Panther Commando

Chapter 2985: The setting sun is like blood

Wan Lin's eyes flickered with light, he looked at the grim-faced team members in front of him, raised his finger and pointed to the top of a hill more than 100 meters high on the west side and ordered, "Chengru, take Zisheng and Wang with you. Vigorously form a fighting group to hide on the top of this hill. After the battle begins, you and Zisheng will use sniper rifles to clear the enemy's firepower points, and Wang Dali will be responsible for covering and intercepting the enemy's retreat."

"Remember, you must not expose it before the battle begins. Bring two captured M-made individual rocket launchers, and strive to annihilate the enemy in this mountain!"

"Yes!" Cheng Ru, Wang Dali, and Lin Zisheng immediately took a step forward and replied in a low voice. Wan Lin then pointed to the top of the mountain and ordered: "Zhang Wa, you bring Wu Xueying and a team from Ah Hu, quickly set up a few powerful bombing points behind the mountain, and then hide on the top of the mountain to block the enemy behind the mountain, and at the same time be responsible for The timing of detonation of all minefields. Remember, let Ah Hu’s people carry more earth grenades made by you, and never let the enemy get close to the commanding heights of the top of the mountain!”

"Yes!" Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying also took a step forward and replied. Wan Lin then raised his finger and pointed to the woods in the col, and said, "Yuwenfeng, Yuwenyu, you are hiding near the cliff on the other side of the river near the west side, where you set up two machine gun positions. After the battle begins, cooperate with the Chengru team and use machine gun fire to support you. Scimitar brothers defending on the hillside."

Wan Lin followed and looked at Ah Bao and said, "After the battle begins, your men will use firepower in the forest to form a crossfire net with Ah Hu's men on the hillside, try to kill the enemy with bullets, and be sure to tell them to aim before opening. Gun, hand over the two machine guns you have to Brother Yuwen."

Ah Bao imitated the Confucian Confucians, and he also put his feet together, raised his chest and replied, "Yes!" Wan Lin looked at him and waved his hands, and then asked, "Have you arranged all the ropes that Lao Cheng asked you to prepare? "

A Bao raised his finger and pointed to the opposite woods and said, "We have already established more than 30 passages with ropes in front of the thick branches of the big trees and the rocks on the opposite bank in accordance with the method taught by the brothers. Now the ropes are all sinking in the river. You order the charge, and we'll immediately pull the rope up in the woods with the tight end of the rope, and my brothers can fly over the river in a blink of an eye. Hey, this method is awesome!"

When Wan Lin heard Ah Bao's answer, he immediately looked at Cheng Ru. Cheng Ru replied immediately: "We are ready. Ah Bao's people are very agile, everyone has practiced many times, and now they have mastered the climbing skills. Once needed, they can immediately drag in the forest. Tighten the other end of the rope to establish an air passage. The rope is woven with a kind of vine here, which is very tough." He followed A Bao and said, "You must obey our orders and never let the team members jump without authorization. Cross the river." Ah Bao touched the earphones plugged into his ears, and quickly replied: "Brothers, don't worry, we will obey your orders!"

When Wan Lin heard Cheng Ru's answer, he immediately looked into the river at the foot of the mountain. The turbulent river churned with waves and rushed downstream, and the ropes hanging on the river could not be seen at all in the rapids.

He nodded reassuringly, then turned around, raised his finger to the small courtyard built with rocks near the top of the mountain, and said, "My command post is built there, Xiaoya, Lingling and two leopards follow me." He said that he suddenly raised the sniper rifle in his hand and said, "This gun is a good gun. Its ultra-long range can strike enemies from all directions at any time."

At this time, Abu glanced at his small courtyard hesitantly, walked up and said, "Brother Wan, my small courtyard is too close to the mountains on the west side, and it would be too dangerous to fight. You are injured now, I think Or stay in the col, and command?" Ah Bao and Ah Hu also stepped forward worriedly and persuaded: "Yes, yes, it's too dangerous here, you can just command us in the col, we are enough here."

Wan Lin looked at the three of them and waved their hands, smiled and said, "I have basically recovered from my injury now, and this is also thanks to the baby that your patriarch gave me, how can I hide behind at this critical moment? Otherwise, I would have taken so many good medicines in vain." He then looked at the crowd and continued: "Our team is a mobile team. Once an emergency occurs, our mobile team will be in charge, and you don't have to worry about other things!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Lao Liu and Xiao Li, who were eagerly looking at him. He hesitated and said, "Lao Liu and Xiao Li, it seems that you can only fight here. You can follow Zhang Wa and Yingying, The battle on the top of the mountain may be more intense." "Yes!" Old Liu and the two replied excitedly, and then raised their feet and stepped over to Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying.

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he looked up at the sky, and ordered in a deep voice, "All the staff are in place!" After saying that, he turned around and strode towards the small courtyard on the hillside. Everyone looked at his back and replied in a low voice, "Yes!" Then they dispersed and ran to their respective fighting positions.

The setting sun has already reached the top of the mountain in the west. The sun, which was still a little dim just now, seems to have suddenly turned into a big red fireball, hanging quietly on the distant top of the mountain, and the western sky is red. The satin-like white clouds floating over the top of the mountain seemed to have been burned by the fireball, and UU Reading rolled around the red ball, like clusters of flames erupting from the setting sun.

Wan Lin took Xiaoya and Lingling into the small courtyard with big strides. The three of them walked to the fence near the west side and looked up into the air, all of them looking very cold.

At this time, a mountain wind blew, and the sunset in the distance seemed to be burning. The white clouds dyed red in the sky suddenly undulated and rolled in the wind. The endless mountains in the sunset looked like the undulating sea. Spectacular.

Wan Lin stood upright by the wall. He stared at this magnificent natural scene, and suddenly felt a familiar and unfamiliar feeling in his heart.

Familiar, because the mountains here are connected with the mountains and rivers in his hometown, and he has appeared in this mountain several times to fight for the country; unfamiliar, because it is very different from his hometown. The peaceful mountains in my hometown are now full of sins, and sinful people like Kunsha are rampant.

He stared at the distant mountains for a long time, and suddenly said to Xiaoya and Lingling beside him: "The mountains are like the sea, and the setting sun is like blood! This should have been beautiful. In the quiet mountain area, even the sunset is like bright red blood at this time. It indicates that this place will be dyed red by countless blood, and the drug dealer Kunsha is doing evil!"

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