Panther Commando

Chapter 2777: air search

Wan Lin squatted behind the rock and quickly glanced around. One by one spies were already sprawled behind the rock and in the grass, all nervously raising their guns and aiming at the dimly lit mountains ahead.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the dark mountains in front of him, and found a few green spots of light rushing towards the distance. He immediately understood that the spies who were walking in front must have suddenly encountered a few wolves, so he immediately pulled the trigger in his nervousness.

Wan Lin glanced at the spies who were facing the enemy with a look of disdain in his eyes, and then lowered his head to look at the steel handcuffs on his hands. Share dim light.

He moved his hands lightly, his eyes fixed on the movements of the spy around him, and then he took a breath. The five fingers of his right hand folded together, and the palm suddenly folded into a long stick, followed by the right hand shaking slightly backward. After a few clicks, he retreated from the ring of handcuffs like a thin snake.

Wan Lin's face showed a look of joy, and he quickly inserted his right hand into the ring of the handcuffs.

At that time, when Li Xiaofeng put handcuffs on him, he quietly and secretly exercised power to make his wrists thicker, so the iron rings that cuffed his two wrists were not completely tight. At this moment, he used his energy to compress the gap between the bones in his hand, and immediately withdrew his right hand from the handcuffs with ease.

Now he is just using the cover of the night to try to withdraw his right hand from the handcuffs when the people around him have no time to take care of him, so that when he moves behind, he can quickly get rid of the restraints on his hands and enter the battle.

Wan Lin put on the handcuffs again and turned to look at Li Xiaofeng, who was stuck in the grass. In the darkness, Li Xiaofeng, who was lying in the grass not far from the side, curled up together, his eyes flashed a wickedly bright light in the darkness, staring nervously at the place where the gun was fired just now.

Wan Lin stared silently at this Chinese scum who had forgotten his ancestors. At a glance, he could see that this kid was already in extreme tension, and he raised his inner strength with all his strength. , obviously worried that someone in front of him will intercept him, and he is very afraid of death.

Wan Lin scolded the boy nervously, "You bastard, that's all you can do? When you hear the gunshots, you can't wait to stick your head in your crotch!"

At this time, Takata, who was lying in the grass, asked a few words in a low voice to the microphone, and then stood up from the grass on the side. He walked to the peacock and reported in a low voice: "Damn, it's on the hill in front of you. There were a few wolves and a brother pulled the trigger nervously. Nothing else."

Takahashi Yumi stood up from behind the rock, raised her hand, inserted the pistol into the holster on the side of her thigh, and cursed fiercely, "Bastard, a few wolves scared them into this? Tell them, and then His mother's random shooting exposed the location, and my mother left them here to feed the wolves!"

Takada quickly replied: "Yes, yes, I have warned them just now." Takahashi Yumi looked angrily at the dark surrounding mountains, and whispered to Takata: "Take out the wireless signal detector and see what appears around you. No unknown radio signal?"

After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Li Xiaofeng, who was still lying on the grass with his **** on his side. A cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes, but then flashed away again, and shouted at him, "Mole, it's alright. !Set off!"

Li Xiaofeng's peacock's cry made him get up from the grass. He looked around at his companions who had stood up and walked forward, raised his hand and inserted the pistol into his waist, then walked to Wan Lin who was squatting behind the rock, bent over and grabbed his arm and shouted, "Get up, talk to Lao Tzu. Let's go!" With that, he dragged Wan Lin hard and walked forward along the rugged mountains.

A group of spies took Wan Lin hostage and walked all night in the dark, rugged mountains. At this time, the eastern sky has turned white, and the mountains in the distance hidden in the dimness have revealed their ups and downs.

Takahashi Yumi looked at the tired men around her and whispered to Takada who was beside her: "The sky is about to dawn, I'm worried that the other party will use aerial reconnaissance to search for us. This researcher has such an important research secret, the other party You will definitely search for us without any effort. You ordered the scout team in front to see if there are any caves suitable for camping around? It seems that we will take a nocturnal approach in the back."

"Yes, I'll go ahead and take a look." Takada replied quickly, and then he raised his foot and ran forward while conveying the order to the microphone.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, and the mountains that were just gray, suddenly became clear and translucent with the red sun rising behind the mountains. The trees on the steep hillside have been clearly displayed in front of people's eyes.

Li Xiaofeng looked a little tired and stopped. He looked up at the surrounding mountains, and suddenly found that the surrounding mountains were towering and precipitous. On the steep slopes were exposed dark gray rocks, jagged boulders and rolling hills. The rubble spread all over his eyes, and only the foot of the mountain where they were located was still scattered with weeds and thorns.

Li Xiaofeng let go of Wan Lin's left hand, and while observing the surroundings, he whispered to himself, "Damn, what's this going on? It's so desolate!"

The peacock on the side has a very good She actually heard Li Xiaofeng's complaining in a very low voice, she turned her head suddenly and looked at Li Xiaofeng and reprimanded: "Nonsense! Do you think this is a tour of the mountains and water? If you can escape in a place like this, it is already considered your fate, what are you complaining about!"

Before she could finish her sentence, a faint "humming" sound suddenly came from a distance, and the peacock suddenly raised his head and looked into the air, carefully discerning the direction of the sound, then turned his head and looked back sideways. , she then shouted into the microphone: "Hide on the spot!"

They were looking left and right looking for a group of spies in the campsite, when they suddenly heard Yumi Takahashi's sharp shout, and they were so frightened that they fell on the ground, and then turned their heads and looked back in panic.

Not long after, a black spot suddenly rose from the back of the top of the mountain, followed by slowly flying towards the mountain where they were located. At this time, Wan Lin had also been pushed to the ground by Li Xiaofeng. He turned his head and looked into the air. A plane was flying from the top of the mountain in the distance.

Wan Lin was overjoyed, and immediately guessed that the professor and Ye Feng must have heard Cheng Ru's report, so they asked the Southwest Military Region to send a plane to search this mountainous area, trying to increase the pressure on the peacocks to prevent them from rushing out quickly. border.

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