Panther Commando

Chapter 2689: restless night

At this time, Wang Hong and the others in the doctor's office were staring at the screen vigilantly. Zhang Xiong and Ou Yangming saw Xiaoya walking with the suspect to the side corridor alone. They had already stood up nervously. Zhang Xiong said anxiously. : "battalion commander, did I go over, Xiaoya herself is too dangerous!" After speaking, he straightened up and was about to walk towards the door.

Wang Hong quickly grabbed his arm and said in a low voice, "Don't go out, the other party may be investigating whether our doctors are security personnel. You will definitely reveal your secrets when you go out at this time." He then looked at the surveillance screen and said coldly. : "Just such a boy is not the opponent of our aunt!"

After listening to Zhang Xiong, he immediately thought of the identity of the Xiaoya Huabao team. He quickly stopped and turned around and stared at the surveillance screen on the side corridor. He already knew at this time that there are two more such opponents, and they are indeed not the opponents of this girl who looks delicate.

At this time, Xiaoya took the person's arm and hurried to the bathroom door in the side corridor. She turned to look at the little man beside her and said, "The left side is the men's bathroom, you hurry in. You will go to the emergency room to find a doctor later. have a look."

After speaking, she released her right hand that was holding the opponent's arm and took a half step back, raised her left finger and pointed to the front, while her right hand had been raised slightly behind, still aiming at the opponent's armpit seemingly inadvertently.

The other party turned his head and glanced at Xiaoya who was beside him, then took a deep breath and said in a low voice with a grateful look on his face, "Thank you, thank you, the nurses in your hospital are so nice." He hurried to the bathroom with his stomach full.

Xiaoya looked at the other person's back, replied indifferently "You're welcome", then turned around and walked back without looking back. When she was pulling the person's arm just now, she had already noticed that the other person was sniffing hard to smell her own body, and she was also pulling her **** the road.

Xiaoya knew in her heart that this person was indeed very suspicious! For a regular medical staff working in a hospital, there should indeed be a strong smell of disinfectant liquid on the body.

At this time, the other party suddenly rushed to the warning area where the guards were standing in the name of looking for a toilet. Obviously, he saw Xiaoya suddenly walk out of the room. He wanted to approach her for this reason. to judge whether she is a real medical staff, and to infer whether there is really the injured target in the intensive care unit.

As Xiaoya walked back, she carefully analyzed the other party's motives in her mind. Just now, the other party seemed to be anxiously pulling her **** the road, obviously testing the strength of her hand. Thinking of this, Xiaoya sneered in her heart: This kid suddenly acted in such a play at this time, obviously he wanted to test the true identities of these doctors and nurses, and prevent himself from setting traps and waiting for the rabbits. It seems that they are really very professional spies. !

Xiaoya walked into the intensive care unit quickly and found Yingying standing by the door anxiously staring outside, Xiaoya turned around to close the door, and whispered into the microphone: "Commander Wang, this person is indeed sent by the other party. The person who came to scout, he was investigating the identities of us medical staff just now. He took a few breaths when I approached, obviously smelling whether there is disinfectant on me." She said and laughed in a low voice: "Hee hee, I'm a doctor myself, so I've found the right person."

Hearing Xiaoya's voice, Wang Hong turned to look at Zhang Xiong and the two and said, "Thanks to the fact that we didn't go out just now, the other party really came to scout the identities of us medical staff. Bring the disinfectant under the sink, and we will too. Sprinkle some on your body. This kid's move is simply self-inflicted. Not only did he not detect Xiaoya's identity, but he exposed his own identity. You should pay close attention to this person's movements. "

Hearing Wang Hong's words, Zhang Xiong scolded in a low voice, "Yes. These **** are really cunning!" He turned around and walked to the doctor's sink next to him, bent over and picked up a bottle of disinfectant, and then went to himself. A few drops were sprinkled on Wang Hong and Ouyang Ming's white coats.

Xiaoya finished speaking into the earphone in the ICU, turned her head to look at Yingying and said, "It's all right now, you can go to the nurse's lounge and lie down for a while."

Wu Yingying shook her head and replied angrily: "It's really not quiet this night, someone will come to our side of the corridor to observe it, and then a large package will appear outside the building, and now there is a disturbance from the patient's family. , This kid still wants to force his way to our side. I'm not going anywhere now, just waiting for these guys here! Let's see if they come or not. "

Saying that, she turned around and walked to the table, moved a chair and sat down, lying on the table staring straight at the door with two big eyes. Seeing her anxious and annoyed look, Xiaoya walked over with a smile and sat beside her, comforting in a low voice, "Don't worry, what should come will always come!"

At this time, she was also a little unsteady in her heart. Now the sky is about to light up, and the opponent did not attack in the dark, but the corridor did not quiet down in the dark, and suspicious things happened one after another. People are not at ease.

Xiaoya sat in a chair and quietly looked out through the glass on the door of the nursing room, thinking to herself, "It seems that this is destined to be an uneasy night!"

She thought to herself, then turned her head and looked into the monitoring room. Grandpa was lying peacefully on the hospital bed, still snoring softly with his eyes closed. She stared at the sound of the old man sleeping, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart: "If I can practice It would be good to reach the realm of An Ran Ruotai in front of a great enemy like grandpa."

Xiaoya took a few breaths to calm down her anxious mood, then turned to look at Yingying who was lying on the table next to her and stared at the door with big eyes and smiled, knowing that this girl was worse than her own concentration, I wish the opponent would push the door and come in now.

The sky was getting brighter, and it seemed that a lot of people suddenly poured into the hospital, and there were also people coming and going in the corridor. The originally dark and quiet corridor suddenly became lively. The anxious voices of inquiries from patients and their families who came to see the doctor and the rush of people made the hospital seem very nervous and busy.

Xiaoya heard the noise outside, stood up and walked out of the intensive care unit. She stood at the door and turned to look at the corridors on both sides of her, turned to the nurse's duty room, and then hurried back with a few bags of infusion bags.

At this time, the door of the doctor's office opposite the intensive care unit was also opened, and Wang Hong came out in a white lab coat. He turned his head to look around, followed Xiaoya into the intensive care unit.

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