Panther Commando

Chapter 2712: Hidden spot in the night

Following the order issued by Wan Lin, Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng who were close to Taniguchi's alert stood up and rushed out of Taniguchi. The wind knife that had been alerting on the hill outside the valley also rushed down from the hillside. Wan Lin and his party behind People also rushed out of the canyon.

Following He Chengru and Zhang Wa, they rushed out of Taniguchi with their own group and ran to the foot of the mountain on both sides respectively. Wan Lin immediately raised his foot and followed the first two groups and ran out of Taniguchi. Brother Yuwen was already following him. On both sides of the building, several people bent over with guns and ran to the foot of the mountain in front. In the blink of an eye, the seven or eight figures who had just rushed out of the canyon had disappeared into the vast night.

Wan Lin and his party rushed out of the canyon along the dark and undulating mountains, and moved forward quickly for five or six kilometers. At this moment, two fast-moving red lights suddenly flashed on the dim hillside in the distance, followed by disappearing into the thick night.

Wan Lin was overjoyed, raised his hand and tapped the individual soldier's microphone several times, ordering all the team members to "stop advancing and be on the spot!"

He bent over and ran quickly along the foot of the mountain on the side, followed closely by the Yuwen brothers with assault rifles. The three quickly ran to Feng Dao, who was serving as a scout. Brother Yuwen ran forward for a few dozen meters, then lay down at the foot of the mountain and raised their guns to look around. Wan Lin squatted down next to a rock beside the wind knife, raised his gun and aimed in the direction where the red dot flashed in front of him.

At this time, the sky was already full of blinking stars, and the rolling hills looked very dim in the dim starlight. The surrounding mountains only showed faint shadows, and gusts of breeze blew through the mountains. The weeds and leaves made a "whoosh" sound.

Wan Lin was lying on the rock at the foot of the mountain, slowly moving the muzzle of his gun to find the trace of Xiao Bai. He knew in his heart that the two red dots that flashed from the distant hillside were obviously Xiaobai reminding the team behind that it had completed the reconnaissance mission and was on its way back. So he quickly ordered the team to "stop advancing" and wait for Xiaobai's reconnaissance results.

After a while, Xiaobai didn't appear in Wan Lin's scope. He stared at the dark mountains and suddenly grinned. Just now, he changed the color of Xiaobai's white long hair with mud. Now he himself can't find the trace of Xiaobai in this dim light.

He raised his head from behind the sniper rifle to look at the dimly lit mountains, raised his hand to cover his mouth and let out a nightingale cry. He knows that Xiaobai and Xiaohua have very sensitive hearing. No matter what kind of sound they make, they can distinguish the sound from him from a distance.

It wasn't long before Wan Lin and Fengdao heard a "rustling" sound coming from the grass on the side of the hillside, and immediately saw two faint red dots running towards Wanlin. Wan Lin raised his hand and swayed up the hillside, and a small black shadow suddenly jumped up from the grass on the hillside and fell in front of him with a gust of wind.

Wan Lin hurriedly stepped back from the rock in front of him, crouched down behind the rock and gestured towards Xiao Bai, asking if he had found any trace of the enemy?

There was a faint red light in Xiaobai's eyes, and when he stood up, he vigorously shook his two front paws, and from time to time he turned around and pointed at the dimly lit mountains in the distance.

Wan Lin even said that he communicated patiently with Xiaobai for a while with gestures, and then patted Xiaobai on the head lightly, indicating that he already understood the situation it detected. He then whispered into the microphone: "Xiao Bai has discovered that there is indeed an abandoned small mountain village on the hillside in front, and saw three boys with guns entering a small courtyard in the village. The small mountain village did not find other people."

After he reported the situation to all the team members, a murderous aura suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he looked at the dark mountain shadow in the distance and ordered in a low voice: "Order: Each group will covertly approach the hillside where the target is located, and use a closed-encirclement posture to encircle these three The small courtyard where the **** is located is surrounded, and the target is found and killed on the spot! Let's go."

Following his voice, several black shadows emerged from the surrounding mountains, and all the team members took advantage of the bumpy terrain in the mountains to flicker and run towards the faintly revealed mountains in front of them. Wan Lin followed and stood up from the grass, pointed to Xiao Bai in front of him, raised his feet and ran forward.

Four or five kilometers away from where Wanlin and the others were just now, a large mountain several hundred meters high was already shrouded in the thick night, and the gentle mountain wind was blowing from the distant mountains. The branches and leaves are making a "rushing" sound of the branches and leaves colliding.

Halfway up the mountain to the north of the mountain, old dilapidated houses are scattered among the weeds and the shadows of dark trees. Around the dilapidated houses and the broken walls, wormwood that is half the height of a human grows. , Weeds swaying in the wind and a block of broken walls give people a kind of eerie feeling.

In a house covered with shabby plastic sheets, a concealed military low-light flashlight was placed horizontally on a somewhat collapsed earthen kang. There was only a dim light like a ghost fire emitted by the flashlight, and bursts of violent bursts of light. The sound of gasping and chewing was echoing through the dilapidated house.

In the house, three shadows were sitting on the dusty dirt pit. A large plastic bag filled with food and mineral water was lying beside them. The food such as chocolate and biscuits were scattered on the dirty kang. superior.

The three of them were Okazaki, Momonga and Kangaroo who had just escaped to this abandoned After the assassination, the three had been fleeing in embarrassment for more than 30 hours in the mountains, and they finally arrived at this time. This abandoned village hidden in the mountains.

At this time, the three of them were gobbling things into their mouths. When they carried out the assassination operation, they always believed that the assassination operation would be very fast, and they had sufficient time to escape into the mountain and enter this hidden point. The weight of the backpack is not too much, just a few snacks that can quickly replenish energy.

But they didn't expect the other party's reaction speed to be so fast. Not only did the guards in the target vehicle fight back tenaciously, but before they could confirm the effect of the assassination, several support vehicles had already rushed out of the road, and they were still closely following. They chased after them all the way to the side of the mountain, so now they are all very tired. Hungry.

Okazaki swallowed a piece of biscuit in his mouth in the dark, then picked up a bottle of mineral water beside him and took two sips. He immediately listened to the movement outside the house in deep thought, turned his head to Momonga leaning against the wall and said, "Where are the weapons and ammunition?"

Momonga raised his finger weakly and pointed under the kang, and said in a low voice, "In the kang hole below." Okazaki immediately stood up from the edge of the kang, bent down and pulled a large bag from the kang hole.

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