Panther Commando

Chapter 2925: tingling nerve

Lao Liu said that his friend who was assassinated was a little sad, he stopped talking and lowered his head for a moment, then suddenly raised his head to look at the old patriarch, and said sincerely: "Old patriarch, there is a saying that has been stuck in my heart, I don't know what to do. Shouldn't you say it?"

Abu quickly translated his words to the old patriarch. The old patriarch looked at him and said, "We machete people are straight-hearted people, and we like people who are straightforward. If you have something to say, please say it directly, and we won't care if you say anything. "

Lao Liu nodded, looked up at the old patriarch and said, "Okay, then please forgive me. I think that under the current circumstances, it is very difficult for your scimitar tribe to survive in this area where drug dealers are rampant. , Now that the drug lords already know the treasure mountain behind you that contains gems, it is easier for you to kill yourself."

Lao Liu looked at Ahu, Abao and Abu, and said: "We have an old saying in China, that Qing is innocent, and he is guilty. It is your blessing that you scimitars have that treasure mountain, but This wealth has now been cherished by those malicious drug lords, so you masters of Baoshan have become their targets for this."

He paused when he said this, and looked worriedly at the old patriarch who were staring at him. Wan Lin and the others also stopped the knives and forks in their hands and looked at the old patriarch with serious expressions.

They knew in their hearts that the people of the Scimitar tribe were indeed brave and good at fighting, but they were ordinary hunters and ordinary people, how could they fight against those treacherous and vicious drug lords. This time, they were lucky enough to meet a few of their own here, and reluctantly drove away the intruding enemies, but what about the back? These leopard warriors cannot stay here forever, and it is impossible to provide them with permanent protection.

Abu quickly translated Lao Liu's words. After listening to Abu's translation, the old patriarch's face became flushed, and his white hair seemed to stand up. He turned his face sharply to look at Lao Liu, and said a string of local words in a stern voice.

A Bu looked at Lao Liu's translation with a solemn expression: "Our patriarch said, do you mean to let us leave this homeland where our ancestors lived?" At this time, A Bao and A Hu on the side had already pressed the table to stand. They came forward with sad and angry expressions on their faces. They were not complaining about Lao Liu, but the words "leaving home" had deeply hurt their nerves!

Seeing the expressions of the old patriarch and the others, Lao Liu already knew that his words had touched the sensitive nerve of the old man, and had also stabbed the hearts of Ah Hu and the others.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others already understood what Lao Liu meant, Wan Lin saw the excited look on the old patriarch's face, he quickly said: "Old patriarch, Lao Liu didn't mean to let you leave your home, he is here. Doing business in Pianshan District, he can get in touch with all kinds of people, and his information is far better than you. He may have some unique insights into your current situation. He wants to give you some better defense suggestions. Lao Liu, you Does it mean this?"

Lao Liu hurriedly nodded his head and replied, "Yes, yes, that's what I meant." At this time, he had realized that the machete people had a strong concept of their hometown, and these people's characters were tenacious, stubborn, brave and fearless. From the expressions of several people, it can be seen that these machete warriors will not leave their homes even if they die here!

When the old patriarch and several people heard Wan Lin's words, their expressions softened, and Ah Hu and Ah Bao also sat down again. At this time, the old patriarch sighed, looked at Wan Lin and said, "Oh, Brother Wan, I'm sorry, I was a little excited just now."

As he said that, he folded his fists and bowed his apology to Wan Lin and Lao Liu, and then said: "You don't know, we scimitars have lived here for generations, and this mountain has not been peaceful since ancient times. The harsh environment has also allowed us machetes to cultivate a character that is never afraid, and this is our home!"

He followed up and looked out of the house, with an affectionate look in his eyes, he pointed to the outside and continued: "This is a home that our ancestors of the machete people forged with blood and sweat, how can we abandon the one here. Grass and trees, abandon our ancestors and leave here?"

"In the eyes of outsiders, we Scimitars are savage and savage, but we have never harmed others, and we have never taken anything from others. We kill people on the battlefield without blinking an eye. But every battle we fight is to protect our own families and the homes of the machetes! Under our sharp machetes, we have never killed an innocent person!"

He said, looking at Lao Liu emotionally and continued: "Lao Liu, I know you are thinking of us, you want us to avoid the risks in front of us, and hope that we machete people will continue to multiply and survive! I represent all the curved swordsmen. The knife man is grateful to you, and grateful to you people of the panther god!"

The attitude of the old patriarch was very sincere, and the speed of speech was very slow. Abu translated the words of the old patriarch for Wan Lin and the others word by word.

The old patriarch immediately raised his finger and pointed at Ah Hu and Ah Bao and continued: "But look at them, once we scimitars leave this land, where can we live? What can we rely on to support our women? And children? How can we let our scimitar tribe thrive? Where can we accommodate those of us who can only hunt?" The old patriarch said that he was a little The muscles on the wrinkled face are all in Trembling slightly.

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his right hand and pulled out his machete from his waist, while his left hand stroked the gleaming blade and said, "Our machete people can only hold this ancestral machete tightly in our hands. , we can only carry hunting bows and arrows on our shoulders, once we leave this steep and desolate mountain, I am afraid we will not even have a place to bury in the future!"

When Wan Miao and the others heard the emotional words of the old patriarch, they all stared at the machetes in front of them and did not speak. They all thought to themselves: The old patriarch is right! For the sturdy warriors of the Scimitar tribe, they have a tough and unyielding character, but they are just sturdy hunters. Once they leave this mountainous area, they really don't know how to live.

These honest and simple people with tough personalities, their ancestors were born in this mountain and grew up in this mountain, they walked into the city with a lot of money, and they couldn't adapt to the city at all. In the kind of life of intrigue, the money in hand will be deceived by those dignitaries and gangsters sooner or later.

Therefore, although the old patriarch and the others looked reckless and sturdy, in fact, they had already seen their sinister living environment and understood how they should live.

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