Panther Commando

Chapter 2686: shadows outside

Xiaoya and Wang Hong left the intensive care unit and walked directly into the doctor's office opposite. Xiaoya raised her eyes and glanced around, and saw Zhang Xiong sitting in front of a computer and staring at the computer screen intently. The screen displayed a corridor of corridors. monitoring screen. Ouyang Ming, who was next to him, was lying on the couch on the side and resting with his eyes closed.

Seeing Xiaoya walking in, Zhang Xiong quickly stood up from the chair. Xiaoya waved her hand, walked over to Zhang Xiong and asked in a low voice, "Can the outer wall of the building outside the intensive care unit be monitored?" Zhang Xiong immediately sat down and clicked the mouse, and a picture appeared on the computer that appeared in the night. The very blurry picture of the exterior wall, Zhang Xiong said in a low voice: "You can see it, but the camera is far away, and the image is very blurry."

Wang Hong said in a low voice, "Yes, I have already considered this yesterday. I reported to Li Tou whether to install a surveillance camera here, but Li Tou rejected it."

He bent down and pointed to the upper wall of the screen and continued, "Li Tou said that the current installation can easily arouse the enemy's vigilance, and the monitoring room where Grandpa is located has no external windows, so the other party cannot directly pose a danger to the monitoring room from outside the building." "

He said, pointing his finger at the back of the intensive care unit and continued: "Look at this wall, there are only two windows on the left wall of the intensive care unit on the second floor. Inside the windows is the small storage room, but there It's just an opening for opponents to sneak in secretly, Li Tou said he's not afraid of them coming in from here!"

After he finished speaking, he straightened up and looked at Zhang Xiong and said, "You focus on monitoring these two windows, and report any abnormalities immediately." "Yes." Zhang Xiong replied in a low voice, and then stared at the monitoring screen again.

Wang Hong immediately took Xiaoya to a desk next to him and sat down, pointed to another computer screen on the desk and said, "This is the figure who came up from the corridor just now, and has now walked to the surrounding area of ​​the laboratory area. Lie down on the bench, and this is the man on the chair."

Xiaoya looked at her intently, and the screen displayed the picture outside the laboratory area on the second floor. The corridor was very dark. There were indeed several figures lying on the benches on both sides of the corridor. Wang Hong's finger was pointing at a man lying on the bench. Shadow.

Xiaoya watched for a while and said in a low voice, "It's like this at night in the hospital. There are many medical personnel from other places and their family members who are accompanying them lying on the corridor benches, so it is difficult to identify the suspects. But we can't disrupt the hospital. The medical treatment order expel them, so close monitoring is the only option."

At this moment, Zhang Xiong, who was beside him, suddenly whispered, "There seems to be a situation outside the building!" Wang Hong and Xiaoya quickly stood up and walked over. Ou Yangming, who was lying on the sofa, also jumped up from the sofa. , turned around and ran to Zhang Xiong's side. Those of them who were born in special forces seem to sleep with one eye open, and they will wake up from sleep immediately when they encounter a situation.

Several people stared at the monitoring screen. In the gray picture, a large shadow was slowly moving down the outer wall above. Wang Hong said in a low voice: "It seems to be down the drain pipe. It's the ward on the third floor."

But he followed and paid attention to the shadow and said, "It's not like a human? If it was a human, you should be able to see his limbs move, and there should be a sense of rhythm in his actions, but this slowly descending shadow looks very It's heavy, and the speed of descent is also very uniform." At this time, Ou Yangming suddenly took out his pistol, pulled the bolt lightly, and said, "I'll go upstairs and have a look!"

Wang Hong turned his head to look at him and said, "Alright, you go up and have a look, and be careful!" Ou Yangming immediately put the pistol into the pocket of his white coat, put his hand in his pocket and walked out the door. Wang Hong followed and said to Zhang Xiong, who had already stood up: "Go up from the side corridor and pay attention to cover Ouyang."

"Yes!" Zhang Xiong pulled out the pistol and put the bullet on it, then put the hand holding the gun into his pocket and hurriedly walked out the door. At this time, Xiaoya turned her head and glanced at the computer screen on the side desk, and said to Wang Hong in a low voice, "The person who appeared on the second floor just now suddenly got up!"

Wang Hong hurriedly turned his head to look around, and sure enough, he saw the man who had been looking towards the intensive care unit at the entrance of the stairs just now sitting up on the bench. In his pocket, he walked towards the corridor on the side of the intensive care unit.

Wang Hong's face suddenly turned grim, and he whispered, "Send an alarm to Yingying, let her be vigilant, and get ready for battle!" With that, he pulled out the pistol at his waist and lightly loaded the bullet.

"Yes!" Xiaoya replied in a low voice, followed by lightly touching the bracelet on her right wrist with her left hand, opened the safety of the hidden weapon of the bracelet, and then issued an alarm to Wu Xueying through the microphone. She immediately walked to the door and gently opened the door to a slit, ready to rush out of the house in case of a situation.

Xiaoya came to open the door a little, then walked back to the desk and stared nervously at the monitor screen with Wang Hong. The figure walking back from the laboratory area was walking unhurriedly towards the corridor of the intensive care unit. He walked to the corridor of the intensive care unit, turned his head and glanced at the two soldiers who were guarding with guns in the corridor. Then he walked slowly to the entrance of the corridor on the side, turned around and walked up the stairs.

Wang Hong hurriedly whispered into the microphone: "Zhang Xiong, Ouyang pay attention, the suspect just now is walking towards the third If there is no situation, immediately return from the other side corridor, don't panic."

After speaking, he stared coldly at the screen and whispered to Xiaoya: "What happened just now on the third floor is most likely the enemy's feint shot. The purpose is to see the alert situation on our side." Xiaoya stared at the screen The figure above, thoughtfully replied: "Yes, the black figure outside the building is definitely not a person, this is the opponent's reconnaissance method."

Soon, Zhang Xiong pushed open the door and walked in. He turned around and closed the door and said in a low voice, "It's not a person, it's a family member of a patient who is using a rope to run a large package downstairs from the boiling water room. Ouyang is in I'm hiding in the bathroom on the third floor, let's talk about it for a while and find out why this person uses a rope to run down things."

After Xiaoya heard it, she quickly gave Wu Xueying an instruction to clear the alarm. After a while, Ou Yangming pushed open the door and walked in, he said in a low voice, "I chatted with that person just now, and he said that he was a family member who stayed with him, and his family was poor in the mountains, so the patients around him found him. Gave him a lot of old clothes."

"Just now, a fellow countryman who was running transportation came over and said that he was going to send a batch of goods back to the mountains overnight. He asked him if he had anything to do? He packed the old clothes and asked him to take them back. But the package is too big to carry. At the same time, an unknown person came over with a rope and said that it would save effort to pass the package down the window, and let his fellow villagers take it down below."

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