to look at Bei Jing and asked. Said: "Is there any new news?"

Kitai quickly raised his head to look at Kuroda and said, "That Takahashi Yumi named Peacock sent a message that the things that Momonga hijacked had been delivered to their headquarters. She is very grateful for our cooperation. Now their research and analysis show that this is indeed true. It is the latest individual laser launcher, but the core secret of the laser generator is the laser medium, which is not in it."

"Nonsense!" Kuroda scolded in a low voice, "It's just the equipment that was just processed from the processing plant, how could it carry the medium. What else did the peacock say?"

Beijing continued: "From their analysis results, Dr. Yu Jing's research is indeed a micro-laser that emits high-energy laser beams. Once this equipment is successfully developed, it will be the world's first breakthrough in the miniaturization bottleneck of laser equipment. The research results obtained by the company, whether in military or civilian use, have limitless development prospects, and their value is immeasurable."

Hearing Beijing's report, Kuroda's eyes suddenly flashed a light, and he muttered to himself: "Okay, it seems that Laozi's eyesight is absolutely right! At that time, I guessed that the cold stone was a piece of value. Liancheng's magical substance. Now it seems that we invested the right amount of money, that cold stone must be the raw material for making this high-energy laser medium!"

Beijing heard Kuroda's proud voice, and continued with an expression of admiration on his face: "The boss still has vision. The peacock also said it, and their intelligence station has now confirmed that Dr. Yu Jing is indeed using a risky drug recently. Experiments are carried out on substances with a cold breath, and this substance is most likely the cold stone you mentioned, and the new laser generator processed by the research institute is definitely an experimental product for research and verification."

He followed and glanced at the computer screen in his hand, and continued: "The latest news from her said that the Ordnance Research Institute has customized a new laser generator, and the appearance is exactly the same as the one we hijacked. This shows that we hijacked Lasers are indeed the latest research results of Dr. Yu Jing."

After listening to the Kuroda had a smug smile on his face, followed with a sneer: "Hey, this peacock now knows how good we are? Without the cooperation of our people, they still don't have this ability. To the laser. Damn, for this laser, I lost another subordinate." He turned to look at Beijing and asked, "Did she not say the next action plan?"

Beijing replied immediately: "Said, she asked us to increase our strength in China. At present, she is preparing to increase the action on this medium, and is now planning an action plan, and our people will need to cooperate at that time. She said that the action of the intelligence station The personnel capacity is weaker, and we need to send some capable personnel to support it as soon as possible.”

After hearing this, Kuroda's eyes flashed, and then he scolded coldly: "This woman is really a person, and she even gave Lao Tzu a high hat. This is to let our people play him as a striker." (Companion to this book. "The Leopard Attack" has been updated simultaneously on Tencent Literature and Koukou Reading, friends are welcome to appreciate)

He said, leaning against the bedside for a moment, then turned his head to look at Bei Jing and said, "It seems that this Takahashi Yumi is indeed extraordinary, she can know that Dr. Yu Jing is using the cold stone to carry out experiments, and also knows that Yu Jing has A newly customized laser generator means that there must be their people inside the institute, otherwise it is impossible for outsiders to understand such a confidential matter. This woman's energy is indeed strong enough, how could it be possible to send someone to fight in such a short period of time Entered the institute?"

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