Panther Commando

Chapter 2637: busy wan researcher

Momonga nodded and replied: "There is no specific action plan yet. I guess that Peacock must have guessed that this old man is the leader of the opponent, so it has increased the investigation of this person."

At this time, Okazaki, who was sitting on the side, said coldly: "Yes, this peacock definitely wants us to deal with this person, otherwise they have already sent people to follow, there is no need for us to send people to investigate this person's actions. It's regular."

Momonga glanced at Okazaki with admiration, a smile appeared on his gloomy face, and then said: "Okazaki-kun is indeed the person by the boss's side, and his knowledge is indeed superior. That's right, Peacock asked us to send people to investigate this old man, for sure It is to let us understand the environment on this old man's line of action, and prepare to let us take action on this person."

Momonga said and looked at the kangaroo and said, "You can follow Okazaki out for a while to get acquainted with the surrounding environment of the target, focusing on the vicinity of the National Security Bureau. I guess Peacock's next move is to let us take action on this person and try to attack him. Disrupting the rhythm of the opponent's detection of the case, their intelligence station is ready to take advantage of the chaos to launch operations against the institute."

He said, looked at Okazaki again and said: "From the news from Peacock, their researchers have analyzed the structure of the laser, and the most important thing in it is the laser medium, and this medium is not hijacked by us. in that laser, so I guess Peacock is going to attack this medium. What do you think?"

Okazaki replied thoughtfully: "Yes, they must be trying to take advantage of our opportunity to attack this old man and start operations at the research institute at the same time. I suggest that parrots should be monitored around the research institute for a while to prevent peacocks from carrying on their backs. We got those classified information." He raised his eyes and glanced at the tall and thin middle-aged man standing by the window downstairs.

Momonga nodded, and immediately said to the middle-aged man: "Parrot, then you will be responsible for monitoring the weapons research institute these few days, pay attention to the abnormal situation over there." The middle-aged man turned his head and looked at Momonga and nodded, and followed A glance at the three new kangaroos.

At this time, the three kangaroos noticed that this middle-aged man had a large hooked nose on his thin face, which looked like a parrot's outstretched mouth, and the small eyes above his mouth looked very gloomy. The kangaroo quickly nodded to the parrot as a greeting.

Momonga then looked at Okazaki and said, "That's the decision, everyone eat something first. You will take the kangaroos out for a while, and buy them some clothes and daily necessities by the way. I will contact Peacock in a while, and it is estimated that it will be soon. There's work to do."

After he finished speaking, he stared at the big bear and monkey beside the kangaroo, and said in a cold tone: "Remember, speak Chinese to me here, and if you don't speak well, don't open your mouth to Laozi outside!"...

At this time, Wan Lin was walking out of the bathroom on the third floor of the Weapon Research Institute with a toothbrush and a towel. He was holding a water cup with a toothbrush and toothpaste in his left hand, and a towel in his right hand, wiping the water droplets off his face. Obviously, he did not return to the station last night, but slept in the office for the night.

As soon as he walked to the entrance of the corridor on the third floor of the corridor, he saw Yu Jing, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying, who were holding Xiao Bai, coming up. He stopped just as he was about to speak when Wen Meng, who was behind Yu Jing, suddenly raised his finger behind him and said loudly, "Researcher Wan, did you not go back last night? President Yu didn't mean that you should finish the experiment last night. Go back early. You can't stay up late every day during this time, and you have to pay attention to your health no matter how busy you are."

Wan Lin immediately understood what Wen Meng meant. Li Xiaofeng must have just gone to work and was in the corridor on the second floor. He hurriedly replied with a smile: "Hehe, it was too late last night, I just made do with it in the office for one night, otherwise I would have to trouble the **** and them to send me, I'm ashamed."

Yu Jing walked up the stairs, then turned her head to look downstairs and said, "That's not good, don't burn your body." "It's okay, I'm not that squeamish, I often stay up late when I'm at the headquarters and research institute. I'm used to it." Wan Lin replied with a smile, and then walked to the office with Yu Jing.

At this time, Lingling's voice also came from the second floor: "Brother Li, are you here so early?" Then Li Xiaofeng's voice sounded in the corridor on the second floor: "I'm still early? Mr. Yu and the others. arrive."

Wan Lin walked into the office, and Yu Jing saw a thin blanket neatly stacked on the double sofa. She turned her head and saw that Wu Xueying had closed the door, and asked with a smile, "Researcher Wan, we don't do research like you make a quilt. That one didn't get up and lifted the quilt to one side and then got up."

Wen Meng and Wu Xueying looked at the tofu-like blanket on the sofa, and both laughed "giggling", Wan Lin raised his hand and touched his head and said with a smile, "Hehehe, I forgot about this. Well. Well, this habit has long been formed in the army."

Saying that, he walked to the sofa, picked up the blanket and walked to the corner of the room, stuffed the blanket into a backpack, then walked back to look at Yu Jing and asked, "I've been living in the research institute every few days these days. I have paid attention to it. Haha, I guess it has worked. Usually, he doesn't come so early. These days, he arrives early every day, and when you enter the door, you will see if you and I are parked in the parking lot. Wu Xueying said after listening: "That must have worked, he must be trying to guess the progress of the research from your overtime work. Yu Jing nodded, looked at Wan Lin and said, "You must pay attention to safety, and let Lao Bao and Zisheng be more vigilant." Where did they live last night? "

Wan Lin replied, "They live in the guard company's dormitory." He looked at Wen Meng and asked, "Is Xiaoya still with grandpa?" Wen Meng quickly replied, "Yes, now she accompanies her every day. I followed my grandfather to the hospital to diagnose and treat those incurable diseases, and said that I have learned a lot of Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment methods from my grandfather, and I have gained a lot."

When Wu Xueying heard Wen Meng's reply, she pouted and muttered in a low voice, "Sister Xiaoya doesn't want me to accompany grandpa, she has her own grandfather." At this time, Lingling pushed the door and walked in, just heard Wu Xueying murmured, she turned around and closed the door with a smile: "Stinky girl, you don't know medical skills, why are you following grandpa?"

Everyone laughed at Yingying's complaint. Yu Jing turned her head around Yingying's shoulder and said with a smile: "Little girl, are you bored here and want to go out to get some air?"

Wu Xueying immediately raised her head and said with a frown, "Looking at those instruments every day is enough to bother my little aunt. President Yu, are you not bothered by looking at these things every day?"

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