Panther Commando

Chapter 2647: new action order

Momonga replied with a gloomy face: "I don't know the specific situation. Just now Peacock suddenly heard news that the guards of the research institute suddenly rushed out, and then drove a person back. people, so I immediately sent a message."

Okazaki nodded and asked thoughtfully, "That must be a parrot. Parrot has a lot of experience in reconnaissance, how could it be discovered by the opponent, can he be sure of his life or death now?"

Momonga shook his head and replied in a low voice: "I can't yet determine the life and death of the kangaroo, I am, but he was captured alive, so I quickly sent a message to you so as not to be caught by the opponent. However, after I came out of the No. 1 concealment point, I drove the car. After turning around for several times, no suspicious persons were found approaching. Therefore, I judged that the parrot had committed suicide by taking poison."

The dark-faced kangaroo sitting on the side sofa heard this, and scolded in a low voice: "This is his grandmother's bad luck, something happened when we first came to the parrot, it seems that the situation here is really not objective!"

He said and looked up at the two men who were monitoring the outside by the bed, and asked in a low voice, "Monkey, can someone follow up?" "It's safe, nothing abnormal." The thin monkey stared out the window and replied .

Momonga leaned back on the sofa and pondered for a while, then looked at Okazaki and asked, "You didn't notice anything unusual when you went out just now, did you?" Okazaki replied, "No, we went around the National Security Bureau and walked around. I just saw the target's vehicle entering the National Security Bureau, and the kangaroos have already memorized the characteristics of the vehicle, and I also took them to familiarize myself with the surrounding terrain."

He said, suddenly took out his mobile phone with a gloomy face and pressed it a few times, then looked at the kangaroo and said, "I sent the photo of the old man and the three bodyguards around him, it's not very clear, it's all parrots in the distance. Take a look at it from a distance."

At this time, when he mentioned the parrot that was no longer there, he looked very depressed, and after that, he lowered his head a little sadly. Kangaroo also took out his mobile phone with a gloomy face, stared at the photos above, and then turned his head to the big bear and monkey standing by the window and said, "Come and have a look, remember the appearance of these four people."

The monkey and the big bear came over nervously. The monkey took the mobile phone handed over by the kangaroo and held it in front of him and the big bear. The two stared at the photos on the phone for a while, and the big bear whispered in a surprised voice: "This old man Why is he in his 60s or 70s, the three people around him look like his grandson, is this our goal? Monkey, look at this rustic boy, he is only seventeen or eighteen years old, right?"

The monkey and the kangaroo also turned their heads to look at Momonga when they heard the bear's muttering. They didn't know the origin of this incident. They thought they were going to deal with a shrewd and strong-looking commander and a strong bodyguard, but they didn't expect that the photo showed an old man in his sixties and three inconspicuous young men. People, one of them had a childish look on his face.

Okazaki looked up at the three of them and said with a sneer, "Hey, look down on these people? Let me tell you, this old man is the commander of the Huaxia National Security System in command of us, the dead brothers in front of us should be It was under his command."

Momonga also raised his eyes and glanced at the big bear standing behind the sofa, and said coldly: "I tell you, among the three bodyguards, I am afraid that the youngest guy is very powerful, don't underestimate him!"

Big Bear turned his head and stared at Momonga and muttered, "How is it possible? This kid is thin and dry, I'll slap him to death!" Momonga glanced coldly at the stout Big Bear, and then said: "Hey, you If the kid is so careless, it will be in the hands of this little guy sooner or later."

At this time, the kangaroo heard Momonga and Okazaki's words, and curiously took the mobile phone from the monkey and took a closer look, then nodded his head and said, "Yes, among the three bodyguards, the boy standing on both sides of the old man is not scary. , the little guy standing in the back is really a little scary. This man is young, but there is a murderous look in his eyes, and his whole body seems to be taking a chill. This is still a photo, if I see him, I guess this feeling will be strong."

Momonga and Okazaki both nodded at him, clearly agreeing with him. The kangaroo turned around and handed the phone to the big bear, and then said coldly: "Don't know how high the sky is, kid, the Chinese kung fu is not measured by the size of the body. You are tall and big, I am afraid you are in this small place. There are only five moves in front of the guy. Learn it well, you can't even tell the level of your opponent's skills, no one will collect your corpse here!"

Big Bear took the phone in surprise and looked down, then pointed to the picture on the phone, what did he just say? Momonga suddenly raised his hand to stop him from opening his mouth. He raised his hand and took out the phone from his pocket and took a closer look. Then he said to the bear and monkey, "I'll take a rest when you come to the side." He pointed to a room on the side.

The monkey and the big bear glanced at each other, and quickly turned to the side room. The two knew that Momonga must have received a new task, and they had to discuss the action plan individually.

Momonga saw the big bears walk into the room and closed the door, then turned to look at Okazaki and Kangaroo and said, "The message from She said that she has received a report, and the people from the national security system have come to study When the person was taken away, his people did not see the parrot himself, and did not know whether to live or die."

He then took out a map from the coffee table in front of him and spread it on the coffee table, and continued: "She is now sending us an instruction to prepare us to act against the old man, and the action plan she has drawn up is also issued. Come here, let's study this plan carefully and wait for her order to act."

After hearing this, Kangaroo frowned, looked at Momonga and asked, "Why do they give us orders directly? Don't they go through the boss?" Momonga looked up at Okazaki next to him. He didn't answer Kangaroo's question, but stared at him. pondered over the map.

Okazaki turned his head to look at the kangaroo and said: "Isn't this nonsense, without the boss's order, they still can't command us. Now Peacock is letting us familiarize ourselves with the action plan first, and she will tell the boss directly about this matter. Only after the boss's direct order will we take action."

As soon as he finished speaking, his mobile phone vibrated. He picked up the mobile phone and glanced at it and said, "The boss is calling, let's follow Peacock's arrangement in this operation! In addition, we are merged into a group, the group leader. For Momonga." After speaking, he put the phone in front of Momonga and Kangaroo to let them take a look, and then deleted the message.

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