Panther Commando

Chapter 2919: gratitude in my heart

Wan Lin looked at the urgent look of the girl, and suddenly had a sour feeling in his heart. The girl has become a lonely person, and now considers him the only family member she can rely on. In the fierce battle just now, she refused to leave herself, she was worried about losing her only trusted elder brother!

He looked at the girl's big longing eyes for a while, and then comforted him: "Little sister, don't worry, that big sister will definitely return the knife to you!"

All the girl's family members are gone, and the girl has saved Wan Lin's life. How could he have to settle this poor little girl before leaving here, but he is really worried now.

If he was in China, he could take the girl home to his grandfather and let her go to school with Jingyi, Xiaomiao and Shanshan to receive a good education. But she is a foreigner, and he can't bring her into the country.

Now, Wan Lin is holding the bank card left by the girl's brother with a large amount of money, but such a girl in the mountains who has never walked out of the mountains, just handing her a large sum of cash, I am afraid she will not If you know how to consume, you may not know how to protect your property.

If the girl's parents were still there, he could give the money to them and walk away, but now he really didn't dare to give the bank card to this girl who had never walked out of the mountains. If he handed the money to the girl, once the scheming person knew that there was a huge sum of money around the girl, he would most likely bring the girl to death! Anything can happen in this troubled region.

Just when Wan Lin was thinking, Xiaoya and the others had already washed their bodies covered in blood, and they all changed into the sportswear they brought. When they came out, the people in the national security system had already prepared casual clothes for them to wear, so they didn't wear the clothes that the girls gave them.

Xiaoya walked to Wan Lin with a wet towel in her hand, gently wiped his face and hands, and then asked in a low voice, "How are you feeling now?" Wan Lin replied with a smile, "It's alright, The medicinal power of the Fragrant Magic Pill has already worked, and now the infuriating energy in the body can run completely autonomously."

Xiaoya turned around and handed the towel to Lingling who came over. She turned her head and said to the old patriarch, "Find me a room, and I will check Wan Lin's injury carefully again."

The old patriarch quickly turned around and instructed: "A Bao, please quickly invite the benefactors to my meeting room to rest. Abu, you directly carry Brother Wan to the guest room, and quickly prepare the banquet, we will celebrate it in a while!"

After Abu and the others carried Xiaoya to a guest room of the Scimitar tribe, Xiaoya glanced at Wanlin's clothes covered in mud, turned around and said to Abu, "Abu, please find him another dress, In addition, bring some hot water to me, and I will help him clean his body." Abu agreed and walked out with his two younger brothers.

At this time, Cheng Ru and several others also followed. They looked at Xiaoya carefully examining Wan Lin's body, and their expressions were still a little nervous. After Xiaoya checked Wan Lin's body surface, she grabbed his left wrist and listened to the pulse for a while, then let go of her hand and stood up.

She turned around and said to the nervous Chengru people: "Fortunately, apart from the trauma, several meridians in his body have been seriously damaged, but they have recovered. We have taken turns using our internal strength to help him dredge for the past few days. Once the blocked meridians, along with the medicine left by grandpa, should be able to go down to the ground soon."

Cheng Ru and several others heard Xiaoya's examination results, and their hearts were completely at ease. Zhang Wa looked at Wan Lin who was lying on the bed and said, "I heard from Abu just now that you fell from a cliff hundreds of meters high, and you were scared to death. I am, you are really steel and iron! It is said that the other three people have fallen into meat sauce!"

Lingling also looked at Wan Lin and said, "It's unbelievable, what happened at that time? I'm really lucky." At this time, the door opened, and Abu walked in with a steaming big wooden basin, followed by a Little girl in a neatly folded camouflage suit.

Cheng Ru quickly moved a bamboo stool from the side and put it in front of the bed, Abu put the big wooden basin on it and said, "Let me help Brother Wan wash?" Xiaoya smiled and picked up a towel in the basin and said, "No need. , let me come."

At this time, the little girl put the clean clothes aside, turned around and snatched the towel from Xiaoya's hand without saying a word, then unbuttoned Wan Lin's upper body, and gently wiped Wan Lin's body with a wet towel.

A few people around looked at the girl's movements and laughed. Wan Lin turned his head to look at Xiaoya and said with a smile, "It's the little sister who has helped me these days, and she won't let others interfere. This time I am injured, thanks to the little sister. Save me!"

He then recounted what had happened in detail. Xiaoya and the others listened to Wan Lin's remarks quietly, and their expressions changed drastically with his remarks. No one would have thought that Wan Lin had experienced so many dangers in those few days.

When they heard that Wan Lin was hit by Li Xiaofeng on the edge of the cliff and fell on his back, they all stood up abruptly. But then I heard that he suddenly regained his power, and while he fell, he kicked Li Xiaofeng, a scum, off the cliff, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on the faces of several people.

Wan Lin slowly told as if these thrilling stories did not happen to him, his face was very calm.

He then recounted how two leopards arrived in time during the fall from the cliff, and then knocked him into the small trees and rocks below several times during the fall, slowing his fall, and when he was about to fall to the cliff Before he got off the hard rock pile, he suddenly pushed him into the deep lake not far away.

At this time, everyone understood that it was two brave leopards who prevented Wan Lin from shattering his bones at a critical moment! Wan Lin turned his face and looked out affectionately.

Two leopards were playing with the huge leopard in the courtyard. One big, two small, three beasts were running back and forth in the spacious courtyard like three naughty cats. They looked very excited. Like long-lost friends.

Wan Lin then told the story of the leopard pushing him from the lake to the shore, and then finding the little girl. He immediately stretched out his left hand, gently pulled the girl to his side, looked at Xiaoya and said, "Xiaoya, after I was dragged to the shore by Xiaohua and the others, it was this little sister who saved me! The thin body dragged me to her thatched hut built with a few thin bamboos in the dark, and then gave me food and drink every day, otherwise I would not have survived the arrival of Abu and the others."

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