Panther Commando

Chapter 2770: moving signal

Just as Li Xiaofeng watched in horror as the three boys jumped off the cliff, the three colorful umbrellas suddenly rose from the cliff again and quickly drifted towards the undulating mountains in the distance. Then he let out a long sigh, and finally let go of his dangling heart.

At this time, Yumi Takahashi was looking out of the cliff. She saw the paraglider in front floated smoothly into the distance, and immediately turned her head to Takata and the boy with Li Xiaofeng and shouted, "You guys!"

Hearing the sound, Gao Tian immediately shouted at Wan Lin behind him: "Run with me!" He then increased the motor power of the paramotor and ran towards the edge of the cliff. The tandem paraglider with Li Xiaofeng on the side also made a violent roar. , also rushed towards the edge of the cliff.

Takahashi Yumi nervously watched Wan Lin and Li Xiaofeng's paragliders rush out of the cliff, until the two paragliders lifted up in the air and floated forward, then she turned her head and glanced down the mountain, followed by her ears. The microphone on the side ordered: "The rest of the people are broken!" After saying that, she also raised her feet and ran to the edge of the cliff...

In the blink of an eye, the colorful umbrella flowers were already floating above the cliff, and then they moved quickly towards the distant mountains. The mountainside where a group of people had just stood has regained its silence. Point flew towards the depths of the mountain in a gust of mountain wind.

At this time, Ye Feng, Professor Chang and fully armed Cheng Ru and Lingling were sitting at a rectangular table in the operation command room of Ye Feng, director of the Provincial National Security Bureau. Rows of electronic screens on the indoor walls are showing traffic monitoring images, and a row of communication and monitoring instruments are placed on the tables next to them. Several investigators from the National Security Bureau are staring at the instruments. on the display.

Ye Feng and Professor Chang stared at the screen on the wall, their eyes fixed on several surveillance images in the mountainous area, the room was silent and the atmosphere seemed very tense.

Lingling sat at the rectangular table, staring nervously at the electronic countermeasure box in front of her, her fingers constantly tapping on the keyboard. Cheng Ru sat next to her and looked at the screen on the wall for a while, and then looked at the map displayed on the screen of Lingling's electronic countermeasure box, and looked very nervous.

At this time, the serious-looking Professor Chang raised his hand and tapped on the computer in front of him. A large screen on the side immediately displayed a topographic map of the mountainous area. He moved the mouse on the computer and said, "Li Xiaofeng and the others hijacked them. After Leopard Head, he followed this mountain road directly into the mountain, there are very few forks in this mountain road, if the other party wants to quickly escape into the deep mountain, he can only travel along this mountain road."

He marked a red line on the rugged mountain road on the map, followed by looking at Ye Feng and continued: "Judging from the location of Leopard Head and Li Xiaofeng's mobile phones, the place where Bao Ya and Li Xiaofeng talked just now is at this location."

He said that he clicked a big red dot on the map, and then continued: "This is the mountain road winding up the mountain. Judging from the speed of the signal, they were driving towards the top of the mountain just now. But the mobile phone signal disappeared. Yes, this shows that after Li Xiaofeng was provoked and exposed his true colors, the other party immediately destroyed the mobile phone chip to prevent us from tracking by mobile phone signals."

Ye Feng listened carefully to Professor Chang's analysis. At this time, he stared at the map and said with some doubts: "Follow this mountain road, there are no forks in other directions within 50 to 60 kilometers, don't they worry about it? Are we blocking it in front? They can't escape by driving down this mountain road."

Hearing Ye Feng's doubts, Professor Chang pondered for a moment, and then looked at the map and said, "Yes, they should know that they can't escape along this mountain road! Could it be that they have given up the motorized escape method and went directly from the middle of the mountain. Down the mountain and escaped into the side canyon?"

But he then shook his head ponderingly, with a puzzled look in his eyes and said: "But the map shows that this mountain is more than 1,000 meters high, and the section of the mountain they took up the mountain was excavated from a steep cliff. When they came out, they were surrounded by cliffs! How could they abandon their cars at such a high place?"

Cheng Ru has been listening quietly to Professor Chang and Ye Feng's analysis, when he suddenly said: "It is unlikely that they will go down the mountain along such a steep cliff, the cliff of one or two hundred meters is still possible, but it is so high. No one can guarantee the safety of the cliff, and they also carry a researcher in disguise with the leopard head, I don’t think they can take risks with such an important researcher as the leopard head.” He then looked at Ye Feng and asked, “Director Ye, the armed police. Have the troops entered the mountain?"

Ye Feng replied immediately: "In order to avoid alarming the enemy, the armed police force approached this mountain road from the other side of the mountain, and now they have secretly reached the foot of the mountain and secretly blocked this mountain road, the other party will never be able to escape from this mountain. Rush out on the mountain road."

Cheng Ru heard Ye Feng's answer and said thoughtfully: "Peacock's subordinates have already appeared at the hijacking scene, and she should be waiting on this mountain road. In their eyes, Leopard Head holds all the research secrets of the micro-laser generator. He is an important scientific researcher, so Peacock must **** him to the situation in person. I think she should join up with Li Xiaofeng and the others now, but why hasn’t the leopard head sent a signal yet?”

As he spoke, he stared at Lingling anxiously and asked, "Lingling, haven't you received the signal from the leopard?"

Before he finished Lingling, who was staring at the screen of the electronic countermeasure box, suddenly exclaimed: "Appeared! The leopard's head is now near the top of the mountain, and the vertical distance from the top of the mountain is 200 meters. Cheng Ru heard the sound and stood up abruptly, looked at Professor Chang and Ye Feng and said, "I will lead the team now?"

Professor Chang raised his hand to stop him: "Wait a minute!" He then stared at Lingling and asked, "What is the state of the signal?" While adjusting the **** on the countermeasure box, Lingling stared at the screen and said, "It is in a stationary state now! "But then he shouted nervously: "Moved! No, why are you moving in the direction of the cliff?"

Following Lingling's voice, Ye Feng and Professor Chang abruptly stood up from the table, the two strode nervously behind Lingling, and looked at Lingling's electronic countermeasure box! At this time, an ominous thought suddenly appeared in the hearts of several people: Could it be that Wan Lin has been identified by his opponent and is now being pushed off a cliff by a peacock?

At this time, Lingling suddenly shouted in a happy tone: "It's moving, it's not going straight to the bottom of the cliff, but moving towards the side of the mountain. The speed is not fast!" Cheng Ru and several people stared at the slowly moving little red dot on the screen. , the heart hanging in the throat suddenly fell!

Several people have seen that the red dot representing Wanlin did not quickly fall off the cliff, but moved rapidly towards the mountainous area on the side. This shows that the leopard head is still safe for the time being, not pushed off a bottomless cliff by a spy!

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