Panther Commando

Chapter 2982: Yamanaka Shinjin

Cheng Ru and a few people behind Wan Lin saw Wan Lin walking on the small bridge, and a few people followed with their feet on the bridge, but they suddenly stopped as soon as they stretched out their legs, all staring straight at the bridge. The figure of the small bridge and Wan Lin that was swaying in the splashing waves.

At this moment, the swaying bridge suddenly stopped under Wan Lin's feet, as if it was suddenly stopped by a strong force. At this time, Wan Lin, who was walking slowly on the bridge, had a faint pink wave, and the whole person walked slowly in a splash of waves, like a **** who was crossing the sky!

Cheng Ru and several people were stunned when they looked at the scene in front of them, and then they all glanced at each other, and suddenly there were happy smiles on their faces. They knew that the leopard head had recovered his skills, and the brave, tenacious and invincible leopard head had returned! He had already forced out the mighty inner strength in his body and suppressed the soft rope bridge that was swaying with the rapids.

At this moment, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa took a step sideways to both sides. Zhang Wa looked at Xiaoya with a smile and said, "Two leopard-headed sisters, please!" Xiaoya's face flushed red. , followed by proudly raising his head, holding Mamin's arm beside him tightly and walking towards the bridge.

Wan Miao and a few people swarmed across the narrow rope bridge. Mamin crossed the bridge and stopped. She turned around and looked at the rope bridge that was shaking violently in the wind and waves. She held Xiaoya with wide eyes and said in astonishment: "Sister Xiaoya, look, it was just when we came over. This small bridge was very stable. Why did it shake violently when we came over? It's so strange!"

Xiaoya took Mamin's arm and walked up the hillside, and said with a smile: "Of course, didn't you listen to the old patriarch? Your elder brother is a god! He stepped on the bridge himself, Does the river **** still dare to make waves? Of course, the small bridge is still waiting for us to pass before it dares to shake."

Mamin opened her mouth in astonishment and looked at Wan Lin who was walking in front of her, and then looked at the sturdy and mighty big brothers around her, she nodded her head and said in surprise, "Yes, yes, no wonder the old patriarch and the others said, you guys You are the people of the Leopard God, you are their protector, you are all gods in the mountains! That's great, I will definitely live a good life with you gods!" After she finished, she held Xiaoya's arm tightly. , An excited smile suddenly appeared on the slightly black face.

She has been living in the Scimitar tribe with Wan Lin and the others for several days. She has heard about the Leopard God for a long time, and she has even heard the Scimitar man reverently talk about the two magical little leopards, Xiaohua and Xiaobai. Therefore, she has been secretly amazed in her heart, and has already determined that Wan Lin and the others are the people sent by the gods to rescue them.

Now she saw the magical scene that happened when she walked across the bridge, which made her think that the kind and brave big brothers and sisters around her were gods.

When the Chengru people around heard the conversation between Xiaoya and the girl, they all turned their heads to look at the stunned Ma Min and laughed, and then followed Wan Lin up the hill.

The group had just walked halfway up the hillside when three black shadows suddenly stood under the two rocks near the top of the mountain, and then they saw Ah Bao, Wang Dali and Lingling running down the hillside carrying guns.

The three of them ran up to Wan Lin. Wang Dali immediately looked at Wan Lin and reported: "Leopard head, no trace of the enemy has been found yet, and several watchposts around ten kilometers have not issued an alarm." Wan Lin nodded. head, looking up the hillside.

The sun has already slanted westward, and the originally bright and dazzling sun seemed a little dim as if it was suddenly tired. It was slowly descending towards the top of the mountain in the west, and the slight mountain wind blowing in the distance had already brought a hint of coolness.

There are green grasses on the bumpy hillside, and the lush trees are shaking their thick branches and leaves in the breeze. The weeds are full of rocks that have fallen from the top of the mountain. The whole hillside is except for a few people around Wanlin. , There is not a single figure in sight, and the mountains seem very quiet.

Wan Lin's eyes flickered with a faint gleam, his eyes swept across the entire hillside, then looked at Dali and Lingling and nodded and said, "It's hard work!" He then looked at Ah Bao and asked, "Your people are hidden. It's in place, how many people are hidden on this hillside?"

Ah Bao immediately answered proudly: "According to Brother Cheng's instructions, we have hidden a team of twelve people here, equipped with two machine guns." He followed and shouted to the hillside: "Brothers, stand up and let Brother Wan Check it out!"

Following Ah Bao's voice, a figure with an assault rifle suddenly stood up under the rock on the hillside and in the grass. Following a rock at the foot of the hill and near the top of the hill, a figure with a machine gun also stood up. The Scimitar Warriors, each covered in a camouflage cloak woven from leaves and weeds.

Wan Lin glanced at the dozen or so machete warriors standing on the hillside with guns with satisfaction, and then shouted: "Very good, continue to hide!" Following his voice, a group of machete warriors immediately stood there. Lying down, he instantly became one with the surrounding mountains.

At this time, Cheng Ru walked up to Wan Lin and introduced: "I have set up a machine gun fire point on the top of the mountain and at the bottom of the slope. Once the enemy enters this area, a cross-fire network can be He said. Pointing to the hillside on the west side, he continued: "That open area is the minefield. We set up two teams in the mountains outside the minefield. After one team found the enemy, it immediately attacked and retreated to the foot of the mountain on the west side, and the other team Co-operate near the foot of the mountain, and at the same time make a stubborn resistance stance to block the intruder. Then, under the cover of firepower across the river, withdraw from the passage in the minefield to this hillside, and lead the enemy into the minefield. "

Wan Lin pondered for a moment after hearing Cheng Ru's introduction, looked at Cheng Ru and asked, "What level have these machete warriors reached, can they fight exactly as we asked?"

Cheng Ru glanced at the A Bao and the others around him and replied, "Although the training time is too short, they are used to fighting in groups. And they are already able to use firearms, so we focus on teaching them how to fight in the past few days. Concealment, how to choose when to fire, and how to improve accuracy and follow combat orders.”

At this time, Zhang Wa said, "These machete warriors are all good at hunting, and they are very agile. After we told them several times, they all understood the key points, and everyone has done a good job in training. , their comprehension is good. Moreover, they have all experienced harsh battles, and they are brave and tenacious in battles, and they are not afraid of death, so their combat effectiveness will definitely not be inferior to those of Kunsha, I can guarantee this.”

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