Panther Commando

Chapter 2705: new village

The old man was overjoyed when he saw the flock of sheep running towards him in horror. He already understood that the flock of sheep that had just run away had been driven back by this magical kitten. At this time, he really felt relieved, knowing that the two people who suddenly appeared in front of him were indeed soldiers of Huaxia, not bad people.

It didn't take long, a group of sheep that were scattered around had been driven by the little white cat to run towards the old man. A group of goats ran towards the old man in panic, screaming in terror.

Wan Lin saw that the old man's expression had calmed down, and then he asked with a smile: "Master, we are a unit practicing in the mountains. Do you live in the small mountain village in front of you?"

The old man hurriedly replied, "I live there. Didn't I go out to herd sheep early in the morning? Thanks to meeting you today, otherwise I don't know how many sheep would I lose? This is my baby to eat. Thank you so much!" The old man still didn't understand why the sheep suddenly panicked and ran away?

The old man said and looked up and down Wan Lin and Lin Zisheng: "Are you practicing? Why haven't you seen other troops."

Wan Lin quickly replied: "Yes, we are exercising. This time it is a small army exercise, and there are not many troops involved. Old man, did you see any strangers passing by when you were herding sheep?" Looking at the old man nervously.

Hearing his question, the old man frowned and thought for a while, then said, "I drove the sheep out before dawn. The sky was gray at that time. When I drove the sheep out of the village, it was I could vaguely see three or four people walking in the mountains, not walking fast."

He raised his foot and walked a few steps back along the hillside. He pointed to the slightly white river in the distance and continued: "By the way, it was the river that they went upstream. I was wondering at the time. , why did someone come out so early, and the upstream direction of the river is deep in the mountains, there is no village at all, I don't know what they are going to do?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wan Lin and said with a smile: "Hehe, now it seems that they should also be the people you exercised. I said how could they go to that uninhabited mountain area." Wan Lin was overjoyed when he heard the old man's words. , I immediately concluded in my heart that what the old man said must be the target of his pursuit, and these few vicious people are now busy running for their lives, and did not enter the village to harm the people.

He quickly smiled and said, "Yes, we are conducting a tracking exercise now, and we are looking for these people." After speaking, he looked at the mountains and asked, "Master, you are very familiar with this mountain area, you know Where is suitable for Tibetans?"

Hearing his answer, the old man said with a smile: "Hehehe, you are asking the right person. The old man has lived in this mountainous area all his life. I know the mountains, rivers and rivers of hundreds of square kilometers here."

The old man was very excited when he saw that the two soldiers were very kind, and they helped him drive back the lost sheep, so he answered any questions. The old man took Wan Lin and walked a few steps to the side hillside, pointing to the village in front of him and continued: "Look there, our village is on the hillside, and the white light below is the small river I just mentioned. The few people who arrived just went upstream along the river."

While listening to the introduction of the old man, Wan Lin raised his sniper rifle and looked through the scope to the hillside and the small river in the distance. ?"

"That's a lot." The old man replied, and then he raised his finger and pointed to the undulating mountains in the distance and continued: "Our mountainous terrain is very complicated. There are many caves on some high mountains, and there are many caves in which you can hide. The structure is more complicated, and it often collapses when it rains heavily, which is what you call mudslides."

When Wan Lin heard this, he moved his gun to look at the small mountain village, and then asked, "Why are your houses in this small mountain village so new? They seem to have been built in the last two years." On the hillside, the small villages on the hillside in the distance were clearly reflected in his sight, and the tile-roofed houses built on the hills really looked very new.

The old man smiled and said, "Yes, thanks to the government. We only moved from the mountain upstream two years ago. In recent years, the mountain where our village was originally located has often experienced mudslides, which is very dangerous."

"When it rained heavily the year before, a family in our village was buried by the mud and stones that were suddenly washed down from the mountain. Fortunately, there was only one old man in the family at that time, and the rest of the people visited relatives' houses, which was the only way to avoid it. The whole family was buried under it. Later, there were several mudslides around our village, so the government mobilized us to move here and built a new house for us here. We only paid a small amount for each family. money."

As the old man said that, he turned his face and looked into the distant mountains, with a grateful look on his face. Wan Lin raised his gun and observed the mountains in the distance, while quietly listening to the old man's narration. At this time, when he heard the old man mention the old village, he asked thoughtfully, "Is that old house still there?"

The old man replied: "The old house is still there, but no one lives there. Last year I went to see when I was herding The house there used to be in disrepair and no one lives there now. Now, most of the houses are dilapidated, and some people's houses and courtyard walls have collapsed."

When the old man said this, he let out a long sigh: "Oh, that's the place where I have lived for almost my whole life. At that time, I was really uncomfortable looking at the broken appearance, and I will never dare to go there again."

Wan Lin put down his sniper rifle and turned to look at Lin Zisheng next to him, both of them nodded secretly. At this time, both of them realized in their hearts that the old village that the old man said should be a place to hide.

Lin Zisheng put down the sniper rifle in his hand and took out a map from his tactical vest. He held the map in front of the old man and asked, "Master, can you tell me the location of this old village? We are now in this position."

The old man looked down at the map that Lin Zisheng was holding, and replied with a smile, "Hehehe, I don't know how to look at maps like yours. Besides, my old eyes are dim, so I can't see the things marked on your map."

As he said that, he raised his hand and pulled Zisheng's hand, pointed to the river in the distance, and said, "Do you suspect that those companions are hiding in our old house? You don't need to look at the map, I'll just tell you. You Did you see the river that glowed with white light?"

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