Panther Commando

Chapter 2978: keep them

Lin Zisheng continued: "We were afraid of being discovered by the other party, so we monitored the distance from a relatively long distance. The four people were indeed dressed as hunters in the mountains, carrying bows and machetes, but they did not use these hunting weapons, but carefully observed us. The terrain around the col is often squatting down on a piece of paper to make gestures, and we estimate that they are correcting deviations and making annotations on the map.”

At this time, Lao Liu looked at Lin Zisheng and interjected: "The maps here are all manually surveyed and mapped decades ago, and there is indeed a large error. Even the military maps used by the government forces now have a lot of errors. According to you From what they saw, these people must be investigating the terrain around the col."

He then looked at Wan Lin and said, "It seems that our previous judgment is accurate. The people in Kunsha are not capable of doing this on-the-spot surveying and mapping. These hunters outside must be mercenaries invited by Kunsha. In Katayama, only these strictly trained mercenaries know this knowledge!"

Wan Lin nodded, looked at Lin Zisheng and asked, "Is the other party near the col?" Lin Zisheng immediately replied, "No, Ah Bao and the others have set up observation posts on the tops of the hill around the col, and now they have good sightlines. During the day, these people deliberately avoided these places during their reconnaissance and just observed them from a distance."

After listening to this, Wan Lin nodded thoughtfully, and continued: "Since these people are mercenaries with rich combat experience, they must be able to guess from the mouths of the drug dealer soldiers who fled back here, there are people who understand military strategy, so They will be so careful to come over to conduct on-the-spot reconnaissance, if it is just to deal with the Scimitar tribe, these mercenaries will not be so cautious."

At this time, Bao Ya raised his hand and put the tea bowl on the table, staring at two big eyes with protruding eyes and said: "Yes, these people were very careful just now, they must have guessed that our people are here. I guess They still have to approach the col at night for reconnaissance, are we taking this opportunity to keep these boys behind? To save them from following Khun Sha for the tiger!"

Wan Lin pondered for a while, then waved his hand and said, "No, keep them. They are not our goal, don't move them yet, these mercenaries can't make waves. Since they are here, let them Let’s do a solid reconnaissance, they can bring Khun Sha after they have completed the reconnaissance. Our goal this time is to eliminate Khun Sha and the drug dealer soldiers under him, completely cut off the claws of the drug lord, and prevent him from continuing to harm the bend. The Knife Tribe and our China."

Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng had excited expressions on their faces when they heard Wan Lin's answer. Some time ago, they had been competing with spies like Li Xiaofeng and Peacock. Although there were several small battles, it was not a fierce face-to-face confrontation between the enemy and us, which made everyone feel that they were too strong.

These people are all special forces of the field army. What they most desire is to fight the enemy face to face with real swords and guns. Now they have finally waited for this opportunity.

Bao Ya immediately said excitedly: "Okay, then let these **** live for two more days, and when they bring all the **** in Kunsha, let's join hands with the Scimitar brothers to clean them up!"

Wan Lin looked at Bao Ya's excited look and stood up with a smile, and then said: "Lao Bao, you and Zisheng go outside to see the fortifications built by Laocheng, and by the way, tell the scimitar brothers how to interact with each other in the fortification defense battle. To cooperate, I also went to the yard to do some restorative training. Alas, I have been lying down all this time, and the joints on my body seem to be rusted." After speaking, he turned around to fight the old patriarch, Liu and Xiao Li. After saying hello, he raised his foot and walked out the door.

For several days in a row, the mountains around the Scimitar Tribe seemed very calm. According to the battle plan, Chengru and his team set up observation posts within ten kilometers outside the Col, closely monitoring the movements in the surrounding mountains. .

This afternoon, Cheng Ru, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao walked in from the gate of the manor with their bodies covered in dust. A few people walked into the compound, and at a glance they saw Wan Lin standing in an open space on the side of the gate, holding a large rock in both hands and holding it up on both sides of the body, obviously doing recovery training for the injured arm. Xiaoya and the girl Mamin stood beside them.

Xiaoya saw Cheng Ru and the three of them immediately beckoned to them, then took out a towel from her body and walked to Wan Lin and said, "Let's take a break, wipe the sweat." At this time, Ma Min also hugged from a rock next to him. He picked up a crock pot and poured out a bowl of water, brought it to Wan Lin and said, "Brother, hurry up and drink some water."

Cheng Ru and the others walked to Wan Lin, Zhang Wa watched Ma Min hand the tea bowl to Wan Lin, and said with a smile, "Little sister, pour us a bowl of water too, don't just take care of your brother, but also take care of it. US."

The girl smiled and looked at Zhang Wa and said, "Several brothers wait, I'll pour it out for you." After that, she turned around and ran to the side, picked up the pot and poured a bowl for Zhang Wa and the others. water.

Mamin poured out a few bowls of water, took the empty crock pot and said to Zhang Wa and the others, "Big brother, sit here and drink water, and I'll go and boil some water." The guy on the side ran away.

Zhang Wa and the others looked at the girl's running back and nodded. They already knew how the girl saved Wan Lin, and they were full of gratitude towards the poor Lin raised the tea bowl After taking a sip, he picked up the towel handed over by Xiaoya and wiped the sweat from his face, looked at Cheng Ru and the others and asked, "Have you found any enemies?" Cheng Ru immediately replied, "No, there are already all over the place. The secret post sent by the leopard did not find any suspicious persons."

Zhang Wa on the side said anxiously: "It's been four or five days since those suspicious people appeared, but why hasn't Kunsha moved? It's killing me!" He said and looked around, then again Zhu Xiaoya asked, "Where are Yingying and Wen Meng?"

Xiaoya said with a smile: "Leopard head has kept them in the manor for the past two days. They were so suffocated. They were crying and shouting that they wanted to go out for a walk, but Leopard head asked them to go out with three leopards."

Zhang Wa all laughed. Zhang Wa looked at Wan Lin and said, "That is, it is not easy for you to control Wu Xueying and let her stay here quietly." He followed Wan Lin and looked at Wan Lin. , asked with concern: "How is your recovery now?"

Wan Lin moved his arm and said: "No problem, it can be said that I have basically recovered. Kun Sha and the others may come later, just to give me more time to recover from the injury." He said and took a sharp breath. Then he raised his right hand and volleyed against a football-sized rock on the ground.

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