Panther Commando

Chapter 2909: unstoppable river

Several drug dealer soldiers who rushed across the bridge were also dazed by the leopard roar suddenly made by Xiaohua, and their heads exploded. At this time, the few people just opened their eyes and saw a black shadow rushing towards the forest, and two grenades were whistling towards them. Several people were shocked, and their minds were completely awake at this time!

Without thinking about it, the few people rushed towards the river bank on the side of the bridge with their assault rifles in their hands. The assault rifles in their hands were raised at the same time, and a few fiery snakes were spewed out in the forest. This group of Kunsha soldiers are indeed experienced in combat. At this critical moment, they did not forget to pull the trigger against the woods in front of them to cover their figures.

At this moment, "Boom", "Boom", two loud noises suddenly sounded from the shore, and two dazzling firelights burst out on the dim river bank, and several black shadows screamed in the firelight towards the river. Rolling around, two of the shadows fell to the ground, and they rolled into the turbulent river with a ball of fire, and the shrill screams immediately echoed on the shore.

At this time, Wan Lin was crawling forward with difficulty dragging an assault rifle. After he slapped Abu awake just now, he immediately stretched out his left hand nervously, grabbed an assault rifle of Brother Abu's beside him, and dragged the gun to the back of a thick tree in front of him. Put the assault rifle on the tree root protruding from the ground, press the **** tightly against the left shoulder socket, and aim forward while lying on the gun.

With the help of the fire from the explosion of two grenades by the river, he stared at the other black figures lying on the bridge. He knew in his heart that when Xiaohua saw that his side was in critical condition just now, he suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar. This huge sound wave was like a sharp sound wave weapon, which would stun all those who had no foundation in internal strength. land.

At this time, he already understood the reason why Xiaohua suddenly left him. It jumped up the tall tree on the side to keep away from him, and then made this earth-shattering roar at the enemy on the opposite side of the river. And this kind of huge roar has great lethality. If Xiaohua made such a huge roar around her just now, I am afraid that Abu in the forest will be killed on the spot, and he himself is seriously injured. to suffer great damage.

Now Xiaohua climbed the high canopy and was far away from the enemy, and the roar only temporarily blocked the enemy's attack. Now the people on both sides are gradually regaining consciousness. Once the enemy on the other side and on the bridge wakes up, the dense rain of bullets fired by the enemy will cover the woods where they are! So he must now prevent the enemy on the bridge from continuing to charge.

At this time, Abu's two younger brothers who were lying on the ground behind Wan Lin also woke up first. Both of them were severely kicked by Abu just now, so they were the first to wake up in the severe pain. The two shook their heads vigorously when they opened their eyes, and immediately saw Wan Lin lying in front of him with a gun in his left hand under the tree.

The two quickly got up from the ground, one picked up the other assault rifle on the ground, the other quickly took off the bow from the back, stood up and ran towards the edge of the forest.

At this moment, "bang bang bang", "bang bang bang", a burst of intense machine gun fire suddenly sounded from the opposite bank, Abu's little brother just ran a few steps towards the forest with the gun, when he suddenly groaned to the forest. The side fell, his second brother next to him was shocked, hugged him and rushed behind the tree on the side.

"Crack", a crisp gunshot sounded behind the two, and the other party's machine gun sound stopped abruptly! Wan Lin immediately let out a painful muffled sound. Abu's eldest brother threw his brother to the side of the woods and immediately looked up. He saw through the dim firelight that a group of people were crawling up across the turbulent river. A machine gun was erected by the small bridge on the opposite bank The figure behind the gun leaned to the side.

He immediately understood that the machine gunner must have been shot and killed by the Wan brothers behind him. He hurriedly looked at the younger brother next to him, and saw that his younger brother was covering his shoulders with one hand and shouting at him, "Leave me alone, come on!" Sombra pulled the trigger.

"Da-da-da", "da-da-da", a string of fire snakes roared towards the opposite bank, and seven or eight bullets flew out in a blink of an eye! "Don't shoot!" Wan Lin who was behind suddenly shouted angrily. At this time, he realized that it was no wonder that the ammunition of these machete warriors would be consumed so quickly!

At that time, they left all the weapons and ammunition they captured to these machete warriors, and the amount of ammunition at that time was not large. But now they have very few left. It turns out that these people don't think about the consumption of ammunition in the battle, so that there is no ammunition available at this critical moment!

Wan Lin also knew in his heart that the three of Abu were the guards on the opposite hillside, so the bullets in the guns were relatively more. But now this Abu's younger brother directly pulls the trigger and fires continuously, which will definitely 'chut' out all the bullets in the gun.

Sure enough, with Wan Lin's roar, brother Abu's assault rifle made a "click" sound, and the bullets in his gun had been consumed in an instant.

At this moment, "da da da", "bang bang bang"..., a violent gunshot suddenly sounded from the opposite side, and the whistling bullets flew from the opposite side immediately. In the woods where Wan Lin and Abu brothers were located, pieces of wood smashed by bullets flew up immediately, sparks scattered on the trees, and bullets whistled past with a sharp sound of breaking through the air~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Wan Lin rolled behind the tree with the gun in his hand. Brother Abu fired regardless, and the fire from the muzzle had already exposed their location in the dark, so it immediately attracted a heavy rain of bullets.

Wan Lin quickly rolled behind the tree, his face twisted in pain. The recoil caused by the shooting just now and the tumbling at this time had already affected the wound on his body, causing a piercing pain all over his body, and his face was covered with beads of sweat the size of soybeans.

He was lying on the back of the tree, sucking in the cold air and looking out of the forest. Firelights were shooting from the opposite bank. The comatose boys on the bridge were climbing up tremblingly. Then they bent over and ran towards the opposite bank with guns. The two boys also carried long machine guns in their hands.

Wan Lin was shocked. Once these enemies were allowed to rush over the small bridge, a machine gun position would immediately be established at the bridge head to cover the large group of enemies behind rushing over. At that time, the only line of defense of the Scimitar Tribe would collapse immediately. The entire cottage will be safe from danger!

In the dim forest, bullets were flying around Wan Lin, and the pieces of wood hit by the bullets flew on top of his head with sparks. He looked anxiously towards the other side. If he didn't launch an attack, he and Ah Bao's machete warriors couldn't defend this river at all!

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