Panther Commando

Chapter 2677: share your worries

Seeing the old man's resolute attitude, Li Dongsheng quickly looked anxiously at Xiaoya and Wu Xueying, who were loved by the old man. Xiaoya and the two quickly grabbed the old man's arms, Xiaoya said: "Grandpa, you don't need to go out in person, Yingying and I will deal with them. Even if they dare to come, it is impossible to send people in on a large scale. One or two people sneaked into the ward, don't you worry about us?"

Wu Xueying also persuaded: "That's right, if you have something to do, the disciple will do it. Grandpa, you still have to go out in person for this trivial matter? Just the two spies, sister Xiaoya and I will solve it, and you won't need to do it yourself. Get out!"

The old man glanced at Xiaoya and Yingying kindly, then turned to look at Li Dongsheng and Professor Chang, his face suddenly sank, and he asked in a serious tone: "Do you think I'm old and useless?" The old man As he spoke, his two gray eyebrows trembled a few times, and he suddenly stretched out his right hand to hold the white porcelain teacup on the coffee table and brought it to his mouth, then suddenly raised his head and poured the tea inside into his mouth.

The old man swallowed the tea in his mouth, his eyes suddenly burst into a gleam, stared at Li Dongsheng and said in a deep voice: "It is the responsibility of every man to protect the family and the country! So many of my grandsons and granddaughters are killing the enemy for the country on the battlefield. And Professor Chang can also go to the battlefield in the sixtieth year. Am I really old and useless? Let me tell you: I can still share the worries of the country in my old age! This matter is settled!"

The old man said hurriedly, his two gray eyebrows stood up, followed by a sudden "click" in his right hand, followed by a harsh "click" sound.

When everyone heard the hurried and angry voice of the old man, they all stood up abruptly from the sofa, looking at the old man's right hand with a serious expression. The hard painted white porcelain tea bowl that the old man had just finished drinking was crushed by the old man's big rough hand, and strands of white powder slowly flowed down from the old man's fingers!

Everyone watched in amazement as the fine sand-like magnetic powder flowed out of the old man's hands. They knew that just now everyone refused the old man to pretend to be a professor to go to the intensive care unit as a bait. The old man was indeed a little excited! The big hand with only strength has unconsciously raised the skill and crushed the hard ceramic tea bowl in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the old man stared solemnly at his right hand, motionless, the wide cloth on his body bulged slightly in the infuriating qi emanating from his body, and his two gleaming eyes stared at the white light that slowly flowed onto the coffee table. powder.

The faces of several people in the room also showed excited expressions. The old man was still thinking about how to give his strength to Huaxia in his old age. This kind of heart really made everyone present feel a sense of enthusiasm. But this matter is too dangerous. People lying in the ward of the intensive care unit may be plotted against by hidden people at any time. If they are not careful, it will be the price of their lives!

The magnetic powder slowly flowing from the old man's hand finally spread out on the smooth coffee table quietly. The old man opened his palm and patted it hard, then turned his head to look at Li Dongsheng and Professor Chang, and said in a deep voice without doubt, "That's it. It's settled! Let's go, I'll go over now!" He got up and stood up.

At this time, the words spoken by the old man were very calm, but they conveyed a firm message. Li Dongsheng and Professor Chang looked at each other sternly, followed by a helpless look on their faces.

The two of them knew in their hearts that the Wan family members were very stubborn and stubborn, and once they decided on something, even the eight horses could not pull it back! This was the case with Wan Lin, and even more so with his grandfather. Perhaps it was this ancestral stubborn and stubborn character that allowed them to practice the invincible peerless martial arts and created their brave and tenacious character.

Li Dongsheng and Professor Chang did not dissuade the old man anymore. Li Dongsheng suddenly put his feet together with a grim expression, stood up straight and whispered, "Salute!" Then he raised his right arm a little excitedly.

Xiaoya and Wang Hong, who had been standing upright, followed the heels of their feet together, raising their right arms one by one, waving their palms to their foreheads and looking at the old man's eyes with piercing eyes. , There was a look of reverence in each pair of eyes!

Professor Chang also stepped forward in front of the old man with an excited look. He stretched out his hands and grabbed the old man's right hand and shook it vigorously, and then said in a low voice: "Okay, old brother, well said! Protecting the family and the country is the responsibility of every man. Let us join hands with the old men to do more for Huaxia's peace, I don't believe that those **** can do to our two old fellows! Let me see who dares to say that we are old?"

"Hahahaha..." The old man from the Wan family suddenly burst into a hearty laugh when he heard Professor Chang's bold words, he held Professor Chang's hand tightly and said, "That's right, I will dress you up in terms of age. The most suitable; in terms of hunting experience in dealing with poisonous insects and beasts, I am much richer than you; hehe, in terms of kung fu, you are even worse! This task should be undertaken by the old man. Let’s go, let’s go now!” The old man let go of Professor Chang's hands and raised his feet to walk out.

Li Dongsheng hurriedly took a step reached out and grabbed the old man's arm and said, "Slowly, we agree to your old adventure, but now you must listen to our arrangements!" After he finished speaking, he turned to face Looking at Wang Hong, who was standing on the side, he said, "Old Wang, get a bulletproof vest for the old man immediately!"

The old man raised his hand to refuse, but Wang Hong quickly replied, "Yes!" Then he turned his head and waved to Zhang Xiong next to him, and Zhang Xiong immediately ran out the door.

Li Dongsheng immediately looked up and down at the old man's attire, then looked at Wang Hong and said, "Give the old man the dagger you have on your body." Following Li Dongsheng's voice, Wang Hong had already lifted up the white coat he was wearing, and put a hand on him. The military dagger on his waist was pulled out with its sheath, and he held it in front of the old man with both hands.

The old man's eyes lit up when he saw the dagger, then he stretched out his left hand to take it, his right hand grabbed the handle of the knife sharply, and pulled out the dagger. A faint light flashed on the old man's hand immediately, and the sharp blade was filled with murderous aura in the room!

The old man reached out and touched the blade, opened his mouth and praised: "Good knife!" He then looked at the long and narrow blade with love, then put the dagger into the scabbard and handed it to Xiaoya beside him, and said with a smile: "Girl , take it, keep it for grandpa, grandpa wants this good knife! To deal with those bastards, grandpa doesn't need such a good guy, they are not worthy of these bastards! Hehe, when I go back to the mountains, I will take it This good guy is going to kill wild boars."

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