Panther Commando

Chapter 2699: On-site handover

Zhang Xiong and the two heard Xiaoya's voice, and then they lifted their feet and took a step to both sides of the door to open the door of the intensive care unit. Director Xiao walked into the intensive care unit with his feet raised. He glanced at the messy intensive care unit, followed by grasping the elderly Wanjia who had torn off the bandages on his body, and asked hurriedly, "You are not injured, are you? The professor asked me to do so. Came here."

Grandpa looked suspiciously at the person in front of him, and Xiaoya quickly introduced: "Grandpa, this is Director Xiao of the National Security Bureau's Operations Department." The old man smiled and shook Director Xiao's hand and replied, "It's okay, these few A **** doesn't have that ability! Thank you."

Director Xiao glanced nervously at the old man and saw that there was no wound on his body, so he let go of the old man's hand with confidence and said, "You'll be fine, but the professor is worried, he was about to come down just now, but was Our brigade commander stopped him, saying he was afraid there would be hidden enemies."

It turned out that Li Dongsheng and Professor Chang were worried about the safety of the elderly Wan family, so they were in the lounge next to Dean Yang's office last night and did not go back.

Xiaoya followed and pointed to Wang Hong who was standing by the side and introduced: "This is Commander Wang of our Special Forces Brigade." Director Xiao quickly reached out and grabbed Wang Hong's hand and said, "Thank you! The two people at the door are you. Their subordinates, right? They must have cleaned up the people lying on the ground at the door, this skill is too good."

Wang Hong said with a smile: "Hehehe, yes, they are all brought by me." At this time Wu Xueying said with a smile: "Of course, they are all members of the original military special brigade, so it's not enough to clean up these bastards. Piece of cake!"

Several people laughed when they heard Wu Xueying's words. Director Xiao looked at the group of people lying on the ground and asked, "Who is the killer?"

Wang Hong raised his finger and pointed at the boy in a white coat who fell on his back and said, "This man is a killer, and he was killed on the spot by grandfather and Yingying!" He turned around from the table that had been erected beside him, and was careful. He grabbed two dark hidden weapons and a silent pistol, turned around and said to Director Xiao, "This is the weapon he used."

Director Xiao was about to reach out to take the hidden weapon, but Xiaoya raised her hand to stop him and said, "Don't move, the hidden weapon is poisonous, it should be a highly poisonous one that kills you immediately upon seeing blood."

As she said that, she reached out and took a porcelain plate used by a nurse that Wu Xueying handed over from the side, and asked Wang Hong, who was holding the end of the hidden weapon, to put the hidden weapon in it, and then said to Director Xiao, "You will let the site investigate later. Technicians find a test tube and put it in, and they must not let them easily touch this thing with their hands.”

Director Xiao glanced at the dark hidden weapon in the porcelain plate, and said in a low voice, "What a vicious killer, he actually gave up his firearm and directly used this highly poisonous hidden weapon to assassinate him!"

He turned his head to look at the intensive care unit as he spoke, and immediately understood the killer's intentions. In such a cramped and noisy place, it would be difficult for a silent pistol to directly hit the vital point of the target lying on the hospital bed inside. With this highly poisonous hidden weapon, as long as it shoots into the body of the target, it can kill the wounded on the spot when it sees blood, without having to aim in advance.

Director Xiao angrily glanced at the killer lying on his back on the ground, seeing that the boy's still-open eyes had become dull, but there seemed to be a look of astonishment in his eyes, obviously he was dead. Understand how he, the original killer, was killed by others.

Director Xiao's eyes followed at the boy who was lying on the ground with his arms and legs screaming. He turned to look at Wang Hong and asked, "Are these medical troubles?"

Wang Hong replied immediately: "Yes, this seriously injured and comatose boy is the leader of this group of people. Now he has been knocked unconscious by grandfather's volley palm. It is still uncertain about the relationship between these people and the assassin. You need to take them back and investigate carefully. one time."

At this time, Xiaoya pointed to the strong man lying on the ground and said to Director Xiao: "I have been following this group of people in from downstairs, and I have been monitoring this strong man and the little killer outside the door. From what I can see According to the analysis of the situation, this strong man is the leader of this group of medical troubles. This group of troublemakers obeys his orders, and he is also the direct contact with the killer. You should focus on him. Those family members of the patients It may be used, you should also investigate."

Saying that, she walked over to the unconscious strong man, bent over and touched his chest, reached out and pulled out a paper bag from his arms, and then reached out and pulled out a dagger from the back of the strong man.

She straightened up and handed the things in her hands to Director Xiao, then bent down and pressed the sides of the strong man's chest, and whispered, "This is the kid's murder weapon and the evidence that the killer bought him. You find two people. Take him to the emergency room first. He had already broken several ribs by grandpa's palm wind. When he flew back just now, he slammed into the killer's body. The broken ribs may have pierced his internal organs. First aid is needed."

When Director Xiao heard Xiaoya's words, he stretched out his hand to take the thick paper bag and the dagger, then turned around to open the door and called his four subordinates in, and said to one person, "Hurry up and call the hospital to send someone here, Send this kid to emergency first, this kid is an important witness, don't let him hang up now!" Then he handed the thing in his hand to another team member: "Put it in the evidence bag and take it back later."

When the other two national security team members heard Director Xiao's instructions, they hurriedly bent down to lift the strong man, Xiaoya quickly reached out to stop the two and said, "Don't move him, you don't know first aid, and if you don't pay attention, you may break this kid. The lost rib is inserted into the let the hospital send professional nurses over."

Director Xiao, who was on the side, said, "Notify the Armed Police Hospital and let them come to the car to pull the rest of the injured **** away. Don't let these **** dirty the military hospital."

A few national security team members agreed in a low voice, and hurriedly straightened up and walked out of the intensive care unit to the side of the corridor.

Xiaoya hurried over to greet him, and introduced his injury to a few nurses pointing at the strong man. After a few nurses listened, they bent down and carefully lifted the strong man to the hospital bed, pushed the emergency bed and hurried out.

Wang Hong saw the general process of Xiaoya's explanation to Director Xiao, and turned his head to look at the elderly Wanjia who was standing beside him. The old man was frowning at the group of people holding their heads outside, with a look of disgust in his eyes.

Seeing the old man's expression, Wang Hong knew that he was very tired of these scumbags. He quickly turned his head and said to Director Xiao: "Director Xiao, our task has been completed, and the rest will trouble you. These **** are basically all If you want to be sent to the doctor, you should ask the Armed Police Hospital to send more cars. Hehehe, our old man is annoying when he sees these bastards. ."

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