Panther Commando

Chapter 2951: bloody mountain

When Kunsha heard the astronomical number reported by Kuroda, his small eyes immediately widened! He stared at the dilapidated canyon in astonishment for a moment, then turned to look at the dark cave behind him, he gritted his teeth and replied, "No problem, I'll give you three points right now. One of the funds is used as a deposit, and the rest are paid in batches according to the old rules."

He immediately hung up the phone, suddenly angrily pulled out the pistol from his waist, raised the muzzle, and fired all the bullets in the gun in the air, followed by scolding: "Little devil bastard. Egg, aren't you blackmailing!"

At this time, he was angry and distressed as if he had been severely slashed with a knife. Kuroda was falling into the trap. Taking advantage of him in danger, the lion opened his mouth. This is blatant blackmail!

But Kunsha also understood in his heart that what Kuroda said on the phone was indeed the truth, and now no hiring group dared to contact him, a down-and-out drug lord. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that his drug cartel was destroyed by the elite special forces sent by the opposite Huaxia. No one dared to have anything to do with him. Now even the famous Black Hawk mercenary group is hiding far away at this time. , and other employment organizations dare not have anything to do with him.

Kun Sha stared at the ruined canyon with furious eyes, his eyes suddenly dimmed, and he sighed from the bottom of his heart: "Alas! Now that the family is bankrupt, I have to cultivate this group of **** under my command. The armed forces who worked for themselves, at that time, I was not afraid of anyone!"

He has seen it clearly now, he can't count on anyone in a critical moment, and now he wants to make a comeback, even if Kuroda stabs him in the head, he can only endure it, who made him fail to cultivate a fierce team troop! Therefore, this strengthened his determination to cultivate this batch of armed forces under his command.

Kuroda is very trustworthy in business. After Kunsha paid him the first payment, he immediately sent a small team of mercenaries to the canyon of Khunsha. This is indeed a lucrative business for him, and he will never let go of such an opportunity to make money.

In fact, Heotian was feeling frustrated at this time. A large number of mercenaries he sent to protect Ao Kun were wiped out. This was indeed a huge loss for him. He is not afraid, as long as he has money, he can continue to recruit new people.

But in order to maintain the reputation of Yamaguchi Security, he must give a generous pension to each family member of the mercenary who died in the execution of the mission. This is the contract. At this time, he was feeling distressed about losing this huge sum of money, but he did not expect that Kunsha would suddenly come to the door and ask to continue to hire his men.

Moreover, the employment mission that Kun Sha issued this time is only to train his recruits. This mission itself is not dangerous, and he can take advantage of Kun Sha's eagerness to make a comeback and take the opportunity to extort a large amount of funds from him. Not for.

At this time, Heotian had obtained information from multiple channels, and he had already guessed in his heart that it must be Huaxia's extremely mysterious special forces that killed Ao Kun. Otherwise, no one could kill Ao Kun in one fell swoop under the eyes of his Yamaguchi security guards and Black Hawk mercenaries. If he hadn't been able to take the opportunity to extort the rich man of Kunsha, he would not have sent soldiers and soldiers to Kunsha at this time.

Moreover, the mountain where Kunsha and the others are located is turbulent. Such an area is indeed a good place for their hired group to make money. How could he easily give up this treasure of money, so he immediately sent a team to Kunsha. and strictly ordered the team leader Matsumoto not to participate in any battles between Kunsha and other forces, and was only responsible for training Kunsha's troops to avoid provoking the terrifying special forces in Huaxia at this time.

After Matsumoto brought a dozen mercenaries into the canyon where Kunsha was located, he immediately carried out strict military training on the four or five hundred armed drug dealers in the valley according to Kunsha's request. The sound was everywhere, and the entire canyon seemed to be boiling, a lively scene of military training.

Matsumoto and these mercenaries are professionally trained special forces, and the canyon itself has a variety of mountainous terrain, which is very suitable for harsh military training.

A few months later, the stragglers of Kun Sha's subordinates really have a new look. Both physical strength and tactical movements have made great progress. This makes Kun Sha very happy. He knows that this is getting closer and closer to his comeback days. near.

At this time, he really understood the importance of talents. These dozen or so little devils have made his subordinates look brand new in a short period of time. During this time, he tried his best to win over the team leader Matsumoto of this group of people with money and women. He knew that when it came to fighting, the drug lords himself were indeed incomparable with Matsumoto, a group of mercenaries with rich mountain combat experience.

A year later, Kunsha used Kuroda's relationship to buy a large amount of ammunition and weapons, and then he opened the closed canyon and secretly dispatched his troops to start his comeback plan. In a very short period of time, he swept the nearby drug lords with his powerful armed forces, quickly regained their lost territory, and rebuilt his drug sales this time Kunsha is very ambitious, pulling Matsumoto every day to plan an attack on various forces around him. Although Matsumoto and his subordinates did not dare to directly participate in the battle of Kunsha to expand the territory due to Kuroda's orders, Kunsha used a lot of money and women to win over Matsumoto and let him help him plan a big game Battles big and small.

Matsumoto himself is a retired mercenary from the R country's special forces, and he has experienced many large and small battles in the past few years as a mercenary. He does have rich combat experience.

According to the situation of each opponent and the terrain features of the area provided by Kun Sha, he carefully planned the details of each battle for Kun Sha, which made the original Kun Sha and his group of drug dealers who had undergone a period of strict training even more powerful. .

The troops of Kunsha, who have been strictly trained by mercenaries, are indeed extraordinary. They not only regained the lost territory of the Ao Kun Group in a very short period of time, but also occupied a large area of ​​the territory of other drug lords. has experienced a rapid expansion within a period of time.

As Kunsha reappeared in this turbulent mountainous area, the mountains were suddenly filled with blood and rain, gunshots and explosions were heard one after another in the mountains, and the whole mountain seemed to boil due to the reappearance of the evil Kunsha.

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