Panther Commando

Chapter 2751: drunk in restaurant

Wan Lin glanced in the direction of his finger, and saw that there was a restaurant not far in front of him. The restaurant was very quiet, and it was easy to be discovered if an outsider approached.

He immediately said: "Okay, go and have a look. If it's clean, it will be there. Everyone has worked hard today, and we must eat something good at night."

Lin Zisheng then slowed down and parked the car at the entrance of the restaurant. Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng jumped out of the car first. The two stood beside the car and glanced around vigilantly. Lin Zisheng turned his head and looked into the restaurant. Bao Ya said to Wan Lin in the car, "It's really quiet here. We went straight to the guest house to sleep after eating here. We've been in the car for more than ten hours, and we're really tired."

"Okay, let's go here!" Wan Lin jumped out of the car with Xiao Hua in his arms. At this moment, a black Mercedes-Benz car suddenly drove up on the road behind, and the bright headlights illuminated Wan Lin and the others who had just jumped out of the car. Bao Ya frowned, raised his foot to block in front of Wan Lin, Lin Zisheng in front also moved quickly and stood beside Wan Lin, and the half on the side was facing Li Xiaofeng who was walking from the side.

The little flower in Wan Lin's arms also suddenly turned his face to look at the approaching car, with a faint blue light flashing in his eyes. At this moment, a grass-green military jeep suddenly drove from the road in front, and the Mercedes-Benz sedan behind seemed to notice the suddenly approaching military jeep, and drove directly past the road on the side of Wanlin and the few people without reducing its speed. .

At this time, Li Xiaofeng walked up to Wan Lin and the others and glanced at the Mercedes-Benz car that was driving past, then turned his head to look at Wan Lin and the others and said, "The headlights of this Mercedes-Benz car are really bright!" He said thoughtfully. He glanced at the military general car coming from the front.

The oncoming military jeep also did not slow down, and quickly drove behind Wan Lin and the others from the opposite lane.

At this time, Wan Lin and several others already understood that the military jeeps must be a group of Chengru. The Chengru team must have arrived at the compound of the Southwest Military Region in advance before they arrived here, and got in touch with Qi Zhijun, the head of the military region's operations department. They borrowed a military vehicle and waited for Wan Lin and the others to arrive, in case the enemy suddenly came. Start with Wan Lin and several others.

Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng also guessed that the jeep was their own. Seeing Li Xiaofeng paying attention to the military jeep driving past, Lin Zisheng said slowly, "This should already belong to the outer security area of ​​the military compound."

When Li Xiaofeng heard Lin Zisheng's explanation, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, he turned around and glanced at the two Bao Ya who were surrounded by Wan Lin, and said with a dry smile: "Hehe, it's still safe near the troops, no wonder The security office will arrange for us to live in the military area guest house here."

Wan Lin turned his face and glanced at Li Xiaofeng, smiled and said, "The military compound is a military area, and people must be patrolled around. Let's go, let's go in for dinner, we haven't eaten anything since morning, really I'm a little hungry." Several people then walked towards the door of the restaurant.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and there were seven young men and women dressed in fashion sitting at a large table in the restaurant. People's faces were flushed with drinking, and their mouths were talking and laughing loudly.

Lin Zisheng walked into the restaurant first. His sharp eyes quickly scanned the interior of the restaurant. He pointed to the table in the corner of the restaurant and said, "Sit here? Be quiet here."

At this moment, a young man walked out of the bathroom in the corner of the restaurant suddenly, just when he heard Lin Zisheng's voice, he stopped and stared at Lin Zisheng, and said with a drunken mouth: "Brother...Brother, yes,... Do you think... that we are noisy?"

Lin Zisheng turned to look at him and said with a smile, "Hehehe, that's not what you meant." Wan Lin glanced at the drunk young man, frowned in disgust, and walked towards the dining table on the side. Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng secretly raised their vigilance. The two followed Wan Lin to the front table while monitoring the drunkard in front of him and the diners on the side.

At this moment, the young man glared at Wan Lin and the others with drunken eyes, and said with a big tongue, "All... they are all **** old... Be honest, don't add... to the old... Lao Tzu! "

At this moment, a red-faced boy who was holding a wine glass and drinking at the side table suddenly turned his face to look here, and shouted vaguely: "Liang...Liangzi, come and drink, and ignore them. Well?"

Wan Lin glanced at the staggering boy as he walked, and greeted Lin Zisheng and Bao Ya to the dining table near the corner. Li Xiaofeng, who was at the back, glanced at a group of people who were drinking in amazement, and also raised his heels and walked forward behind Wan Lin and the others. Obviously, he doesn't know if these people are Peacock people? So there is some hesitation in my heart.

Just when Li Xiaofeng was about to pass by the boy, the wobbly boy suddenly slanted and bumped into Li Xiaofeng. Li Xiaofeng frowned, his feet suddenly made a mistake, and his body nimbly flashed past this kid.

The wobbly boy jumped into the air, his body slammed into a dining table on the side with a bang, and immediately fell to the ground with the sound of the table and chairs falling to the ground.

At this time, Li Xiaofeng looked very He couldn't determine the identity of the kid in front of him, so he just kept his eyes on the other side and dodged, and didn't shoot directly. But at this time, he had already raised his inner strength and was ready to act. Once he determined that this group of people were Peacock people, he would immediately turn around and rush to the three Wan Lin in front of him.

A group of people drinking from the side saw their companions suddenly fall to the ground, and the three sturdy young men immediately stood up from the table cursing. Several of them grabbed the empty wine bottles on the table, pushed aside the chairs behind them, and went to the table. Wan Lin and several people rushed over.

Wan Lin and the others stopped when they heard the voice behind them and looked back, frowning when they saw the appearance of this group of people. At this time, Li Xiaofeng hurriedly walked up to the three of Wan Lin and said with a look of fear: "Why are these people like this, why don't we go?" After saying that, he glanced at Bao Ya and Lin Zi who were standing in front of Wan Lin. pregnancy.

Wan Lin looked at the young men who were approaching aggressively, frowned and said, "What a disappointment..." Before he finished speaking, the boy who fell to the ground suddenly got up from the ground, turned around and grabbed Li Xiaofeng's chest His clothes scolded: "Bastard, how dare you slap me!"

Li Xiaofeng's face suddenly turned pale, his left hand instinctively raised a wrist, grabbed the opponent's wrist, and threw it to the side, followed by vigorously throwing it out.

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