Panther Commando

Chapter 2716: Momonga's Confession

Just as the kangaroo swept out a string of bullets and was about to rush out of the door, "bang bang bang bang", a series of machine guns suddenly sounded, and a string of bullets whistled from the hillside facing their courtyard, densely packed. The machine gun bullets passed through the door panel on the side of the kangaroo, and hit the back wall with a "crack and crackle".

The body of the kangaroo shrank back suddenly, and hot winds swept past him, but a cold air suddenly appeared in his heart, and a look of panic suddenly flashed in his round eyes. .

The sound of gunfire on the dim hillside was sudden, and the sound of machine guns and assault rifles came one after another. In a blink of an eye, the dim hillside was already flashed red by the fire from the muzzle, and a string of bullets roared into the room from the window and door of the room where the two kangaroos were, and hit the room with a "crack and crackle". On the back gable and the kang, wisps of starlight, along with the fire from the muzzle, immediately shot into the house through the windows and the bullet holes on the broken door.

At this time, the mottled walls of the house were splashing with pieces of wall covering that had been hit by bullets, the room was dusty, and in the blink of an eye, the room was already shrouded in thick morning fog.

Momonga, who was sleeping soundly on the kang in the house, was woken up by the kangaroo, and rolled from the kang to the ground with the gun in his hand. He let out a muffled groan. The severe pain from the wound on his waist made him His face suddenly turned pale.

Momonga's slender body fell to the ground and struggled to kneel up. Just as he was about to raise his gun from under the kang to aim at the window, a rain of bullets had penetrated through the broken window covered by the plastic sheet, and flew over his head whistling.

Momonga hugged the gun and lay down on the ground again, followed the kang and climbed to the base of the wall leading to the outhouse on the side, raised his hand and took out a grenade from his pocket.

A string of bullets shot from outside, accurately shot into the house from the window and door, Momonga struggled to sit up, leaned against the wall and looked at the room where the bullets were flying and dusty, his eyes had become dim. , the hands holding the submachine gun and the grenade were shaking slightly.

He has carried out countless operations in various countries, but he has never encountered such a situation. In the past, he had also been surrounded by the police forces of other countries, but the other party thought that he was willing to surrender. Every time he relied on his outstanding skills, he was not afraid of death, forcibly stood out and surrounded him, and found an opportunity to escape.

But this time he saw the dense rain of bullets flying in front of him, and he already knew in his heart that the other party was definitely not from the police, only the military would attack so fiercely and directly with such ferocious firepower, obviously they did not consider staying at all. Under the live mouth. Moreover, he is injured now, even if he is not injured, he cannot escape from this hail of bullets!

Momonga leaned tightly against the wall, turned his head and looked out into the house. With the flashing firelight outside, he saw that the kangaroo was lying beside the door of the outhouse in the thick dust mist, and the broken wooden door that had been weathered beside him It has been riddled with bullets.

At this time, the dense bullets outside were whistling through the door panel and hit the kangaroo's feet and the back gable. Pieces of the door panel debris hit by bullets flew around the kangaroo with clusters of sparks. The coat has been burned with black smoke by the sparks, but the kangaroo still clenched the submachine gun in his hand, and from time to time, he shot out the flames diagonally outside the house.

Momonga shook his head lightly when he saw the kangaroo fighting back desperately. He lay on the ground and climbed more than one meter out of the house. The kangaroo "dada da" and "dada da" fired bullets from the gun, then pulled out a new clip from his waist and inserted it into the gun body, then turned his head and looked back.

Momonga raised his hand and beckoned to him, then retreated to the wall. The kangaroo's face was covered with dust, and only two panicked eyes were still shining. He turned around and climbed to Momonga, raised his head to look at him in panic, and asked hurriedly: "This kid Okazaki is on the hillside, and now the situation is so critical, why hasn't he, a sniper, come out to help?"

Momonga heard his complaint, and suddenly there was a look of pity in his eyes. He raised his hand and pulled the kangaroo to his side, put his head against the kangaroo's ear amid the deafening gunfire outside, and said loudly, "You all came from country R, ​​don't you know where Okazaki is now? "

Kangaroo was stunned. He stared at Momonga with two panicked eyes and turned his face to look at Momonga. He suddenly thought that Flying Mouse was a foreign mercenary recruited by the boss Kuroda himself. None of them knew Momonga's nationality, but they all knew about this kid. He is extremely skilled, has rich battlefield experience, and is extremely ruthless, and he is definitely not a native of R.

At this moment, he was stunned when he heard Momonga's words, but then he understood the meaning. His face suddenly turned pale, and he suddenly scolded: "Bastard, this kid must have been discovered when he was escaping, so he told us to prepare for battle, this is to let us attract the firepower of each other! I Why did this kid just run to the hillside outside the village? It turns out that this kid wanted to sneak away!"

Kangaroo scolded, raised his gun and swept out two strings of bullets at the outside of the house with "da-da-da" and "da-da-da" Momonga patted his shoulder lightly, and suddenly said: " Brother, I can't get out because of my injuries, if you really want to escape, I will do my best to help you as a brother!"

As he said that, he twisted his body and climbed into the inner room, pulled the large bag from the kang hole and retreated to the wall. He reached out and took out a few more grenades from the bag and put them in his pocket. He looked at the kangaroo with a gloomy face and said, "Brother, I have lived in a war-torn country since I was a child. Fighting for a meal."

Momonga's eyes suddenly dimmed, and he continued with a mournful expression: "I'm different from you. We fight there all year round, and if you don't pick up a gun, you can't eat. I joined your Yamaguchi security guard to earn some money My relatives left the dire place just to give them something to eat.

When he said this, he suddenly sighed: "Alas, I've been able to live in the hail of bullets and it's already enough. I'm not afraid of death, few of my friends who were with me when I was a child can live to this day. Hehehe, I can live. It's not easy until today. However, I really regret it in my heart now. I don't live well myself, so why should I come to China to harm other people's lives? Today has ended like this, this is God's retribution! "

Momonga said here, a look of repentance suddenly appeared on his pale face, and his voice trembled slightly.

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