Panther Commando

Chapter 2963: monkey rush Matsumoto

When Kun Sha heard Matsumoto's order, he immediately turned his head to look at Su Ang who was sitting next to him and said, "Did you hear me? Follow the order of Chief Instructor Matsumoto immediately!"

"Yes, I will arrange it now." Su Ang replied quickly. Although he didn't understand what happened? But when he saw Kun Sha's solemn expression, he already knew that there was a strong opponent. He quickly got up and walked to a few guards on the side, took the walkie-talkie of one of his men, and shouted a few words into the microphone.

He followed the big stride back to the wine table and sat down, looking at Matsumoto who was staring at a map and reported: "Chief instructor, I have dispatched a company of troops to strengthen the vigilance of all passages according to your instructions, and at the same time. Order them to set up lookout posts within five kilometers."

Matsumoto raised his head and nodded, looked at Kunsha and said, "I checked the map just now, the map you provided is too wrong, I have to take my people around the Scimitar Tribe and check the site in detail. Terrain. Send me a person who is familiar with the terrain, and prepare three sets of clothes and hunting tools for your hunters in the mountains. I will set off tomorrow with two men to scout around the Scimitar tribe. Develop a detailed attack plan." He turned his face and glanced at the tent above the hillside, his eyes showing that monkey's anxious look again.

Seeing the look in his eyes, Kun Sha immediately understood that this kid was eager to seek excitement, and he quickly replied: "Okay! Su Ang, you will find a brother who is familiar with that area in a while. By the way, use Don't have to send a team of brothers to protect you?"

Matsumoto looked at him with a wide mouth and sneered and said, "Protect me? Hehe, just don't let me protect them, you can just send me a guide. Okay, we'll discuss something after we come back from reconnaissance. Today's wine Just drink here, I'll go to make it easier." He turned his head and looked at his tent again.

Seeing his desperate look, Kunsha smiled and said to Matsumoto, "Hey, you're busy, you're busy, we've finished this bowl and you're busy!"

With a wretched smile on his face, Matsumoto picked up the wine bowl and slammed it against Kunsha's, then took a sip and put down the wine bowl and said, "Boss Kunsha, drink slowly, I have to save some more. Jin...I...I'll go back first!" After speaking, he stood up and ran up the hillside.

But he just took two steps, turned around and ran back, grabbed the assault rifle leaning against the table, and ran towards the tent with a swaying, flushed face, as if he didn't have the gun in his hand. As steady as possible.

Kun Sha and Su Ang stared at Matsumoto's swaying back without saying a word, until he ran into his tent and then looked back at each other with a look of contempt in their eyes. Su Ang followed in a low voice and said to Kun Sha, "Boss, why are these little devils so useless?"

Kun Sha picked up the wine bowl and took a sip. He put down the wine bowl and picked up a piece of sausage on the small bamboo table and took a bite. While chewing hard in his mouth, he scolded in a low voice: "These little devils are all fucking. It's like a beast, isn't the group of people Ito who protected us also virtuous? It's like I haven't seen a woman in eight lifetimes, and they don't have any hope."

He raised his head and glanced at the tent that had begun to shake under the cliff, followed by listening to the voices coming from inside, and said with a sigh: "Alas, we are not strong now, and we can't find a capable person! The Black Hawk group is indeed better than these. The little devil is much stronger, but people won't come!"

He turned his head to look at Su Ang and said in a low voice: "These little devils are cunning and mercenary, you must be careful when you are with them. It's really coming to a critical moment, these **** can even betray their own mother and father, let's Don't let them figure it out, you kid give me a little more vigilance."

Su Ang nodded quickly, then lowered his voice and said, "However, these little devils do fight twice. After the training of our brothers in the past two years, their combat effectiveness has indeed increased a lot, and this Matsumoto's battlefield planning ability is really good. We have occupied such a large territory in the past two years, and thanks to the attack plan he made in advance, otherwise we still don't know how many brothers we will lose?"

He looked up at the tent above, and said angrily: "By the way, you asked Matsumoto to take us to fight someone, are you really going to give them so much money? It's too cheap for them, right? !"

Hearing Su Ang's complaint, Kun Sha stared at him coldly and scolded: "You know a shit! You don't know when you go out these days. I just sent a group of more than 100 people to attack the Scimitar tribe, but It turned out to be a big defeat! It is said that a few Chinese people suddenly appeared there, and the battle was extremely brave, and more than half of us more than 100 people were killed or injured."

He shook his head, and said coldly in his eyes: "Damn, those machete people don't have the ability! And Matsumoto's subordinates were also in the forest near the border, and suddenly the entire army was inexplicably annihilated. Therefore, Matsumoto and I speculated, The few people who suddenly appeared in this scimitar tribe are most likely the Huaxia special forces who dealt with us back then!"

Su Ang just picked up the wine Now he was shocked when he heard Kun Sha's words, the wine bowl he was holding suddenly shook, he looked at Kun Sha in panic and shouted: "Why are these people here again? What are they going to do?"

"What are you panicking about?" Kun Sha scolded in a low voice, then looked at the dilapidated canyon and said coldly: "Those people are strictly trained special forces, even if they give us thousands of troops, we can't deal with these people. Here was an example from years ago."

He turned his head and stared at the shaking tent in Matsumoto, and continued with cold eyes: "Matsumoto and the others can't make money, but they are indeed better than us in wars. Matsumoto and the others are also strictly trained special forces, and after becoming mercenaries. After countless actual battles, these people are definitely not worse than those Huaxia special forces! Hey, what is money? As long as Matsumoto leads us to kill all those people in the scimitar tribe, I will take out two beads from it. Just send them away, this money is a piece of shit!"

"Beads, what beads?" Su Ang asked in astonishment, Kun Sha gave him a cold look, and then scolded: "If you shouldn't know, don't **** ask, if you know more, your life will be lost. It's almost done. Remember to follow me, Kunsha, and I will never treat you badly." The hidden jewels in the Scimitar tribe are secrets in Kunsha's heart, and he will never tell others easily.

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