Panther Commando

Chapter 2747: wireless tracker

Li Xiaofeng reached out and took a piece of bread from Bao Ya's hand and said, "Okay, how about we set off now?" Wan Lin looked up and down Li Xiaofeng and said, "Okay, let's set off now, we'll find a better one in the city early. Eat at the restaurant!"

As he said that, he looked inside the car and asked, "Zisheng, where is Xiaohua?" Before he could finish his sentence, Xiaohua suddenly got out from under the car on the side, and then jumped into the car from Wan Lin's side.

Seeing Xiaohua returning, Wan Lin said to Bao Ya and the three of them, "Let's go." After that, he got into the car, Bao Ya and the others quickly got into the car, and Lin Zisheng started the car and drove out.

Wan Lin sat in the back seat and picked Xiao Hua up on her lap. Xiao Hua suddenly sniffed hard, then stood up from Wan Lin's lap and stuck her head out to Li Xiaofeng, who was sitting in the front passenger cab seat.

Wan Lin's heart moved, and he quickly reached out and hugged Xiaohua in his arms. He glanced at Li Xiaofeng in front of him thoughtfully, and then turned to look at Bao Ya next to him. Bao Ya also noticed Xiaohua's movements, and nodded lightly at Wan Lin.

At this time, Cheng Ru, who was in the service area, saw Wan Lin's car driving out of the service area, he stood beside the car and whispered into the microphone in his ear: "Zhang Wa, you bring the second group to follow immediately; Dao, you will set off after two minutes with three groups; Xiaoya, pay close attention to the vehicles that are trailing out to see if there are any suspicious vehicles?"

Cheng Ru issued the order and looked around at the dim service area. Zhang Wa and Feng Dao's cars slowly drove out of the parking space, and five or six cars drove out of the parking space not far away. Cars file toward the outside of the service area.

Cheng Ru stood beside the car and stared coldly at the vehicles driving out of the service area for a while, then shook his head slightly, twisted and got into the car, sat in the co-pilot seat and ordered Wang Dali next to him: "Let's go. , keep up!" At this time, there were cars coming and going in the service area, and it was really difficult to distinguish suspicious vehicles.

Following his voice, Wang Dali had already stepped on the accelerator and drove out. Cheng Ru and Wang Dali's car had just left the service area and entered the expressway again when Xiaoya's report sounded in Cheng Ru's earphone: "Lingling report, an unknown radio signal suddenly appeared on the Leopard head car!"

Cheng Ru was startled and quickly asked, "Is it a cell phone signal?" "Wait! Lingling is approaching for detection." Xiaoya's voice followed.

After a while, Xiaoya's crisp voice sounded again: "We are now close to Leopard's car, Lingling used the electronic countermeasure box to monitor the unknown signal again and found that the signal is very stable, it should be installed on the Leopard head car. Wireless tracking The locator, it is very likely that Li Xiaofeng has already connected with his companion in the service area! Do you want to block this signal immediately?"

Cheng Ru pondered for a moment and ordered: "No, we just want to draw out the enemy and let these spies follow. Your car will quickly get away from the leopard's head to avoid being discovered by the other party." "Understood!" Xiaoya replied immediately.

Dali, who was driving, also heard Xiaoya's report in his earphones. He frowned and said to Cheng Ru with some concern: "Since Li Xiaofeng has already obtained the line tracking locator in the service area, he may also have obtained the weapon. Do you immediately remind the leopards to pay attention to safety?"

Cheng Ru nodded, quickly took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to Wan Lin who was in the car in front of him, reminding them to guard against Li Xiaofeng and pay attention to safety.

At the same time, Takahashi Yumi and Takada were standing beside a black Mercedes-Benz sedan in the parking lot of the service area, and the two of them were also watching vigilantly at the cars passing in and out.

The man and woman who just walked past Wan Lin at the entrance of the supermarket were Yumi Takahashi and Takada, the leader of the intelligence station's action team. At this time, she and Takada had already identified Wan Lin, the target to be kidnapped, face to face.

In the early morning, when Wan Lin's car drove out of the gate of the Weapons Research Institute, Takata sent a subordinate who was monitoring the vicinity of the research institute to immediately follow him on a motorcycle, and reported to him the direction of the target vehicle at any time on the road.

It didn't take long for Takata to come to the conclusion from his subordinate's report that the other party drove straight to the highway. The goal was obviously to give up the two modes of travel by plane and train, and instead use self-driving to go straight to the destination.

When Yumi Takahashi heard Takata's report, she immediately ordered her subordinates to catch up in the direction of the expressway in three vehicles from their respective hidden locations.

Now, Takahashi Yumi watched Wan Lin's car drive out of the service area. She nodded to Takada who was beside her, then turned around and walked to the side of the car, opened the door, and sat in the passenger's seat, then raised her head. After carefully observing the surroundings for a while, he commanded the microphone hanging in his ear: "One group and two groups follow, don't follow too closely. Three groups follow my car and set off."

Following her voice, an off-road vehicle and a dark gray car slowly drove out of the parking space on the side, and then drove out of the service area. Takata also started the car and drove out slowly, followed by a black off-road vehicle.

At this time, Takata sat in the driving position and drove towards the expressway outside the service and asked in a low voice, "Master, where should we start?"

Takada Yumi stared at the dim highway in front of her and replied, "I just received a report from a mole. He said that the two bodyguards of Researcher Wan were very vigilant, and suggested that we should not do it for the time being. He wanted to try his best not to disturb the bodyguards. Take the target away from the bodyguard's sight under the circumstances, so that we can try to buy time for us to evacuate." She said, glanced at the taillights of the cars in front and said, "Drive and follow."

Takata immediately stepped up the accelerator and accelerated forward, and said, "The mole's plan is really good. We must alarm the two bodyguards around the target. When I was approaching the target at the entrance of the supermarket just now, I carefully observed it. The bodyguard standing beside him, with a pistol on his body, keeps his eyes on the surroundings of the target, his vigilance is indeed very high."

Takahashi Yumi also said thoughtfully: "Yes, I also carefully observed the two security guards at the target. Their vigilance is indeed very high. From their positions and eyes, it can be seen that they are very experienced, and they should have undergone special training. The security personnel must be very skilled."

When she said this, she suddenly stopped talking, looked at the dim highway in front of her and pondered for a moment before saying: "We really can't be careless when dealing with such experienced security personnel. It's easy for us to kill them unexpectedly, but it's hard not to let them. Raise the alarm when attacked!"

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