Panther Commando

Chapter 2643: the opponent is running

Xiaoya's eyes lit up and said, "Yes, this person is walking on one crutches, which means that his left leg is severely disabled, and if his left leg has been inactive for a long time, the muscles should have atrophied long ago, so how can he still show a strong leg? Muscles? This means there is nothing wrong with his left leg!"

At this time, Bao Ya and several people also understood the mystery. Bao Ya immediately raised his right hand to his waist and asked, "Head, shall we go over and take a look?"

Wan Lin pondered for a moment, and suddenly a light flashed in his eyes and said, "No, you are now my bodyguards, it is not appropriate for you to take action in person in public. Son, notify the guards to send someone over to take a look and remind them to pay attention to safety! If there is any doubt, take it down first!"

But he raised his eyes and glanced at the guards in the direction of the door, hesitantly said, "Old Bao, both of you are wearing plain clothes, you go out from the back door and go around in front of him, no matter if there is any problem, intercept it and ask. Remember, if the other party doesn't have a weapon, don't shoot, remind Qilian Commander and the others to pay attention to safety!"

Bao Ya and Zisheng immediately showed joy on their faces, and replied in a low voice, "Yes!" They pushed open the car door and walked back. Wu Xueying saw Bao Ya and the two jumped out of the car with joy on their faces, and asked anxiously, "Captain, should I go take a look too?"

Xiaoya smiled and grabbed her arm and said, "Little girl, what are you looking at? You are an experimental assistant now, what are you running for?" Then she pushed open the car door and pulled her out. Wan Lin also raised his hand and pushed the spectacle frame on his face, jumped out of the car with a smile, turned around and walked towards the laboratory building.

Xiaoya took Wu Xueying's arm and followed Wan Lin to the door of the building. As she walked, she inadvertently raised her eyes and glanced at the window of the administrative office on the second floor. She vaguely saw a figure standing at the window on the second floor. A teacup is drinking water.

Several people walked into the laboratory building and strode back to Yu Jing's office on the third floor. At this moment, Yu Jing was sitting behind her desk and staring at the computer screen, her fingers moving quickly on it. Lingling sat behind Wan Lin's desk on the side, and also stared at her electronic countermeasure box, tapping her fingers on it from time to time, apparently taking the time to study her own business.

Yu Jing and the others heard the door slamming. They looked up and saw Wan Lin and the three of them hurriedly approaching. Yu Jing smiled and asked, "Why do you see Grandpa coming back so soon? Not to mention having a meal with the old man."

At this time, Wu Xueying ran to Yu Jing's desk excitedly, stretched her head and asked anxiously, "Sister Yu, talk about grandpa later. Can you see the surveillance outside the hospital?"

Yu Jing was stunned for a moment, and then said: "My computer can only see the monitoring inside the building, but not outside. The monitoring outside is controlled by the monitoring room of the guard company. Is there anything wrong?"

At this time, Lingling's eyes flashed and she looked at Yingying and said, "Is there a situation? My electronic countermeasure box can be connected to the monitoring room of the guard company, and I can view all the surveillance images around the institute."

Wu Xueying was overjoyed and said quickly, "Hurry up, hurry up, connect! There is a lot of excitement outside." Yu Jing glanced at Wan Lin and Xiaoya in surprise, and saw that they were both smiling and nodding. He walked towards Lingling with his feet.

Lingling quickly tapped on the keyboard of the electronic countermeasure box a few times. Wu Xueying ran to her and said excitedly, "Just look at the monitors near the gate." Lingling quickly moved the mouse to adjust the screen, and the computer screen immediately appeared on the screen. Several instant pictures of the gate appeared.

At this time, Yu Jing also stood up curiously, followed Wan Lin and the others to Lingling's side, and stared at the LCD screen on the electronic countermeasure box.

At the gate, four soldiers in military uniforms were walking out from the small door on the gate. They turned their heads to look around, and then walked along the street on the left. It was for fear of attracting the attention of the target, and there was no rush to catch up.

The street still looked very clean. A few old men and old ladies on the opposite side of the street were walking forward unhurriedly. Several of them were holding green vegetables in their hands, chatting while walking, looking very leisurely. A few hundred meters in front of the old man, a middle-aged man on crutches was limping toward a fork in front of him.

"Is there a problem?" Yu Jing stared at the screen and asked in a low voice in surprise. Lingling also raised her head in surprise and glanced at Wan Lin and the others, apparently neither she nor Yu Jing noticed anything unusual.

At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared on the side of the fence of the institute. Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng in plain clothes were walking from the road on the side of the institute to the opposite street.

When Xiaoya heard Yu Jing's question, she immediately said, "Pay attention to the man on crutches." At this moment, the middle-aged man on crutches had already reached the fork in the road. Standing at the intersection, he suddenly stopped and turned to look. Glancing at the four soldiers striding across the street, they suddenly accelerated and turned to the side road.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Wan Lin immediately took out a pair of earphones and hung them on his ears, and commanded into the microphone: "Zisheng, Bao Ya, speed up and go around from the side to the front of the other party, the other party is going to run!" He knows the terrain around the institute well, and knows that from an alley on the right, you can detour to the fork on the left.

Following his voice Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng suddenly quickened their pace, rushed across the opposite street diagonally, and ran to a fork on the right. And the four soldiers suddenly pulled out their pistols from their waists, raised their feet and chased the fork where the man on crutches in front had disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, several figures have disappeared from the screen, and the two sentries at the entrance of the institute have nervously removed the assault rifles from their shoulders and looked vigilantly on both sides of the street. A few more soldiers with guns appeared in the gate, and they all stood at the gate with guns and watched the surroundings.

At this time, Lingling quickly pressed a button on the keyboard and whispered: "The police's road conditions and security monitoring have been connected in parallel with the guards. Let's take a look at the situation over there." Following her voice, the screen Immediately there was a scene in the fork where the suspect disappeared.

The person on crutches moved very quickly at this time. The crutch under his left arm quickly tapped the ground, and his body kept turning sideways to observe the intersection behind him. Wu Xueying stared at each other's movements and whispered, "This **** can run really fast on crutches!"

As soon as she finished speaking, four soldiers with pistols rushed out from the fork more than 100 meters behind the lame man. The **** in front also suddenly threw away the single crutch under his arm, and ran towards the front like a smoky smoke. Obviously, he had already spotted the soldiers chasing behind him.

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