Panther Commando

Chapter 2718: Desperate Okazaki

Okazaki looked at the black shadow in front of him with a panicked expression. The other party was able to quickly determine his position with a trace of murderous intent in the dark night. This really shocked Okazaki! And now the other party can actually go around to the front of him, this kind of speed is simply unimaginable for him!

Okazaki stared at the dark sniper muzzle of the opponent for a moment in astonishment. He suddenly let go of his hands holding the gun, and the sniper rifle in his hand slowly landed on the grass beside him. He knew in his heart that in front of such a master, as long as he released the weapon in his hand, the opponent would never shoot suddenly.

Okazaki took a deep breath to calm down his panic, then stared at the other party's gleaming eyes in the dark and said in a low voice: "Okay, he is a rare sniper master, how can he be so Okazaki admires the dark night coming around in front of me!"

It was Wan Lin who stood in front of Okazaki with a gun and blocked his way! After he quietly approached the small courtyard where the target was with Xiaobai, he immediately hid under the wall of a broken house on the side. Xiaobai, who was all black, ran directly to the courtyard wall beside him, raised his right paw and moved forward. Point to.

Wan Lin listened carefully to the surrounding movement, slowly raised the sniper rifle with the silencer installed, and followed the direction Xiaobai pointed to a dilapidated courtyard ahead.

Under the dim starlight, the small courtyard in front was silent, and there was not a single figure around. Wan Lin looked through the gap in the collapsed courtyard wall in front of the courtyard, and saw clusters of weeds swaying in the wind in the courtyard. The dilapidated courtyard looked very dim and desolate in the dark.

He raised his gun and quietly observed the courtyard for a while, then moved the muzzle to quickly scout the surroundings, and then raised his hand and tapped the microphone rhythmically a few times, ordering the team members to covertly surround the building from all directions. Looked very desolate courtyard.

After giving the order, he quietly moved his body to the gap in the side wall, lying in front of him at the gap in the broken courtyard wall and raised his gun to look around. At this time, he couldn't determine the number of people in the house, let alone whether there were guards around him? So act very cautiously.

Wan Lin raised his gun and searched the surroundings quietly, then leaned down and gestured twice to Xiaobai beside him, ordering him to sneak into the hospital to check how many people were in the house?

At this time, he really did not dare to act rashly. In this dark night and complex village terrain, the enemy is likely to set up guard posts around. Before the distribution of the enemy is determined, any action is extremely dangerous. Now, he must scout out the exact location of the three enemies before he dares to order action.

Xiaobai, who was all black, saw Wan Lin's gesture, his eyes flickered, and his body suddenly jumped out from the gap in the front courtyard wall, and silently ran along the ruined wall in front of him and entered the small room where the other party was. hospital.

Xiaobai rushed into the small courtyard and was about to quietly approach the broken house on the side, but it suddenly ran under the courtyard wall on the side, then lowered his head and ran to the other side of the courtyard wall, smelling the surrounding grass, and then suddenly jumped up The collapsed courtyard wall looked towards the grove above the side of the mountain village.

Wan Lin in the back stared at Xiao Bai's movements in the dark. At this time, he saw that he did not directly approach the house on the side, but ran straight under the courtyard wall, apparently finding that there were traces left by the enemy there.

He hurriedly raised his whole body skills, quietly forced a stream of infuriating energy into the dim space in front of him, and his whole body jumped up like a cheetah, then gently pulled the bolt and put his finger on the trigger. Aiming at the surroundings, he secretly provided cover for Xiaobai in front of him.

At this time, he saw Xiao Bai's actions and already understood that there was an opponent who must have been on guard in the courtyard just now, and I am afraid that he has escaped from the courtyard now.

Just as Xiaobai stared at the grove attentively, a red light suddenly appeared in its eyes, and then jumped out to the side courtyard wall like a meteor. At the same time, Wan Lin's infuriating energy suddenly felt a fierce murderous aura at this moment.

Wan Lin's muzzle was immediately raised, and he pulled the trigger in the direction of the sudden murderous aura! Then he suddenly jumped under the side courtyard wall, then jumped up from the collapsed front of the courtyard, and went straight to the side mountain top.

The snipers Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng, who had been ambushed on the hillside above, suddenly saw a red light shoot from Xiao Bai's eyes, and Wan Lin's muzzle had already spewed a faint fire at this moment. The two immediately understood that there must be an enemy hidden in the place where Xiaobai's red light was pointing, and that he had already threatened Xiaobai, otherwise Wan Lin would not suddenly shoot at this time! The two immediately turned the muzzle, and pulled the trigger at the grove on the side.

Cheng Ru followed and was about to get up and chase the side hillside, but Wan Lin's low voice suddenly came from the earphone: "Destroy the enemy in the house as planned, leave this kid to me!"

Cheng Ru hurriedly got down again and raised his gun to aim down the slope, just in time to see Wan Lin rushing out from under the courtyard wall below the side, rushing towards the top of the mountain like a cloud of smoke, and he jumped up behind him. The figures of the Yuwen brothers followed the Leopard Head and rushed up the hillside. And in the small courtyard where the target is located below, a small black shadow has followed Wan Lin towards the top of the mountain.

At this moment, Wan Lin quickly circled from the hillside above Okazaki to the side of the big and rushed down the hill with Xiaobai, raised his gun and stood at the bend of the hillside and waited quietly. Coming to the opponent. And the Yuwen brothers behind him have been left behind by the fast Leopard Head and Xiaobai.

Okazaki, who had just turned the hillside, saw the dark figure standing quietly in front of him at a glance, and his face turned pale at this moment. The sniper rifle on his chest just mentioned seemed to be fixed, and he did not dare to move at all.

He knew that as long as he continued to move the weapon in his hand, a fiery snake would immediately spew out of the dark muzzle of the opponent, and a whistling bullet would definitely blow his head in an instant!

At this time, the deafening gunfire on the hillside behind had stopped, and a cluster of firelight was rising from the small mountain village behind Okazaki. The dazzling firelight turned half of the dark night sky into red.

Just when Okazaki was still in shock, there was a sudden sound of "rustling" from the top of the hillside. Two black figures quickly rushed down the hillside above, and then stopped in the grass dozens of meters away from Okazaki. Hold, the two assault rifles on the shoulders silently aimed at Okazaki down the slope.

Okazaki glanced sideways at the hillside above, and a look of despair suddenly flashed in his eyes. At this time, he had already understood from the sudden stop of the gunshots: the battle in the small mountain village was over, and Momonga and Kangaroo were definitely over!

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