Panther Commando

Chapter 2739: determined

Takahashi Yumi stared at the map on the desk, but she was quickly analyzing in her mind whether to reveal the identity of Li Xiaofeng, the mole, to Takata. At this time, she suddenly thought: Li Xiaofeng was on a business trip with Researcher Wan. If she kidnapped Researcher Wan, Li Xiaofeng would definitely be listed as the number one suspect by the other party's counterintelligence department. As long as the other party's intelligence department carefully checked, Li Xiaofeng's mole identity Must be exposed in broad daylight.

Yumi Takahashi, herself an expert in intelligence, knew that no spy could stand up to scrutiny. No matter how experienced and hidden a spy is, it is impossible not to leave clues when stealing information. As long as they are suspected by the intelligence department of the other party, sooner or later they will be found out.

Takahashi Yumi quickly analyzed the pros and cons in her mind. The big eyes behind the glasses were cloudy and uncertain, and her face looked very scary.

Takada, who was sitting across from her, stared at her nervously, her mouth tightly closed, not daring to make a sound. He has been with this dangerous peacock for several years. He knows that she must not disturb her when she is thinking nervously. Once he disrupts her thinking, he will definitely attract a scolding. Beat up!

Takahashi Yumi's mind was spinning quickly, when she suddenly thought that once she attacked the researcher Wan beside Li Xiaofeng, Li Xiaofeng would definitely not be able to return to the institute, and going back would only be a dead end!

Takahashi Yumi thought of this, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on her forehead. She secretly said in her heart: Li Xiaofeng is an espionage officer who is the focus of the intelligence headquarters. The intelligence station has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in turning against such an outstanding spy as Li Xiaofeng. Once Li Xiaofeng is exposed, she, Yumi Takahashi, may have a hard time sitting in this position.

But now has come to a critical moment, she must obtain the scientific research results of micro laser weapons. This is cutting-edge intelligence that can make any intelligence organization go crazy, and it is also the cutting-edge weapon that all militaries dream of.

She pondered for a long time, a cold light suddenly appeared in her eyes, she gritted her teeth and said to herself: "Grandma, let's break the boat! As long as we get the mystery of the miniature laser weapon, it is worth the loss no matter how much we pay. What is it!"

She made up her mind, immediately raised her eyes and stared at Takada's eyes and said, "This operation is very important, you must be prepared! During the operation, our moles lurking in the weapons research institute must accompany this senior The researchers set out together, and you told the brothers under your command not to accidentally hurt this person. This is a photo of the mole himself, you can look at his appearance!" After speaking, she quickly recalled a picture of Li Xiaofeng from her mobile phone. Photo.

Takada was stunned when he heard the stationmaster's words. He really didn't expect Peacock to reveal the identity of the mole to himself at this time. This is the top secret in the intelligence station! He said with a smile on his face: "That's great, with this mole acting together, we can just work together inside and out to get the researcher who holds the micro laser generator!"

Saying that, he took the mobile phone handed over by Yumi Takahashi and looked at it carefully for a while, then nodded and returned the phone.

Takahashi Yumi took over the phone and quickly deleted the photo, and then said: "Yes, Mole has extremely high martial arts. With him by the researcher's side, the chance of our successful operation will be greatly increased. When we hijack this researcher, It is equivalent to exposing the mole rat, and it is impossible for him to return to the institute again, and he can only leave the country with the experimental specimens and the hostages."

"The Mole's identity is very special. He is a high-level agent that the headquarters is very concerned about. We must not let him have an accident. You ordered our people to protect his safety at all costs, and we must not let this person have any accidents, otherwise We can't explain it to the headquarters at all! In addition, we must not harm that researcher Wan, who has all the information we need in his mind, and we must ensure his safety."

Takada immediately replied: "Understood. Don't worry, my brothers and I will send him abroad even if we risk our lives!" He already understood the importance of moles, and a spy who can lurk in such an important place as the research institute, It must be an important person that the headquarters focuses on, and it is true that there can be no accidents in this intelligence station. And this researcher Wan himself is the source of intelligence, let alone hurt him.

Yumi Takahashi continued: "You prepare some poisons and sleeping pills, and I will give them to Mole at the right time. Once we find an opportunity to do something, let Mole deal with the two bodyguards, we will hijack the researcher and quickly enter the mountain, and the exit route will follow The plan a you designed is executed, and the researcher and the experimental specimen are escorted abroad with the help of the complex terrain in the mountains!"

When she said this, she suddenly looked down at the map and pondered for a moment, then said, "I estimate that the other party is more likely to take a plane, but we also need to prepare for them to travel by train and car."

As she said that, she raised her head sharply and looked at Takata and ordered: "You divide our people into three Order the first group to carry weapons, and now drive to the destination provincial capital to stand by. You and I take two people as the second group to follow the target. The third group follows behind our second group and provides cover for us at any time in case of emergency!"

"Yes!" Takada immediately stood up and replied, then took out his mobile phone and issued an order for the first team to carry weapons and equipment. He sent the message and immediately looked at Yumi Takahashi with glowing eyes, waiting for her to continue giving instructions.

Takahashi Yumi stared at Takada for a moment, and continued to order resolutely: "Send someone to monitor the weapons research institute. Mole has been informed that he will be on standby at the research institute before six o'clock tomorrow morning. Monitor how they travel, and scout for them. How many people are on this trip?"

"Yes!" Takada Risho replied, looking very nervous. He knew that the operation had already involved the core figures of the institute, including not only the most important spy mole of his intelligence station, but also the senior researcher who held the core secrets of laser research.

Now the intelligence station is going to attack this senior researcher, which will definitely attract a strong counterattack from the Chinese military and anti-espionage agencies! Therefore, this operation is indeed very dangerous. Once there is a mistake in the operation, I am afraid that these people will be compensated. At this time, Takata has not dared to be careless.

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