Panther Commando

Chapter 2749: 2 sets of plans

Yumi Takahashi stopped her speech and pondered for a moment, then shook her head and said, "Since the target's location is arranged by the security office of their military region, it is most likely the military guest house here, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to mix in this kind of place. action."

She turned her head to look at Takada and continued: "I've drawn up two plans of action now, you listen carefully: the first plan is for the mole to subdue the two bodyguards at their own time, and then directly hijack the target. . And we are only responsible for receiving and blocking possible pursuers, and covering the mole and the hostages to retreat into the mountains together."

"This first set of options is the first option, with the lowest risk in action. If the moles can't find an opportunity, we'll have to implement the second set of options I'm talking about below. This second option is what we do in the target The Mole cooperated with us to kill two bodyguards, and then hijacked the target and quickly retreated into the mountains."

Takahashi Yumi shook her head slightly when she said this, took off the eyes on her face and stroked the frame and said, "This second plan leaves us too short time to retreat, so the risk is too high, and it cannot be implemented unless it is a last resort. Otherwise, we are very likely to follow in the footsteps of Flying Squirrel and the others, and even if they escape into the mountains, they will be quickly caught up by the opponent's pursuers."

"However, in case the Mole cannot implement the first set of plans, we can only implement the second set of backup plans. The value of this researcher Wan is too great, no matter how dangerous it is, we have to take this risk. Enter After the urban area, you ordered your brothers to be ready to act at any time, the first and second groups were responsible for the action, and we and the other three groups were responsible for cover. Once the target was hijacked, immediately follow the retreat route we set into the mountain. "

After listening to the two plans drawn up by the stationmaster, Takada nodded nervously. He stared at the road ahead for a while, then looked down at the location of the target vehicle displayed on the navigation map, and then said, "Now that the target vehicle has been located, should we stay away from them and wait for them in the provincial capital? "

Takahashi's accelerator turned his head and glanced at the swaying lights on the highway behind him. He turned around and said, "Yes, now we can monitor the target vehicle at any time, and there is really no need to follow them. Order the other three vehicles to quickly leave the target, Have them wait outside the highway and wait for the target to appear, and tell them not to follow too closely to avoid alerting the target."

Hearing the station commander's order, Takada immediately replied: "Yes!" He then issued an order to his subordinates through the wireless microphone beside his ear, and then stepped on the accelerator to overtake the cars in front of him and accelerated forward.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and a few faint stars have risen in the dim sky. At nine o'clock in the evening, the off-road vehicle of Wanlin and his group finally arrived at the expressway exit of the destination provincial capital.

Lin Zisheng, who was driving, immediately drove along the road ahead to the highway leading to the provincial capital after the expressway exit.

At this moment, Wan Lin sat in the back seat and looked forward. Under the dark night sky, a large spot of light had appeared not far away. The dim scene is very different.

Li Xiaofeng sat in the co-pilot seat and stared at the brightly lit city for a while, then turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "Researcher Wan, the city in front is our destination, and the research institute we are going to is in the provincial capital. The edge is not far from the mountains. This mountain has high roads and dangerous roads and stretches for thousands of kilometers. There are many places with beautiful scenery in the mountains. You are usually too busy with work, and it is difficult to come here. I will show you when I have time. "

Wan Lin stared at the city in front of him and replied with a smile: "Okay, we are really nervous during this time. Now we have made great progress in the research of this laser project, but everyone has already felt a little bit. I'm tired and need to take time to relax."

He looked at Bao Ya next to him and said, "Old Bao, if we have time, let's go and have a look. I have long heard that the mountains here are picturesque, and Mr. Yu also introduced me to some of the scenery here before he came here. Scenic spots, we should go and have a look. We also stepped on the spot in the past, if it is really good, when the research is completed, we suggest that Mr. Yu bring everyone from the project team here to relax. "

Bao Ya grinned and replied, "Hehehe, we should take a look. However, in the funds granted to us by the Military Region Security Office, there is no money for visiting the mountains and rivers. Now the tickets for tourist attractions are too high. It’s expensive, and with the salary of my son and me, I guess I’ll donate it all to the scenic spot after turning around.”

Wan Lin said with a smile: "This is not a problem. Of course, all the expenses will be reimbursed to President Yu." After speaking, he looked up at Li Xiaofeng and said, "Xiao Li, your research institute should have funds for the recuperation of researchers, right? Hehe, our headquarters has this funding, and every year we senior researchers have to go out to recuperate."

Li Xiaofeng quickly replied: "Yes, the research institute does have this funding. Research work is different from ordinary units. Researcher is a purely mental work, and it must be a combination of work and rest. We have this recuperation fund in our budget every year. Lin Zisheng, who was driving, said with a smile: "That's great, our troops don't have such good treatment, it's better for your research institute. Then this time, we also happened to be in touch, let me and Lao Bao also open foreign meat. "Wan Lin and the others laughed when they heard Lin Zisheng's words.

Li Xiaofeng enthusiastically introduced the famous mountains here, describing the precipitous and beautiful mountain scenery everywhere, as if trying his best to encourage Wan Lin and the others to take time to see them.

On the surface, Wan Lin and the others listened intently to Li Xiaofeng's introduction, and they all thought to themselves, "Could it be that this kid wants to act in the mountains? Otherwise, why would he try so hard to recommend these attractions to us?" They were all a little nervous. They really couldn't guess what kind of action Li Xiaofeng and the spies hiding around were going to take?

At this time, the off-road vehicle has entered the edge of the urban area, and the number of vehicles on the road has gradually increased. The beams of lights and the colorful light box advertisements on both sides of the street have made several people feel that they have been in a modern big city. in the city.

Li Xiaofeng stared at the bustling street in front of him for a while, then suddenly turned around to look at Wan Lin and asked, "Researcher Wan, which hotel did the Military Region Security Office arrange for us to stay in?"

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