Panther Commando

Chapter 2655: anxiously waiting

Li Xiaofeng knew in his heart that the peculiar experimental specimen he stole while he was in chaos was a time bomb that could be detonated at any time, and he could not find a safe place to hide in the research institute.

Once the other party uses an instrument or a hunting dog to search, he will definitely find a hidden location from the cold air and luster emerging from the experimental specimen, so he must send this thing out of the institute as soon as possible to ensure his own safety.

Now Wan Lin and Wu Xueying suddenly felt unwell and went to the hospital, which just gave him an opportunity to send the specimen in time. After entering the hospital, he was still thinking about the chance to escape. He didn't expect that this researcher Wan's bodyguard would let him return alone, just to provide him with an opportunity to send the specimen, so his heart was really full of joy.

At this time, Wan Lin and Wu Xueying were sitting on the chairs in front of the doctor's desk, and two doctors from the respiratory department were asking about their symptoms. The two answered the doctor's question in a low voice, but their ears were listening to the conversation between Lin Zisheng and Li Xiaofeng outside the house.

At this time, Bao Ya suddenly walked in from outside the house. He walked over to Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "I've already left." Wan Lin immediately pushed away the stethoscope held by the doctor, stood up and looked out of the house. Just when he saw Li Xiaofeng hurriedly walking towards the parking lot on the side, he opened the door and quickly glanced around, then got into the car and drove out.

Seeing that Li Xiaofeng had left, Wan Lin immediately said to the person in front of him, "Sorry for disturbing you." After speaking, he quickly took out an earphone from his trouser pocket and put it in his ear, and said in a low voice, "Zhang Wa, the target has already left. Xiaohua follow!" After speaking, she and Wu Xueying turned around and walked out the door.

It turned out that Wan Lin immediately ordered Wen Meng to take Xiao Hua after his own vehicles drove out of the gate of the institute, and quickly left the eye residence to meet Zhang Wa, who was hiding around the institute, and then went to hide around the military hospital.

Now that Li Xiaofeng left alone, he immediately ordered Zhang Wa and the others to follow Xiaohua secretly to see who he was going to give the experimental specimens to?

At this moment, when Wu Xueying heard Wan Lin's voice, she stretched out her hand and wiped it **** her face. Her little face, which was covered with gray and black smoke, immediately became like a flower. She turned around and said to Wan Lin, "Hehe. Hehe, I'll go out and have a look, now I'm just like this, I can dress up as a beggar." Saying that, he tore off the lab coat covered in gray and black smoke.

Wan Lin, Bao Ya, and Zisheng heard her voice, but they turned their heads and grinned when she looked dirty. Wan Lin nodded and said, "Okay, you pay attention to safety." He rubbed his head a few times, letting his hair fall on his face full of smoke, and then took out the intercom to call Wen Meng, then turned around and hurriedly ran out of the corridor.

Wan Lin then hurriedly said to Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng, "Go, go to the emergency building!" After speaking, he didn't care to wash the dust off his face, turned around and ran upstairs, from the second floor of the outpatient building. The passage ran directly into the emergency building.

Several people hurried to the emergency building and just walked into the corridor of the emergency operating room. Several armed police officers reached out to stop them. Bao Ya hurriedly stepped forward and took out the documents and handed them over.

At this time, Director Xiao, who had a serious expression, suddenly hurried over from the inside. He walked over to several policemen and waved his hands, then turned around and walked towards the corridor. Bao Ya then turned around and said to the four soldiers of the guard company behind him: "You wait here, and it is strictly forbidden for irrelevant personnel to approach." After speaking, he strode towards the door of the operating room with Wan Lin and Lin Zisheng.

Wan Lin and the others walked to the door of the operating room. Professor Chang was staring at the door of the operating room covered in blood, and he was walking back and forth in front of the door uneasy. Wan Lin was startled when he saw the blood on the professor's body. He stepped in front of the professor and grabbed his arms and asked anxiously, "Professor, aren't you injured?"

Professor Chang turned his head and glanced at Wan Lin, who was covered in smoke and dust. A look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and he immediately replied: "I don't have Xie Chao's blood on my body. How are you?" Wan Lin was looking anxiously. On the professor's body, when he heard him say that he was fine, he immediately turned his eyes to the operating room and asked, "I'm fine, how are Xu Liang and the others?"

Professor Chang said hurriedly: "Xu Liang and the three of them are undergoing emergency surgery in order to protect me from serious injuries. Among the three, Xu Liang and Yan Ying are very dangerous. I don't know the situation of the operation yet. Xie Chao was shot on the back. The bullet swiped, and the operation is going on inside. This group of **** suddenly attacked, thanks to the three of them, Xu Liang, otherwise I would definitely not be able to get out of the car. "

Wan Lin and the others waited anxiously at the door for more than an hour. The red light above the door frame of the operating room suddenly went out, and the door was pushed open. Wan Lin and the others hurried up to meet them.

Xiaoya, who was wearing a surgical gown, helped her grandfather out of the door, and both of them looked tired. Wan Lin didn't expect his grandfather to be inside, so he quickly reached out to support his grandfather's arm, Bao Ya and Zisheng also hurried over, and helped the old man to the bench next to him and sat down.

Wan Lin nervously glanced at Grandpa's tired look, bent down, grabbed Grandpa's wrist and checked his pulse, then sat next to him and forced his True Qi into Grandpa's body. It didn't take The pale face of the old man slowly returned to normal, and the professors around were relieved. The professor bent down and looked at the old man and asked, "Brother, do you feel better? ?"

The old man pushed Wan Lin's hand away and glanced at the soot on Wan Lin's face in astonishment. After taking a few breaths, he said, "I'm fine. Lin'er, what's wrong with you?" The disposable surgical cap on his head wiped the sweat from his face and looked at Wan Lin nervously.

Seeing the nervous expressions of Grandpa and Xiaoya, Wan Lin quickly replied in a low voice: "The institute is on fire, I'm smoking, everyone is fine." He then turned to look at Xiaoya and asked hastily: " How about Xu Liang and the others?"

Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief and replied, "Thanks to grandpa for being here. Xu Liang was hit by five bullets, two of which were shot from under the ribs, and stayed near the arteries near the heart, which was very dangerous. Yan Ying had three guns on his body. Injury, a bullet going through the lungs, and very dangerous."

She glanced at her grandfather as she spoke and continued: "The three operations were performed at the same time just now. Grandpa grabbed the hands of Xu Liang and Yan Ying at the same time, protecting their hearts with exercise, and using acupuncture techniques to control them during the operation. The amount of blood in the operation ensures that the operation is carried out. Just now, President Yang performed the operation for the most critical Xu Liang. Now Xu Liang and Yan Ying have completed the operation, the bullets have been taken out, and the operation was very successful. "

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