Panther Commando

Chapter 2692: warning area

Sure enough, after a group of troublemakers went up to the second floor, the family members of the patients who were at the front held banners and continued to walk up the stairs to the third floor. Their relatives died in the ward on the third floor last night. The ward on the third floor was looking for the doctor there to make trouble.

But at this moment, the strong man who followed them suddenly shouted: "Go to the intensive care unit on the second floor, the doctor who killed our father is there!" Several men suddenly grabbed the arms of the family members of several patients and swarmed them towards the corridor on the second floor.

At this time, several family members of the patients seemed to have lost their minds, and they were forcibly dragged to the second floor corridor by a few people behind like a marionette. The crowd behind also heard the cries of two old ladies: "Yes. , the doctor who killed our father is on the second floor", "Go to the intensive care unit and find them to settle accounts."

The family members of several patients were suddenly rushed to the second floor corridor by the crowd behind them, and their faces just showed a confused look, but now they heard the sudden cry, and their faces immediately showed a look of grief and anger, as if they suddenly remembered him. My father also lived in the ward on the right side of the second floor for a day. Several family members of the patients followed and cried out loudly, and turned around to go to the intensive care unit on the right.

At this moment, Xiaoya, who was standing behind them, suddenly saw that the thin man behind the patient's family tugged at the arm of the strong man beside him, and pointed at him to the left corridor where the guards stood.

The strong man turned his head and saw the two guardsmen who were fully armed standing in the corridor on the side. A look of astonishment flashed in his two small eyes with fierce light. He quickly pulled the few people in front of him to stop.

At this time, he saw the armed guards in the corridor, and immediately understood that it was not something that these doctors could easily provoke. He relied on this trade for food all year round, and was very familiar with the conditions of several surrounding hospitals. He knew that this was the hospital of the army, and the people who sought medical treatment here were patients from both the army and the land. Now that there are soldiers on duty in the corridor on the left, it means that there must be important figures in the army, and he does not dare to provoke them easily.

Just at the moment when the doctor was hesitating, the boy beside him suddenly took out a thick paper bag and stuffed it into the strong man's hand. The strong man raised his hand and weighed the thick paper bag in his hand, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face immediately. At this time, he had already judged that there were at least 60,000-70,000 bills in the paper bag in his hand.

At this moment, he raised his hand and stuffed the thick paper bag into his arms as if he was suddenly shot with chicken blood, turned around and shouted to the group of people behind him, "Here, it's the intensive care unit on the left. It's the doctor in the intensive care room that killed our father. Go, go to the intensive care room and find them to settle the account!"

Following his shouting, a group of men and women behind him immediately shouted chaotically, and then swarmed to the left corridor. Several people around the strong man grabbed the family members of the patients who were about to turn to the right corridor, and pushed them to the left corridor.

Xiaoya stared coldly at the movements of the strong man and the little man in front of her. At this moment, she knew in her heart that what the little man put into the strong man's hand must be a thick stack of banknotes. Obviously, this kid gave this strong man a cardiotonic injection at this critical moment, which further confirmed that this strong man was the head of this group of professional doctors.

While Xiaoya stared coldly at the movements of the two people in front, she quickly analyzed the current situation in her heart. Judging from the current situation, all this is the fault of this little man. It must be that he suddenly saw the family members of the patients lost their minds last night, so after the family members of the patients returned to their residences in the middle of the night, he went over to cheer up. The jealousy provoked some resentment in the hearts of the family members of the patients who had lost their loved ones.

Then this kid quickly found this strong man, hired this professional doctor overnight at a big price, and then broke into the hospital with a few family members of patients and this group of people aggressively this morning. The purpose must be to get to the side. The intensive care unit of the 1990s created chaos, and these spies could take advantage of the chaos.

Xiaoya already understood the opponent's plan of action. She quietly stretched out her left hand and pressed the bracelet on her right hand in the crowd. She then pushed forward sideways, as if she was crowded by the crowd behind and quietly approached the little man in front. Staring at his hands, he watched nervously at the movement in the corridor ahead.

The crowd had already walked down the corridor to the front of the two soldiers with guns on guard. The two soldiers stood in the center of the corridor and aimed their guns at the swarming crowd, and shouted loudly: "Back, back. This is a warning area, and it is strictly forbidden for irrelevant personnel to approach! Step back."

The other two soldiers on the other side of the corridor, one held a walkie-talkie in his hand and hurriedly reported the situation to his superiors, while the other flew over with a gun and shouted loudly, "Back, back!"

At this time, Wang Hong and the three had also walked out of the doctor's office opposite the intensive care unit. The three of them glanced at the menacing crowd, and then hurried to the door of the intensive care unit in panic.

The three stepped to the door of the intensive care unit. Wang Hong stretched out his hand and stabbed Zhang Xiong and the two of them below. He pushed open the door and walked into the intensive care unit. Zhang Xiong and Ouyang Ming stood at the entrance of the intensive care looked at the swarming crowd and shouted: "This is the intensive care unit, there are critically ill patients, don't come here, hurry back, hurry back! "

At this moment, the two of them stretched out their arms to block the door, their faces pretending to be really nervous like a doctor, but their eyes were looking at Xiaoya in the crowd.

Seeing the inquiring eyes of Zhang Xiong and the two, Xiaoya immediately nodded lightly, indicating that she had locked on one of the people in the crowd. Zhang Xiong and the two followed while shouting to the rushing crowd, while staring closely at the rushing people's hands, carefully checking whether there were any killers with weapons in the group.

At this moment, the strong man who had already led the crowd to the front of the vigilant soldiers suddenly turned his head and shouted in a crying voice: "My father died so miserably, brothers and sisters, let's go, we can't let them go. We must let the hospital give us an explanation!"

With his shouting, several women in the crowd behind followed and burst into tears, and the people around rushed forward, and in a blink of an eye, the three guard soldiers in the corridor had been pushed to the wall side.

Following these people, the crowd rushing to watch the lively crowd suddenly saw a group of people in front of them rushing towards the guard soldiers with guns. Everyone's faces showed panic, and they quickly stopped and stepped back.

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