Panther Commando

Chapter 2781: Encounter in the dark

Cheng Ru frowned at the dim and gloomy scene in front of him, and said in a low voice, "The terrain in the mountainous area in the south is really complicated. It is really a needle in a haystack to find a few people in this terrain. No wonder those spies want to go in this direction. "

Zhang Wa also frowned and looked around and said in a low voice: "The terrain here is indeed stealthy. It seems that this peacock does have rich experience. However, this kind of dangerous geographical conditions, those spies who are usually pampered in the city can Can you bear it?"

Cheng Ru said with a sneer: "It's not that easy to run out of our territory with the things that came from them! Now they have to endure it if they can't bear it!" Sheng asked, "Where's Xiaohua?" Zhang Wa replied, "Xiaohua took Feng Yu and the two of them to the front to find a campsite and see if there are any suitable caves for camping."

At this time, Xiaoya and Lingling took Xiaobai and strode over from behind, Xiaobai ran to Chengru and Zhangwa, got up and ran up the rock in front, and then turned around and glanced at Xiaoya. Xiaoya knew that Xiaobai wanted to walk around, and she immediately waved at Xiaobai.

Xiaobai jumped out of the rock and ran straight to the steep hillside on the side, followed by jumping up and down between the rock crevices, and disappeared on the top of the high mountain after a long time.

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa heard the movement behind them, and turned to look at Xiaoya and Lingling who were approaching. They saw that their painted faces were covered with sweat, and they already showed tired expressions. Cheng Ru looked at the two of them distressedly and said, "Sit down and have a rest."

The two nodded and sat down beside Cheng Ru and the two of them. Lingling sat on the rock and immediately opened the electronic countermeasure box. While staring at the display screen, she slowly turned the control **** and searched for the surrounding radio signals.

Cheng Ru followed and looked at the surrounding team members. Dali and several people had already sat down in the surrounding mountains, and Bao Ya was running to a small hill in front of him with a gun to guard.

Cheng Ru followed and said to Zhang Wa, "Sit down and rest for a while." Zhang Wa nodded and waved to Wu Xueying and Wen Meng who were walking from behind. Wen Meng and the two came over, Zhang Wa pointed to a rock on the side and said, "Sit down and rest for a while." Then she took out the kettle and handed it to Wu Xueying.

At this time, Lin Zisheng also ran over from the side with a sniper rifle. He looked at Wen Meng, whose face was sweaty, and took out the water bottle and handed it over to ask with concern, "Is it alright?" Wen Meng glanced at him shyly, took the water bottle and took a sip, then handed it to him and said: "No problem, drink some water too."

At this moment, Lingling suddenly whispered: "There is an unknown signal!" Several people around were startled! Immediately raise the gun and look around. Cheng Ru immediately squatted beside Lingling and asked in a low voice, "Can you determine the direction of the signal?"

"It's a communication signal, like the call frequency from a satellite phone. The call time is too short to determine the bearing." Lingling replied hurriedly as she adjusted the **** on the countermeasure box.

Cheng Ru heard Lingling's answer, and immediately ordered in a low voice: "Zhang Wa, be alert two kilometers before you arrive with Zisheng, pay attention to safety!" "Yes!" Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng ran out with guns.

At this moment, "da da da", "da da da", a burst of intense gunshots suddenly sounded, and a few red flames suddenly flashed in the dim mountains in front, followed by a series of more violent gunshots. When he came out, the dim night sky was suddenly illuminated by the flickering firelight.

At this moment, Yu Wenfeng's urgent voice suddenly sounded in Cheng Ru's earphone, "Report, a group of armed men of unknown origin suddenly abducted from under the cliff in front!" "Be careful, we will be there soon!"

Cheng Ru hurriedly ordered, and then shouted into the microphone: "One group of left wing and three groups of right wing outflank. Vigorously, immediately use machine guns to suppress the enemy's firepower and support Yuwen. The second group is directly inserted from the foot of the mountain!" With a sniper rifle, he rushed up the steep hillside on the side.

Following his orders, silhouettes suddenly appeared in the dim mountains, and then they rushed out in three different directions, left, middle and right, followed by the sound of "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" on the right side of the hillside. Bang bang bang" machine gun sound, a rain of bullets roared to the front of the cliff.

At this time, Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu were lying on the rocks in the mountains in front of them. From time to time, the two protruded their guns and shot down the steep rock wall in front of them. Under the steep cliff 100 meters in front, there were also bursts of fierce gunfire, and a string of bullets were roaring towards the hidden rocky beach of the Yuwen brothers. The mountains flickered.

Just now, Brother Yuwen took Xiaohua to the front to find the campsite, Xiaohua looked at the side **** and turned around and ran over. Yu Wenfeng saw Xiaohua running towards the side hillside and knew that it was looking for a cave there. He raised his head and looked at the dark, steep cliff not far in front of him, and whispered to Yu Wenyu who was beside him: "Go, let's go. Go around that cliff and see if there is a suitable cave ahead." The two then walked forward with guns in hand.

The two of them just approached the cliff in the dark, when the side hillside where Xiaohua was located suddenly flashed a blue light beam, and the blue light flashed away. Brother Yuwen was shocked! With the gun in hand, he rushed under the rock on the side. This was the warning signal Xiaohua suddenly sent from a At the same time, two black shadows suddenly flashed from the corner of the dark cliff in front, followed by There was a sound of "crash" pulling the bolt, apparently the person who came had seen Yuwen and the two who were throwing to the side.

With the low sound of pulling the gun bolt, two firelights spewed out from under the cliff, the gunshot of "Da Da Da" Su You sounded, and two strings of bullets flew over Yu Wenfeng's figure with a whistling whistle!

Brother Yuwen didn't expect the other party to be indiscriminate and shoot when they saw the figure! The two immediately understood in their hearts that it was definitely not a good way to come! The two had already pulled the gun bolt while they were saving. After landing on the rock, they immediately extended the muzzle from the side of the rock, then pulled the trigger and swept forward, and then rolled back to another rock on the side, Yuwen. Feng also reported to Chengru what happened before.

At this time, Zhang Wa, who was running from behind, had already rushed under a rock close to the Yuwen brothers. He was lying between the two rocks and looked forward coldly. Four or five strings of fire were coming from a screen-like rock wall in front side shot.

Hundreds of meters away from the side of the cliff in the distance is a rocky hill covered with rocks. Rocks of various sizes undulate and extend into the distance, just like natural combat bunkers, which are very suitable for covert operations.

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