Panther Commando

Chapter 2730: 1 stone starter

Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin also stared at Yu Jing when they heard Professor Chang's question. They knew in their hearts that Yu Jing was a professional researcher, and she speculated that the reaction of the other party after getting the laser generator should be the most accurate.

Yu Jing pondered for a moment, lowered her head and said thoughtfully: "If this project is not my work, after I get this generator that Yamaguchi security robbed, I will definitely analyze it from the professional point of view of a physicist. It's a laser generator."

When she said this, she raised her head and continued to meditate: "If I further analyze the structure and materials used, I can definitely find out that this equipment must be a miniature laser equipment for emitting high-energy laser beams! General civilian laser equipment, It is impossible to use such a construction and such expensive special materials, and it will not have such a high degree of machining accuracy.”

When Yu Jing said this, her speech speed suddenly accelerated: "According to the above analysis, I can quickly determine that this laser generator must be a military-grade weapon-grade micro-laser generator, and it is a kind of dream of the militaries of various countries. Miniaturized high-energy laser weapons, if this piece of equipment can really emit high-energy lasers, it means that the developers have broken through the current level of technology and represent the highest level of laser research now!"

When she said this, she stopped and pondered for a moment, then continued: "But how can this miniature laser generator emit such a large amount of laser energy? The light from the laser generator in her hand definitely cannot draw conclusions. , because it lacks the most core component that emits laser light, that is, there is no laser medium and micro-battery inside."

"And these two things are the most core things in the entire laser generator. Without these two components, no scientist can infer the emission principle of this new type of laser generator, nor can they know the source of this high-energy laser. secret."

When Yu Jing said this, she raised her head and looked at Professor Chang and the others and said with certainty, "So, if I were them, after analyzing this laser generator in detail, what I want most in my heart must be the laser medium and the laser medium. The battery is the most important thing, otherwise no one will be able to decipher the mystery contained in this tiny laser generator!"

Professor Chang, Li Dongsheng, and Wan Lin stared at Yu Jing. From the mouth of a professional researcher, Yu Jing, they finally got the enemy's accurate response to the laser generator.

After listening to Yu Jing's analysis, Professor Chang said thoughtfully, "It seems that Peacock will definitely think that what Li Xiaofeng got is the powder of this laser medium. And the core secret of this miniature laser weapon will be hidden in what they get. Among the blue particles!"

When Wan Lin heard this, he stared at the teacup in his hand with his brows fixed. There were wisps of light in his squinted eyes, and his whole body seemed to be frozen and motionless.

Li Dongsheng looked at Wan Lin thoughtfully. After a while, he stared at Wan Lin and asked, "Wan Lin, tell me what you think?"

Wan Lin slowly raised his head to look at Li Dongsheng, and said in a slow voice: "I think the focus of detecting the spy intelligence network now is to catch the peacock. This person is the central figure supporting this intelligence network. Once we capture or kill this person people, the entire intelligence network of the enemy will be immediately hit hard, or immediately disintegrated."

When he said this, a murderous look suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he continued: "For us, now that we have eliminated the hostile force of Yamaguchi Security, it is equivalent to cutting off one of the peacock's arms, and she will definitely feel that she has no control. Under such circumstances, if she wants to send out something as important as the experimental specimen, she must have many taboos in her heart, lest we will **** back this mysterious substance that was hard to obtain. "

Li Dongsheng's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he interjected to ask: "You mean to knock the mountains and shake the tigers, put a little pressure on them, and urge them to take action as soon as possible?"

Wan Lin's eyes were gleaming, and he said firmly: "Yes! Li Xiaofeng is lurking in the research institute. This is a poisonous thorn that pierced into our muscles. We can't keep him in the research institute for a long time. All the research projects of the institute are extremely dangerous, and they pose a great threat to President Yu.”

"So, I suggest to send Li Xiaofeng out as soon as possible! And take advantage of the opportunity of his departure to spread the news of the reduction of experimental specimens in the institute, and carry out an inventory of the personnel inside the institute. I think this kind of news will naturally spread to Li Xiaofeng. In his ears, he must be like a frightened bird at this time, and he must quickly contact Peacock and flee abroad."

Hearing this, Professor Chang's eyes also lit up, and he muttered to himself: "Yes! Li Xiaofeng's position in the spy organization must be very special. He must be such an important spy that the head of the intelligence station, Peacock, controls it himself. Will allow his subordinates to intervene. Therefore, Li Xiaofeng should also be the most trusted person by Peacock now, because he will not cross any other spies, even if other spies are exposed, they will not know Li Xiaofeng's existence. "

He said to himself, looked up at Wan Lin and Li Dongsheng and said loudly: "Therefore, after learning about Li Xiaofeng's departure from the institute on, Peacock will definitely let Li Xiaofeng, his capable subordinate, take the experimental specimens out. At the same time, I will personally protect him around him, and choose the opportunity to take the specimen and send it abroad in person!"

When Wan Lin heard this, he interrupted and said, "If Li Xiaofeng suddenly broke out during a business trip and said that he found two missing particles of the experimental specimen, Li Xiaofeng would definitely be very panicked. He must have understood that at the time of the laboratory, he was scattered around the door. Recently, he must be our first suspect, so he will definitely ask Peacock to send him abroad. In order to protect his safety, Peacock can only smuggle him and the experimental specimen out of the country at this time!"

Li Dongsheng said with glowing eyes: "Yes, once the peacock shows up at this time, we can quickly attack them and catch them all in one go!"

An excited look appeared on Professor Chang's face. He looked at Wan Lin and nodded and said, "You have a good plan, one stone will startle two big birds! Li Xiaofeng panicked by letting out the wind, and through him he led out the intelligence station chief Peacock and The important people under his command, we choose the opportunity to kill them all!"

Professor Chang then said thoughtfully: "At the same time as we sent the news of the loss of the specimen, we chose the opportunity to point the finger at Li Xiaofeng, which will definitely strengthen his idea of ​​escaping. At the same time, we will increase the inspection efforts at various border ports, creating the illusion that Li Xiaofeng is wanted. , forcing him to seek Peacock's help!"

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