Panther Commando

Chapter 2783: One after another gunshots

Cheng Ru pulled the trigger and knew that he had been deceived in the dark. The black shadow that appeared just now was just a backpack thrown by the opponent, and the opponent must have withdrawn from the sniper position just now under the cover of the backpack. It seems that the other party is really an experienced sniper.

At this time, the gunfire of Zhang Wa and the Yuwen brothers at the foot of the mountain had stopped, and the fire from Wang Dali's machine gun also stopped abruptly, and the mountain where the fire flashed became dark and silent again.

Cheng Ru stared at Luanshigang in the distance through the scope on the gun, and secretly thought in his heart: From the sound of Zhang Wa's gunshots to the moment when the gunfire suddenly disappeared, there was only one sniper who fired a shot on the other side. It means that the other people on the other side have most likely retreated from the brief exchange of fire just now, and this sniper is only in charge of the break.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked around, looking for Xiaohua and Xiaobai. At this time, he was indeed a little confused. From the sound of the gunshot to the present, he had not seen the two leopards, Xiaobai and Xiaohua.

The surroundings were dark, and the two leopards could not be seen at all, not even the red and blue shadows that flickered in the eyes of the two leopards. These two leopards must have been attracted by some other target, otherwise they would not have stayed away from the battlefield at this time!

Cheng Ru pondered for a moment, and suddenly whispered into the microphone: "Fengdao, have you found any enemies over there?" Fengdao's voice immediately came from the earphone: "No. It seems that the enemy has retreated."

Cheng Ru heard Feng Dao's report, and immediately ordered: "Feng Dao, you approach the opponent's position from the side covertly, scout the enemy's dynamics, pay attention to safety. Son, vigorous, provide cover for Lao Feng!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a blue light suddenly flashed from the mountain on the right side, followed by a shrill scream, followed by a burst of "da da da" assault rifles, exclamations, curses, and a strange sound. The hissing sound followed, and the dark night sky on the side suddenly flashed a dark red.

As soon as the gunshots started, a red light flashed out, followed by another piercing scream. The shrill screams were accompanied by the violent gunshots, which suddenly added a terrifying aura to this mountainous area that had just been silent.

Cheng Ru turned his face and looked to the side of the mountain, where gunshots and screams were ringing from the mountains several kilometers away. At this time, he suddenly understood the whereabouts of the two leopards. It turned out that there was a group of armed men of unknown origin on the side. The two leopards must have followed the trail and attacked the armed men suddenly in the dark!

The screams and gunshots lasted for a short time, and the night sky, which was still flashing with dark red flames, dimmed again, and it was pitch black in the distance.

After a while, a dark figure suddenly ran over from the dimly lit mountain on the side, Cheng Ru's gun moved over immediately, and a **** guy was running fast towards this side, with a faint flashing above it. Red and blue two-point sheen.

He stared intently through the scope for a while before he could see clearly that it was Xiaohua standing majestically on top of a galloping animal, her little paws slapping the animal's neck from left to right, driving it away. Run this way. And Xiaobai's eyes flickered with a faint red light, and he was lying comfortably on the back of the livestock, with a leisurely look.

Cheng Ru saw all this clearly, and looked behind Xiaohua and the others with a wry smile. The mountains behind were dark, and there was no human activity to be seen. There was only the "da-da" sound of the animal running around.

From the current point of view, Xiaohua and the others are not chasing soldiers. Cheng Ru moved his sniper rifle and aimed down the cliff again. At this time, the sound of the wind knife suddenly came from his ears: "Report, there is no trace of the opponent behind the cliff, and the opponent has secretly evacuated here."

As soon as Feng Dao's voice fell, there was a burst of fierce gunfire in the distance, and the firelight ejected from the muzzle of the guns reflected the dim night sky. Cheng Ru frowned and raised the muzzle to look at the firelight, secretly shouting in his heart, "What a lively night!"

He then asked into the microphone: "Wind knife, what's going on ahead?" "Report, the gunfire was about three kilometers away from me. I speculate that it was the group who evacuated from our side and the group that Xiaohua attacked. Meeting in the dark, the two sides must have clashed indiscriminately in panic." Feng Dao immediately reported in a low voice.

"Zisheng, Yuwen brothers, you cooperate with the wind knife to closely monitor the situation ahead, and report the situation at any time." Cheng Ru said in a low voice, took back the sniper rifle and slowly stepped back a few meters, then took out a roll of rope from the backpack and threw it down the steep slope. hillside. He fixed the end of the rope in his hand in a crack in the rock, grabbed the rope with both hands and quickly descended from the steep hill to the foot of the mountain.

When he fell to the foot of the mountain, he bent over the rocks and ran to Xiaoya on the side. Under the dim starlight, Xiaoya was squatting under a rock and gesturing with the two leopards. Both leopards had excited expressions in their eyes. They stood up, swaying their front paws, and pointed to the side of the mountain from time to time. .

When Xiaoya saw Cheng Ru running, she raised her head and pointed at Cheng Ru to a donkey standing on the side, and then said in a low voice, "This is a donkey that Xiao Bai encountered that group of people~www.wuxiaspot .com~ I checked it just now, and it was loaded with food and drugs."

"Xiaohua they said that there was a big lake on the side, and the group of people were walking along the lake shore. Xiaohua and the others smelled the smell of drugs from afar, so they ran over immediately. But as soon as they approached each other, several donkeys in the crowd found them. , a boy followed and raised a gun at them. Xiaohua and Xiaobai immediately launched an attack, and then drove the donkey back."

Cheng Ru grinned when he heard this, gave a thumbs up to the two excited leopards standing on the ground, and then smiled at Xiaoya in a low voice: "So it seems that the gunshots in front should be these drug dealers and The group of people met just now, and in a panic, they shot at these people again."

Xiaoya stuck her head out from behind the rock, looked forward and said, "Yes, those drug dealers must have heard the gunshots from our side and thought we were targeting their drug enforcement officers, so they panicked immediately after being attacked by Xiaohua and the others. We retreated. I didn't expect to meet the group of people who were withdrawing from us. The two groups must not know each other's origins, so they hurriedly pulled the trigger in the dark. "

At this time, the fierce gunfire in the distance sparsed, and then stopped. The mountains that were reddened by the gunfire suddenly turned dark again, and the undulating mountains were filled with a pungent smell of gunpowder. The mountains suddenly became deadly silent again.

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