Panther Commando

Chapter 2775: suspicious peacock

Lingling, who was staring at the electronic countermeasure box, heard Cheng Ru's question, and answered anxiously: "No! The signal from the leopard head lasted for about half an hour from the appearance to the disappearance of the signal, and it has not appeared since then. I am so anxious! "

Cheng Ru heard Lingling's answer and did not make a sound, but raised the sniper rifle in his hand solemnly, and looked around through the scope on the gun.

In the dim starlight, the surrounding mountains seemed hazy as if they had been splashed with ink, and the towering mountains were quietly stretching into the distance. From time to time in the dimly lit mountains, there was a rustling sound of small animals scurrying through the grass. Occasionally, a few green eyes of beasts flashed in the dark mountains in the distance.

Cheng Ru slowly moved the gun body to observe the surroundings, but his heart was very heavy. Now that they don't have any news about the leopard's head, they are looking for spies like Peacock in this endless mountain, which is like looking for a needle in a haystack! He raised his gun and observed the surroundings for a while, and then whispered into the microphone: "Fengdao, Zhang Wa, come here."

Following his voice, two black shadows flashed out from the shadows on both sides of the mountain. Feng Dao and the two men bent over and ran towards Cheng Ru with their assault rifles.

Cheng Ru then greeted Feng Dao and Cheng Ru around Lingling who was under the rock, and whispered, "Lingling, call up the map of this area." Lingling quickly tapped the keyboard a few times, and an electronic picture appeared. The map was immediately displayed on the display screen of the electronic countermeasure box.

Chengtu raised his finger and pointed at the red dot marked on the map, and said to Fengdao and Zhang Wa, "This is where we are. The location where we received the signal from the leopard's head just now is here!"

He pointed to another red dot in the mountains to the east, and then added: "The action after the spy hijacked the leopard's head must have crossed the border westward from the mountains. Our current position is the same as the last signal of the leopard's head. The distance in a straight line is about a hundred kilometers."

At this time, Fengdao looked at the map and said: "At present, we can only wait in the mountains and wait for the arrival of the enemy. But there is a problem here, that is, will the enemy follow this straight line and go straight to our hidden position? Once the enemy detours to the south or north, it will be too difficult for us to find their traces in this mountain!"

Zhang Wa also looked up at Cheng Ru and said, "Yes, in the endless mountains, once the enemy deviates from our position, it is really difficult for us to find them. Lingling, you can call up the maps of the mountains on both sides of the north and south. ."

Lingling immediately tapped the keyboard a few times, and the map immediately showed the map of the mountains on both sides of the north and south. Cheng Ru watched for a while and said: "Judging from the leopard's head suddenly sending out a signal and then turning it off, the locator hidden in the leopard's head was not detected by the opponent. And he suddenly turned off the signal, which means that the peacock, the head of the intelligence station, is very likely to be a Suspicious person, Leopard Head suddenly turned off the locator in order to avoid being discovered by her."

"I think Peacock most likely guessed that we would set up an ambush in the mountains ahead to intercept, but she realized that if we set up an ambush in the mountains, we could only use a detour to the north or south to bypass the possible ambush area in front of her. And the ultimate goal of the western border will never change."

After Cheng Ru finished speaking, he looked at Xiaoya and asked, "Xiaoya, you are a doctor and you have studied psychology. Please analyze this peacock from the perspective of a woman."

Xiaoya turned around and looked at the map for a moment and said, "Your analysis just now is very reasonable. Judging from the situation since we fought with this spy organization, this woman Peacock is thoughtful and has a detailed attack and retreat plan for every action. Some are often unexpected.”

She raised her head and looked at Cheng Ru and continued to analyze: "We only analyze the case of their attack on the professor and the fire prevention in the research institute. She ordered Yamaguchi's people to attack the professor, wanting to get rid of the professor, a commander with rich counterintelligence experience, at the same time. He also set fire to the research institute under the cover of the attack, and used Li Xiaofeng to steal experimental specimens."

"It stands to reason that this plan is quite complete, and it is indeed beyond our expectations. But she implemented a plan to assassinate the professor in the hospital later. Although this peacock's plan did not fully achieve the expected results, she did not count the complicated, Judging from the way he has acted repeatedly, this person does have a strong logical thinking ability, and at the same time is very suspicious!"

Cheng Ru and the others on the side were listening intently to Xiaoya's analysis, and Feng Dao said thoughtfully, "Xiaoya's analysis is very reasonable. According to the situation when they set up an ambush and attacked the professor, the professor and Xie Chao should have absolutely nothing. The possibility of being spared. At that time, if Xie Chao had not used his own unique cold skills, he suddenly sensed the existence of the opponent's snipers in the car, they should not have missed the possibility of this operation. However, Peacock still sent people after the incident. The hospital verified and organized the assassination again, which is indeed abnormal, which only shows that her character is very suspicious."

Cheng Ru nodded when he heard the analysis of the two and said, "According to this peacock's suspicious character analysis, she must have done a lot in her actions. Look at this mountainous area to the north."

He pointed to the map and continued: "The mountains in the northern mountainous area are relatively and there are several mountain towns scattered in this mountainous area. The southern mountainous area has high mountain slopes. It is steep, the terrain between the mountains is very complex, and there are lakes and swamps. So, I think the peacock should be heading to the southern mountainous area, trying to bypass the mountainous area where we are now, and then go straight to the western border.”

After speaking, he raised his head and looked at a few comrades beside him. Feng Dao and Xiao Ya nodded. At this time, Zhang Wa said, "So, do we move to the southern mountainous area now? Stay there and wait for the rabbits. With these bastards!"

Xiaoya stared at the map and shook her head and said, "Although we judged that the other party will travel to the mountainous area in the south, the terrain of this mountainous area is too complicated, and the area is quite vast. We have to find the leopard in this large area of ​​complex terrain. The head and the peacock are still like looking for a needle in a haystack. My opinion is to stay still for now, wait for the work, and wait for the leopard head to send out a positioning signal again.”

At this time, Lingling called up the positioning monitoring screen on the electronic countermeasure box. She stared at the image and frowned and said, "According to the suspicious character of the peacock, she must be carrying radio detection equipment, and she must often detect the surrounding when fleeing. We can infer whether there are people around us. I think that the leopard head turned off suddenly after the locator was activated. It must have something to do with the peacock carrying the detection equipment. As a result, it is difficult for us to determine whether the leopard head will When to activate the locator again."

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